The Eldest Sister Has Space

Chapter 743

Chapter 743: she likes it

Chapter 743 She likes it here

Qin Shu looked at the village chief and suddenly realized something, and immediately lowered his head silently and did not speak.

Sure enough, the next moment the village chief said speechlessly, "You haven't even been to the county seat, so how can you send them there? Don't find your way back by yourself."

Qin Shu scratched his head, a little distressed.

After a while, he turned his head and asked Gu Yundong, "I haven't been to the county seat, but I have been to the town. Can I take you to the town? There are also horse carriages in the town, and you can buy one to go home."


Qin Shu's eyes lit up, and suddenly turned to look at the village chief, "The village chief said she can."

The village chief was speechless for a long time and sighed, "Okay, then you can send it."

Qin Shu happily went to the backyard to bring the bullock cart, leaving Devon Huo to discuss the price of renting the bullock cart with the village chief.

In the end, he gave them a tael of silver, and the village chief sent them out.

Actually, Gu Yundong also thought about not needing to borrow an ox cart, just walking, not that he never walked.

But Dai Zhong looks like this, I don't know if he can fully recover tomorrow. Moreover, Shao Qingyuan also felt that if the conditions allowed, he still wanted Gu Yundong to walk less.

Fortunately, when the group set off early the next morning, Dai Zhong was much better. It seemed that there was no discomfort except for the slight swelling on his face.

He was not even willing to ride an ox cart and insisted on walking by himself, but was yelled at by Devinho.

Gu Yundong was the last one to leave the Qin family's courtyard. Before others were paying attention, he put two bags of rice noodles in the rice jar in the kitchen, all of which were taken out of her space.

There is a mountaineering bag as cover, Qin Shu will only think that she took it out from the bag.

The conditions of the Qin family were really bad. The five of them had two meals at his house, and they ate all the last bit of coarse grains in his house.

This child is also giving up his mind, seeing that they are all big men, and the weight given is sufficient.

I was very embarrassed because all the food that came out was some coarse grain buns.josei

Fortunately, there are no outsiders in this village, otherwise this kid will be robbed.

But it can also be seen that although there are few people in Qinnan Village, their relationship is very harmonious. Otherwise, Qin Shu, who had no father or mother since he was a child, would not have developed such a temperament. I was afraid that he had received the care and help of the villagers since he was a child, and his heart was full of gratitude.

And she also heard a neighbor quietly come to ask Qin Shu if there is enough food at home.

After putting the rice and noodles, Gu Yundong came out with a mountaineering bag on his back.

The bullock cart has been set up, but there are too many people, and it is impossible for all of them to sit on it.

Gu Yundong was a woman, and Shao Qingyuan helped her up first.

With the addition of Dai Zhong, there were only two people on the carriage, not even Qin Shu.

Zhuang households cherish the cattle very much, and if it is not necessary, they are very reluctant to bear their suffering. If it wasn't for the wounded and the women among them this time, Qin Shu wouldn't help borrow an ox cart from the village chief's house.

The group walked towards the entrance of the village, and there were many people in the village watching them curiously on the way.

Gu Yundong looked over, these people smiled, and the children hid shyly.

Gu Yundong suddenly liked this village very much, it was a very peaceful, simple and friendly village. Although it is remote, it actually feels like a paradise.

After reaching the outside of the village, Gu Yundong slowly retracted his gaze and looked at the not spacious and quiet road leading to the town in front of him.

Although they set off early in the morning, the journey was really long, and it was not until noon that everyone finally arrived at Anbei Town.

(end of this chapter)

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