The Eldest Sister Has Space

Chapter 2889

Chapter 2889: Cai Yue solves the knot

Chapter 2889 Cai Yue unties the knotjosei

Shao Qingyuan very insistently took out the paper he was holding and placed it on the table from a distance.

"If you are in class now, the act of tearing up the paper is enough for the master to hit you in the palm of your hand."

Being unable to get the paper for a long time, he was a little angry, he turned his head, glared at Shao Qingyuan fiercely, and then put his hands around his chest again.

Shao Qingyuan laughed when he saw it, "Is it impossible to fight like this?"

"Can't hit." He still looked complacent, as if his behavior was so clever.

Gu Yundong ignored the rivalry between father and son. After reading the letter, she hurriedly looked at the things sent from the capital.

One by one, I was afraid that she would endure hardship here, but all the things that can be stored for a longer time and are easy to transport are sent here.

To this end, he also found a team of escorts to **** him, a total of five carriages.

The guards just went to the inn to rest after drinking a cup of tea under the hospitality of Shao Wen.

The things were parked in the yard, and Gu Yundong looked around the unloaded things for a long time. I can't clean it up tonight, I can only wait until tomorrow.

She greeted people to move all these things to the main room first, so as not to get wet due to heavy dew at night.

However, during the transportation, Gu Yundong still found some sun-dried food prepared by her mother, and took out these vegetables to eat at night.

Because of the letter from the capital, the whole family paid attention to the letter, and their attention was diverted. Not to mention Cai Yue, and even Shao Qingyuan, they didn't have time to ask Gu Yundong about his first day as a master.

Cai Yue didn't finally remember until he had a good meal and returned to his room with the letter Yunshu wrote to himself.

It’s just that it’s too late, my cousin and aunt have stopped, and he thinks it’s the same to ask again tomorrow.

However, I don't know if the letter from Yunshu reminded him of the past, the good and bad life of the past, all of which broke into his mind.

At night, he began to have nightmares, and those who were close to him and who were not close to him flashed past his eyes one by one as if they were watching flowers.

In the end, the scene where the grandmother Shao Hui was killed was fixed.

He seemed to have returned to that day, but this time, he didn't hide and cry again, holding back his illness. He went straight to tell his cousin, and because of this, Prince Lu was caught in time this time, and he couldn't go to harm his cousin again.

The concept of    that was chaotic before is gradually becoming clearer now.

What he did was right, the one who did the wrong thing was his father.

However, when he woke up in the morning, he was sweating profusely. Although he was no longer ill in the dream, in reality, he developed a high fever sadly.

Fortunately, there are several doctors at home. Before Shao Qingyuan went to the yamen, when he heard the news that he was ill, he hurried over to give him a pulse.

The situation is not serious, but obviously there is no way to go to the county school today.

Shao Qingyuan prescribed medicine, let the kitchen boil it for him, and asked him to go to the county school to ask for leave.

This made Fan Yilin, who had been waiting for Cai Yue to ask about the situation in the school, flinch, and wanted to see him, but suddenly found out that they didn't know where Cai Yue lived, and they were heartbroken.

Cai Yue's condition is not serious. After the fever subsided, Gu Yundong clearly felt that his eyes were brighter and firmer, as if the shackles that had been on his shoulders had suddenly been opened.

Although people still have no strength, they look different from before.

She was a little suspicious, seriously doubting whether it was what Yun Shu said in the letter.

(end of this chapter)

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