The Eldest Sister Has Space

Chapter 2465

Chapter 2465: Li Jiawen and the four regretted

Chapter 2465 Li Jiaqi and the four regretted

Sacrificial liquor nodded, it was true.

"Then why does Yunshu take the exam?"

Gu Yunshu took a step forward and said loudly, "Because I want to know what level I am, and I want to test my knowledge. I heard that the Guozijian entrance examination is difficult, and I want to challenge myself."

After listening to the sacrifice, his eyes lit up and he looked at him in agreement.

Gu Yundong looked at the four Li Jiaqiang, "Did you hear that? Since Yunshu wants to know how good he is? Why would he cheat? Isn't this putting the cart before the horse?"

Li Jiaqi was remorseful in his heart. If he knew that Gu Yunshu had such a background and family background, it was too late to hug his thighs, how could he have a falling out with him. This time, Yu Yang and the others should be complacent. They picked up such a big benefit.

Ma Pingchuan is even more regretful, but he has seen Gu Yundong.

When Mr. Shen was originally designed, Gu Yunshu appeared, and this county master also appeared. If he had performed better at the beginning, maybe the county master would have been optimistic about himself.

and Sun Tuesday, even more annoyed.

Why didn't they think of it? How could the prince of the county get to know a child well? It must be someone who knows this child's family, and the intimate attitude at the beginning should have a good relationship.

A person who can have a good relationship with the county prince will naturally not be too bad.

Regret, I really regret it.

You can regret it again, the matter has come to this point, and there is no room for manoeuvre.

Li Jiaqiang was afraid, but he still said bravely, "Maybe, maybe he was taking the test, and he felt that his grades were not ideal, and he couldn't pass the test. He was afraid of being laughed at, so he cheated."

everyone, "..."

Gu Yundong was amused, "You also said that he felt that he couldn't pass the test when he took the test. Where did he go to cheat at that time? Why do you have to prepare the cheating note from the beginning? Is it possible that you can change it in the middle? ?"


"Sir, where is that note now?" Gu Yundong didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, and turned around to face the sacrifice.

Sacrificial wine looked at Chu Lao, who opened his palm, "Here."

"Can you show me?"

Old Chu handed it directly to her, Gu Yundong glanced at it, and suddenly smiled.

"I think there should be a special rice paper for the Imperial Examination Proctor, right?"

As soon as Gu Yundong finished speaking, Chu Lao and Jijiu looked at each other and instantly understood.

Shen Yuan put his palms together and laughed, "Yes, the rice paper for the Guozijian exam is indeed different. Moreover, this batch was just shipped from Liangzhou, and the capital has not yet supplied it. Our Guozijian is the first batch to try it out. of."

Li Jiaqiang's expression changed.

Shen Yuan went on to say, "The piece of paper in the hands of the county master is in this batch of rice paper. In this morning's student exam, everyone has a fixed number of pieces of paper, just look at which student has less rice paper, that's cheating. Who it is, you can see clearly."

Sacrificial wine nodded, "It's not necessary for everyone to look over, just look at the five people present."

He turned his head and instructed Old Man Chu, "Mr. Chu, go have a look, hurry up and come back, another quarter of an hour will be the time for the afternoon exam."


Fortunately, it is not far from the place where the examination papers are sealed, because it is an internal examination of the Imperial College, and it is not as hidden as the imperial examination.

For the sake of fairness, Elder Chu even brought another master to rummage through the exam papers.

(end of this chapter)

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