The Eldest Sister Has Space

Chapter 3132

Chapter 3132: Gu Yundong VS Bai Zhiyan

Chapter 3132 Gu Yundong VS Bai Zhiyan

Shao Qingyuan was very satisfied. After eating, he was already standing on the edge of the miasma forest.

The sky is getting dark now, so it is not suitable to enter the woods. But Shao Qingyuan was still worried that Jin Dou would pass through the miasma forest. If Yun Dong was already waiting for him there, wouldn't it be very dangerous to meet Jin Dou?

Shao Qingyuan wiped his mouth and took out the oxygen bag from his bag.

Immediately put on goggles, put on protective clothing, and walked inside with a flashlight.

On the other side, Gu Yundong, who was worried by him, went straight to the territory of Dajin after leaving the city gate on the side of Li Kingdom.

There is also a small town here in Dajin. Gu Yundong's household registration is no problem, but this household registration belongs to Li country.

She has no problem entering the town, but if she wants to pass through the town and then enter the territory of Dajin, she doesn't even have to think about it.

Fortunately, Gu Yundong was originally from Dajin, and her household registration was kept in the space. Although there was no way to guide her, it was not a big problem.

As long as she finds the officials of this town, it is very easy for her to get out of the city.

But after she entered the town, the city gate was closed, so Gu Yundong found an inn in the town to rest temporarily.

Bai Zhiyan woke up and was still put in the box and carried to the room.

When he saw that Gu Yundong was alone, Bai Zhiyan was a little surprised, but at the same time he was relieved.

Gu Yundong knew what he was thinking when he saw his expression.

She looked at him with a half-smile, "Why, I'm the only one who sees it, and thinks that I have a chance to escape?" Despise her so much?

Bai Zhiyan didn't have much strength, he closed his eyes slightly, his mouth was gagged, and he whimpered a few times.

Gu Yundong asked, "Want to eat?"

He nodded.josei

"Wait." After Gu Yundong finished speaking, he put Song Yan on the bed.

The little guy is much better, although his body has not recovered, at least he is not worried about his life.

Gu Yundong asked the second shopkeeper to bring the food and gave Song Yan a bowl, "Eat first, go to bed early after eating, we have to hurry tomorrow."

Song Yan nodded, took the bowl and chopsticks by himself, and ate slowly with his small mouth.

These days are the best meals he has eaten since he can remember. I drank porridge at first, but there was actually shredded pork in the porridge. Later, he ate rice, which was white and fragrant and sweet in his mouth. He had never seen such delicious and white rice before, and he felt that his life was complete.

Therefore, Song Yan eats very slowly, he is reluctant to give up half a grain of rice, and he cherishes what he eats.

Gu Yundong ate quite quickly, and finished a bowl in no time.

Immediately fed Bai Zhiyan, she took a stool and sat in front of the big box, tore off the strip of cloth from Bai Zhiyan's mouth, "Eat."

She looked at him warily at first, thinking that he wanted to do something by feeding him.

But until he finished eating, Bai Zhiyan didn't say much.

Gu Yundong raised his eyebrows, put the tableware and chopsticks on the table beside him, and was about to close his mouth again.

Bai Zhiyan suddenly said, "I need to let go."

Gu Yundong's hand paused, and Bai Zhiyan said with a smile, "Are you going to help me? Or, solve it here?"

Fuck you, this stinky bastard.

Song Yan finally swallowed his last mouthful of food and looked at the two of them after hearing this.

I didn't quite understand it at first, but later I saw that Bai Zhiyan's hands and feet were tied, which seemed inconvenient, so he said, "Aunt Gu, I can help."

(end of this chapter)

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