The Eldest Sister Has Space

Chapter 3206

Chapter 3206: sell

Chapter 3206 Sale

Zhong Qiao walked outside the hospital a few times before leaving. He was just a servant, why should the master treat a servant like this?

When he thought of this, he was suddenly desperate, and he didn't want to go back to the house, so he ran to the stable to try to find a way.

But Zhong Qiao is really not smart. Thinking of it in the middle of the night, he couldn't think of a way to make Shao Qingyuan take action. Just when he suspected that his life was downcast, he met Wang Wu, who had escaped from Yi Zilan's siege.

Zhong Qiao went to arrest people almost subconsciously. After being stabbed by Wang Wu, he immediately knew that he was a gangster who was about to break into the mansion, so he grabbed him in the face without saying a word.

This is also the reason why Wang Wu was so embarrassed. When Clock Bridge had no weapons in his hand, he was kicked and flew out, and he happened to touch an axe in the stable and smashed it without saying a word.

Then, Yi Zilan's people also arrived.

After listening to the whole process, Gu Yundong didn't know what to say.

"Then you have shown Zhong Qiao? Can't be cured?" Otherwise, why did she look so ugly when she saw Zhong Qiao's face?josei

"It can be cured." Shao Qingyuan said, "But his problem is not born, he was poisoned by someone for several years."

Gu Yundong raised his eyebrows in astonishment, "Don't tell me it was Du Shi's poison??"

"That's what Bell Bridge said."

"But, what is Du Shi's drawing?" She married Zhong Qiao, poisoned her husband, and then used it to cuckold him? "Do Shi and Zhong Qiao have a grudge?"

Shao Qingyuan smiled and said, "No, Zhong Qiao couldn't figure it out at first. After he knew that he was poisoned, he remembered some details. I'm afraid that Du Shi had taken a fancy to Master Liu from the beginning and wanted to be a concubine for Master Liu. And Zhong Qiao was employed by Mr. Liu at the beginning, and she married Zhong Qiao, just borrowing him to get close to Mr. Liu."

Master Liu, although he doesn't like to do anything to the servants in the house, but he prefers married women and has a strong taste.

Although Mrs. Liu has a strong personality, Master Liu also took in several concubines, two of whom were married women.

Gu Yundong's mouth twitched violently when he heard this, this... it's really not an ordinary mess.

Shao Qingyuan drank a cup of tea, "So, Zhong Qiao will now write a divorce letter to Mrs. Du. Since their husband and wife are no longer related, it will be much easier to sell Mrs. Du alone."

Gu Yundong nodded, and seeing that it was already dawn outside, he went directly to Aunt Qiu, and asked her to take the deed of deeds to the Yaxing, sell the Du family, and then buy a few more clever and quiet maids.

Mr. Du knelt all night last night, and when it got dark, he fainted.

I don't know if she is really dizzy or fake, anyway, Aunt Qiu had her locked up in the woodshed.

Today, she got the letter of approval from the young lady, and immediately opened the door of the firewood room with great arrogance, and let the two servant girls drag the person out.

Du Shi was still in a drowsy sleep, but when he heard the news that Aunt Qiu was going to sell her, he immediately woke up with a jolt.

Aunt Qiu laughed immediately, "Yo, sober up so soon?"

Du Shi's face paled, "Did you make a mistake? How could the master sell me? Where's my husband? Where's Zhong Qiao?"

"You still have the face to mention Zhongqiao? You are really scorpion-hearted. You actually poisoned your man and wanted to kill him. I have lived for so long, and today is really an eye-opener."

Du Shi was stunned, got it? they all know?

how is this possible?

(end of this chapter)

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