The Eldest Sister Has Space

Chapter 3410

Chapter 3410: Wait

Chapter 3410 etc.

The two sides had a very unpleasant talk and almost collapsed.

Xue Ying wanted one hundred taels, but You Zijing was unwilling to pay even ten taels.

Later, You Zijing compromised and gave 12 taels. In the future, he would make a clean break with Xue Ying and never communicate again. She threatened Xue Ying that if she was not satisfied, she would go to Yuan's house to make trouble.

Xue Ying has more or less knocked fifty taels of silver from You Zijing over the years, which is not a small amount for the Yuan family. But Xue Ying kept it a secret from the Yuan family. Not only did she not tell her parents-in-law, she didn't even tell her husband.

If the Yuan family knew that she had handled so much money, but only used it for herself, eating and drinking well, the Yuan family would have to leave her.josei

Xue Ying didn't dare to challenge the authority of the Yuan family, and she died immediately after being told by You Zijing.

Ten taels are only 10 taels, and it’s not a lot anyway.

You Zijing lost money, and Xue Ying was still injured on the head, but she was almost refreshed after falling asleep for half an afternoon. When she returned to Yuan's house wrapped in gauze, as for how she explained her injuries after returning to Yuan's house, that was her own problem.

This is the end of the story.

But Shao Wen remembered another thing, "Ma'am, this Pang Lang's temperament is really not suitable for business. You see him chasing us to Fanxiu Town, his eyes are full of thoughts of using your power to help 'Song Ruishu' When dealing with Lao Shizi's enemy, he didn't mention this big deal. Can you cooperate with the owner who is so unfocused on his career and admits the wrong person?"

Gu Yundong, "I have also considered this matter, and Pang Lang is indeed not suitable. But even if he is not suitable, Pang's House has developed so fast in recent years. Obviously, Pang Lang is not the only one who can control the business of the Pang family."

"You mean... Roche?"

"Yes." Roche was a career-minded person, "After this incident, I am afraid that Roche will take a closer look at Pang Lang in the future. Compared with Pang Lang, Roche is more decisive and has a bigger picture. Xi Song family, for the sake of family business, I still want to suppress this dislike, I really like her."

Gu Yundong smiled, "But don't worry about it. The fabric business belongs to the Duan family. I have already sent a letter to Duan Qian. In the end, whether to cooperate or not will have to be decided by Duan Qian after sending a manager over to investigate."

"That's right, the final decision-making power is still in Master Duan's hands."

Shao Wen nodded, "Madam, what are we going to do next?"

"No need to do anything, wait." Wait for the news from the capital, and wait for Qin Wenzheng's investigation results.

Now they shouldn't do too many things, involving the Su family in the capital, I don't know if they have any eyeliner here.

For the next few days, Gu Yundong and the others temporarily rested in the town.

Gu Xiaoxi was busy repairing Shen's yard with the workers, and Gu Yundong took Xiaoxiao to visit this huge embroidery town.

The fabric embroidery is prevalent here, Gu Yundong couldn't resist the temptation, he couldn't help but buy some when he was strolling around.

No way, Gu Yundong took Xiaoxiao with her when she went out. Seeing Xiaoxiao wearing cute and cute clothes, she would think of Chichi in Jingping County. I thought that the little guy would look good in clothes, so I bought more.

This is a long time coming, Song Yan has to have it too, buy another one.

Everyone has it. Xiao Ruyi will come in a few days. Isn't the little girl more beautiful in these fairy-like clothes? One more time.

(end of this chapter)

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