The Eldest Sister Has Space

Chapter 3258

Chapter 3258: Duan Qian is back

Chapter 3258 Duan Qian is backjosei

Gu Yundong also thought about taking their family along with them.

Some modern companies have team building, and they can also bring one or two family members, but they are responsible for their own expenses, and they have to take care of themselves and must obey the organization.

However, this is clearly not feasible here.

Not to mention that it is inconvenient to travel now, it is okay to bring adults, but it is not safe to bring children, and there are many factors of instability. What's more, they don't have the ability to pay for their own expenses at home. If they have that ability, they don't need to go to her workshop to find work.

Gu Yundong said, "Tell the guys that if everything goes well this time, and if it really helps the workshops of both parties, we will arrange for the guys to go on a trip every two years. If they want to change, they can make up their own minds and discuss with other guys whether to change.”

"If they are unwilling, the workshop will not force them, and will give them half a month's wages."

Of course, the wages are not much.

But the main purpose of Gu Yundong paying them to travel abroad is also to improve their quality and knowledge, and to cultivate talents for the workshop. It's not just about paying them to play.

Steward Pei nodded and understood, "Yes, boss, I'll do it now."

In addition to the Gu family workshop, the Duan family also encountered problems.

The processing method is similar to that of Gu Yundong. In the end, when the two workshops were added up, only two workers asked for half a month’s wages, and all the others were replaced.

Gu Yundong knew what to do, so he started planning the travel process.

Duan Qian came back at this time.

As soon as he entered the city, he didn't even have time to go home, so he hurried to the county office on horseback.

Shao Wen led people in, Duan Qian took two big mouthfuls with a teacup, wiped his mouth, and laughed, "Finally back."

Shao Qingyuan sat on the side, pushed the fruit bowl on the table in front of him, and asked, "How was this trip? Did it go well? How much food did you raise?"

Duan Qian has been busy all the way, and his whole person looks very haggard, and he doesn't even have the time to shave his beard, which is very different from the previous image of a suave and rich young master.

But no matter how embarrassed his appearance is, his eyes are very bright.

He put down the cup, couldn't help lowering his voice, and said, "I did encounter some troubles on the road, but they were not big, and they were easily solved. This trip to Jiangnan has been very rewarding. Now I have, There are 100,000 stones of grain."

"One hundred thousand stones??" Gu Yundong, who had just walked in the door and accidentally heard it, couldn't help but whisper, "So many?"

One stone of the Great Jin Dynasty is almost 100 jin, and these 100,000 shi are more than 10 million jin.

Gu Yundong was a little excited when he heard it, and hurriedly sat next to Shao Qingyuan and said, "If this is transported to the Southwest Camp, it will be enough for 100,000 soldiers to feed for more than two months."

"Not more, at least three months." Duan Qian said with a smile.

Gu Yundong was stunned for a moment, and then he thought about it. The frontier soldiers consumed a lot of money, and they were about to fight again. Maybe the amount of food for a day was not as much as theirs.

However, Duan Qian did indeed help the Southwest Camp a lot.

"Where is the food?"

Duan Qian pointed to the outside, "Outside the county seat, I found two warehouses and placed them there in secret, so they were guarded."

Shao Qingyuan pondered, "I still have to transport it to the Southwest Camp as soon as possible, it's too dangerous."

(end of this chapter)

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