The Eldest Sister Has Space

Chapter 2608

Chapter 2608: Grandpa Yang

Chapter 2608 Grandpa Yang

The next day, Gu Yundong's family of three got up early in the morning, originally wanting to visit the aunt and the others.

Who knew that before going out, Mr. Yang and his wife came over. The house they live in now is on the same street as Aunt Gu. When Gu Dafeng came back, they naturally knew that Yundong's family had entered the city.

Gu Yundong was stunned for a moment when he saw his grandfather and grandmother. Compared with two years ago, the two old members of the Yang family looked a little younger.

But thinking about it is also correct, they were originally in their hometown, not to mention eating well and dressing well, and Yang Wenli's bad three days to cause them trouble, it was enough for the two old men to be anxious and anxious to fall asleep. Now they live in Xuanhe Mansion, they have a filial grandson by their side, and they are reunited with their long-lost daughter. The days are getting better and better, and the fat people are naturally more at ease.

Grandma Yang saw at a glance Xiao Chi Chi, who was walking around with little hands on the chair, her eyes lit up, she went up and hugged the little guy, "Is this Chi Chi? Oh, grandma hugs him. Hug, she looks so good, she's beautiful and smart, and her hands and feet are strong."

Gu Yundong smiled and went over to support him, afraid that his grandmother would not be able to hold this little chubby man when she was too old.

Grandpa Yang on the side of    also wanted to reach out excitedly, but looking at the little doll carved in pink and jade, he was afraid that he would frighten the child with his rough hands and feet, so he could only stand in front of him and tease him.josei

Chi Chi was an unrecognized child, and with his parents by his side, he immediately giggled, and wrapped his arms around Grandma Yang's neck and called, "Too, too, too..." But he didn't say a word for mother.

But this is enough for the two old people.

Gu Yundong didn't see Yang He, so it was a little strange, "Did cousin go to the academy?"

"No, he has returned to his hometown." Grandpa Yang said, "Isn't this the county test last month? He said he was very sure this year, so he went back and tried it. Now the news hasn't come, and he doesn't know whether he was successful or not. If you pass the exam, you will have to take the government exam this month."

Gu Yundong's eyes lit up, Yang He started to study since he was a child, but because there were a lot of messes in his family, and the local magistrate had a grudge with the Yang family, so he never participated in the county exam.

Originally thought that he might not have the chance to get a title in this life, but he did not expect to reunite with Gu Yundong's family, not only brought the Yang family to Xuanhe House, but also brought down the local magistrate.

Now that the new magistrate has taken office, Yang He has no problem going back to take the county exam. In addition, he has been reading books here for two years and has consolidated his foundation. It is not difficult to be admitted to the scholar.

Grandpa Yang originally wanted to follow him, so they could take care of each other.

But Yang He disagreed. Grandpa Yang was old after all, so rushing back and forth was too much trouble, and it was not good for him.

Fortunately, in the middle of last year, they bought a book boy. With the book boy by his side, the two elders can rest assured.

When he first announced the Hefu, Grandpa Yang opened a shop in the city with the only money in his hand to do some small business. He used to say that he was a big landlord who owned most of the county's property. No one in Xuanhe Mansion was holding him back, so it was easy to do business.

In just one year, he was able to buy the shop he originally rented.

Yangliu wanted to give that flower shop to the two old couples, but neither of them agreed. Fortunately, the flower shop is next to the eldest uncle's shop, and he can take care of it.

(end of this chapter)

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