The Eldest Sister Has Space

Chapter 2217

Chapter 2217: Xie's eavesdropping

Chapter 2217 Xie's eavesdropping

Gu Yundong looked at the boats on the water, and told people to watch them, so he didn't care anymore.

She took the second lady away from the lake and walked to the back yard.

Xie Shi saw Gu Yundong at this time, and she quickly followed.

Seeing that Gu Yundong and the second lady turned a corner while talking and laughing, she hurriedly took a few steps and wanted to stop them.

Who knew it was getting close, and suddenly heard his name.

"Thanks to you today, and thanks to Princess Yichang and Mrs. Xuan Shao for helping to speak, otherwise the rumors outside will flood the Hou Mansion again. Look at Hongkang's wife, after what happened just now, the whole person is relaxed now. Now, I'm happy to sit on the boat, and I don't even worry about us leaving."

This is... the second lady's voice?

Hearing her praising herself, Xie was quite happy.

She opened her mouth, and just wanted to go out while saying that you don't need to care, but then she heard Gu Yundong's cold snort, "The eldest princess is just that, that Mrs. Xuan Shao, let's forget it."

The second lady was taken aback for a moment, "What's wrong? You have a conflict with her...?"

"What conflict can I have with her? I just don't see Taifu's mansion so arrogant. Our Marquis of Huaiyin mansion is the husband of Mrs. Xuan Shao, who was hurt by Xuan Zhuo, and it became what he is today."

The second lady was shocked, "What do you mean by that? When did our Hou residence get along with the Taifu residence? Yun Dong, you can't talk nonsense."

"I didn't say nonsense." Gu Yundong said with anger in his voice, "Second aunt, you don't know that the person who was in the Prince Lu's mansion and the third cousin in the same room was not the Prince of Lu, but Xuan Zhuo."

The second lady was stunned, "You, what did you say?"

Xie's eyes widened in shock, and he held his breath in disbelief.

Gu Yundong sneered and said, "Xuan Zhuo is dissatisfied with the strict management of his wife at home, he doesn't even have a concubine, so he can only steal **** outside. That day when he saw the third cousin alone, he became lustful, and he was obsessed with it. The third cousin started, but the others came in time, so he didn't succeed. But because he couldn't reveal his identity, he asked the Prince of Lu to help him."

The second lady felt as if she had heard the Arabian Nights. She shook her body and said, "How is this possible? Then the relationship between Prince Lu's mansion and Taifu's mansion is not bad? How could Prince Lu's son help Xuan Zhuo to blame ?"josei

"Second aunt, we have all been deceived. In fact, Prince Lu's mansion and Xuan's mansion are only at odds on the surface, but inside they are the same raccoon. Prince Lu and Xuan Zhuo are even more good friends, and they have a very good relationship in private."

"Yun Dong, how do you know this? Who said that?"

Gu Yundong gritted his teeth, "Last time my husband and I followed the Prince of Lu, and we listened to him and the servants beside him. He said that he and Xuan Zhuo were good friends, and that he had helped him carry many misfortunes."

The second lady didn't speak for a long time, and it took a long time before she seemed to cry.

"So now, not only the Prince Lu's Mansion is going to deal with our Marquis of Huaiyin Mansion, but even the Taifu will not let us off easily, right?"

"Second aunt, don't worry, don't we still have us? I will definitely find evidence to prove that Xuan Zhuo has a beast-like heart, and that the Marquis of Huaiyin is innocent. Now, it's not that they won't let us go, it's us who won't let them off easily. "

(end of this chapter)

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