The Eldest Sister Has Space

Chapter 2354

Chapter 2354: Chu Baoyan is missing

Chapter 2354 Chu Baoyan is missing

Gu Yundong didn't sleep well all night. When he came out and saw that his eyes were full of red blood, he quickly came up and helped him enter the door to rest.

Shao Qingyuan smiled, "I'm fine, how is the family?"

"The house is fine, but you, haven't you slept all the time?"

Before Shao Qingyuan could answer, Zheng Quanshui nodded next to him, "Master has never closed his eyes, he has eaten less, and many nobles in the palace have been injured. There are also many officers and soldiers, who are short of arms and legs, which are very serious. Master's medical skills Well, since they have experience with trauma, they are all looking for Master, and Master can't rest at all."

Zheng Quanshui himself had slept for two or three hours, and he was driven to sleep by Shao Qingyuan.

His physical quality was not as good as Shao Qingyuan. He had been busy saving people the night before, and then he went to Lei's house and was as busy as a spinning top. After entering the palace, he stopped the bleeding, and his hands were shaking. If it went on like this, how could he hold on?

Shao Qingyuan asked someone to take him to sleep, a few hours would be good. Fortunately, he was just an apprentice, and no one said anything when he went to rest.

But Shao Qing is far from good. Those seriously injured officers and soldiers can't wait. At the very least, he has to stop the blood and take emergency measures to save their lives.

Gu Yundong was so heartbroken when she heard it, she quickly helped Shao Qingyuan back to the backyard, and urged Zheng Quanshui to rest.

Shao Qingyuan was helpless, but he was really tired.

Gu Yundong pressed him on the bed, fanning him while talking about the situation in the house, and he fell asleep after a while.

I slept through the night, during which time Nie Cong came again and said that a lot of people had been arrested, and the capital was still under martial law, so I tried to go out as little as possible these few days.

Shao Qingyuan woke up feeling much better and ate something before talking to Gu Yundong about the situation in the palace.josei

"King Lu and Princess Lu were arrested, but Prince Lu escaped."

Gu Yundong suddenly raised his head, "Chu Baoyan escaped?"

did not expect that there would be fish that slip through the net, she suddenly thought of something, and raised her head abruptly, "What about the people in the village of Prince Lu's mansion?"

Shao Qingyuan shook his head solemnly, "The leader of the water bandit has been caught, the emperor has been sending people to watch him before, so as soon as he made a move, people were arrested, but the woman we saw took the opportunity to disappear. "

Gu Yundong felt very strange, "You said, isn't King Lu's action a bit weird this time? It's too hasty. And he knew that he was being targeted, and he launched the palace change when he was so poorly prepared."

"It's really strange. King Lu is now in prison, and Master Liu will personally interrogate him." Shao Qingyuan said, paused, "I may also participate in the investigation and interrogation."

Gu Yundong looked at him in surprise, "You?"

Shao Qingyuan was also very helpless, "I have the title of an official of the Ministry of Punishment on my head, and King Lu rebelled, and the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment Jian was also involved, and he was also imprisoned. The minister of the Ministry of Punishment, Mr. Lei, was injured again, and there was a shortage of manpower. I can only top it up. What's more, I'm also very concerned about King Lu's affairs. Bai Zhiyan has not yet been found, and I want to know his clues from his mouth. "

Yeah, Bai Zhiyan didn't know where he went since he disappeared last time.

Gu Yundong felt that the two sons of King Lu belonged to rats, and their whereabouts were unknown.

"That Mr. Jian and King Lu are in the same group? So last time there was a fire in King Lu's mansion, and it spread to the Shangshu mansion. Wasn't it a coincidence?"

(end of this chapter)

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