The Eldest Sister Has Space

Chapter 2182

Chapter 2182: telescope

Chapter 2182 Telescope

"Yun Dong and I went into the mountain to see." Shao Qingyuan couldn't hold back his words.

Shao Wen opened his mouth, but in the end he could only nod his head and come down.

Du Tianqing saw this and knew that there was no way to change his mind. It's just that he doesn't quite understand why Master Shao would rather take Gu Yundong than Shao Wen?

After all, Gu Yundong is his wife, isn't he afraid that his wife will be in danger?

Seeing Shao Qingyuan getting off the carriage, Du Tianqing hurriedly said, "Be careful when you enter the mountain. This Wanmu Mountain is a long mountain range, but generally no one enters the deep mountain. Even if Prince Lu entered, he should have just walked outside and stopped. I do know a shortcut..."

He said, raised his hand and pointed to the left, "Going up this way, it's a small road. No one walks, but there is a rule that after a few steps along the road, there will be a kind of purple grass that extends all the way to a cave. When you go to the cave, don't go inside, there are many beasts in the deep mountains."

"Okay, we got it, thank you."

Shao Qingyuan stopped delaying, holding Gu Yundong's hand, and walked straight into the mountain.

Walking down the path, I saw a purple grass.

The two of them went straight forward along that road. Shao Qingyuan walked for a while, turned back and squatted down, patted his shoulders, "Are you tired? Come up, I'll carry you."

Gu Yundong is really a little tired. After all, he has just given birth for half a month, and his body has not recovered to the previous flexibility.

She was next to Shao Qingyuan's back, wrapped her arms around his neck, and said with a smile, "It's hard work."

"Where is this hard work? I am happy." Shao Qingyuan carried her on his back and walked forward with ease.

Gu Yundong is not heavy. After she gave birth, she ate according to the recipe given by Mamma Xia.

Mammy Xia came out of the palace anyway. Those palace concubines who gave birth to children had tried many methods to restore their slender lines as soon as possible, and they had their own set of diet and exercise methods.

Gu Yundong has been doing it during the confinement period, and now his weight is almost the same as before pregnancy.

Even though Shao Qingyuan was carrying her, his speed did not slow down at all.

The two of them quickly arrived at the cave Du Tianqing mentioned. Standing at the entrance of the cave and looking over, many of the scenery below can be seen.

Shao Qingyuan squinted his eyes and stretched out his hand to Gu Yundong, "Telescope."

Gu Yundong touched the inside of his sleeve and took out a monocular.

This thing, Shao Qingyuan had seen the year before. At that time, in order to test the method of making magnifying glasses, Gu Yundong introduced him to several kinds of 'mirrors'.

When Shao Qingyuan touched this telescope, he couldn't put it down. Gu Yundong gave it to him directly, but unfortunately, Shao Qingyuan didn't want it, and asked her to keep it carefully so that no one else would discover it.

He realized the benefits of this thing almost at first sight.

This telescope, if placed on the battlefield, is definitely a great weapon.

But if it was discovered by them, it would be a disaster.

Looking at this telescope now, Shao Qingyuan still touched it with some love.

immediately raised them and brought them in front of them. They were standing at a high position and the terrain was good. As long as they were not overly obstructed, they could usually be seen.

Shao Qingyuan circled around the cave and looked down with a telescope.

Not long after, I saw a familiar figure standing in the woods.josei

He smiled, "I found it."

(end of this chapter)

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