The Eldest Sister Has Space

Chapter 2195

Chapter 2195: New shop is opening

Chapter 2195 The new shop is about to open

These words also reached Ge Shi's ears, especially when Ge Shi followed Qin Wenzheng to the capital.

At that time Qin Wenzheng became a newcomer in Beijing. How many people wanted to put people in the Qin Mansion because of this?

If Qin Wenzheng hadn't made a fuss, those people might not have known how to restrain themselves. Ge Shi was also unhappy and in a bad mood for a while because of this.

If it wasn't for Gu Yundong's opening of the new Ming Pavilion later, Ge Shi managed it, which distracted her attention.

She may be about to suffer from depression.

Actually, when Ge Shi was in peace, Qin Wenzheng had offended the former emperor, and he left the capital after resigning from office.

At that time, Ge Shi didn't know that he was pregnant. It was the first time the two encountered this kind of thing. When they reacted, they thought that they were just leaving the capital and were unaccustomed to the conditions. However, they encountered an unreliable doctor and gave the wrong diagnosis.

Later, Gus almost had a miscarriage, and the two knew that they had a child.

Because the early pregnancy was not very good, An Ning was thinner and smaller than the average child when she was born. She can only be healthy and healthy after post-treatment.

Ge Shi is also conditioning, but her conditioning time is much longer.

Fortunately, these two years are almost the same. In fact, it is no problem to have another child at this time.

It's because Qin Wenzheng was too worried and thought about two years later.

Although Ge Shi wanted it very much, he still listened to her husband in this regard. However, seeing Chi Chi, or other newly born children, is still very greedy.

Gu Yundong knew what she was thinking and quickly diverted her attention.

"I went to Xinming Pavilion yesterday and heard from Xia Mama that you have something to call me?"

"Ah? Yes." Ge patted his forehead and smiled, "The house in the east of the city has been repaired, and the plaque of Xinming Pavilion has been hung up. Yesterday, I asked someone to figure it out, and it will be suitable for a while. There are two good days to open, the most recent one is five days later, and the second one is a month later."

She said, and handed her a piece of red paper.

It says auspicious day, which is better than the day five days later than one month later.

Ge Shi said, "I got the red paper yesterday and went to your house to find you, but unfortunately you are out of town. I mean, you can choose the day to open in five days. You don't know, since we built a new shop, many people Everyone is asking when it will open. Especially those noble ladies who live in the east of the city are looking forward to the opening day. Now that the spring flowers are blooming, many flowers in the yard are blooming. If the weather gets hot after a month , people don't like to go out and move."

Gu Yundong also thought so, "Then in five days, let's open the business as soon as possible, and we will have income as soon as possible."

Ge Shi laughed, "I think so too. The guys I recruited just a month ago have already taught them almost, and they can get started."

Gu Yundong nodded, recruiting a partner a month ago, she was still confinement, so it was handled by Ge Shi and Xia Ma.

After she gave birth, I went to see it too.

The    looks are all out of the way, and under the guidance of Xia Ma, each one is also very disciplined.

Although there are so many clever expressions, this is normal.

In addition to the new recruits, Lan Hua'er also went to Xinming Pavilion Xinpu to help. Her child is now over one year old and has been weaned. With her mother helping her at home, she can also get away. .

It's just right, where they live now, it's closer to Xinpu, and it's more convenient.josei

(end of this chapter)

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