The Eldest Sister Has Space

Chapter 768

Chapter 768: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Chapter 768 Hahahahahaha

Everyone in the yard was at a loss, only Gu Yundong pursed his lips happily, looking at Shao Qingyuan's eyes how soft and soft.

Amao could only take another quiver in a trance, looking at the bow and arrow in his hand with some grief and indignation.

He was so eager to be the first to shoot arrows because he was jealous of the bow in the boy's hand.

Actually, his archery skills are not very good...

But in the eyes of everyone, he could only take a deep breath, draw the bow and arrow, and aim.



The yard was as quiet as chickens, all of them stared blankly at the missed arrow, speechless for a long time.

Until Gu Yunshu slapped his forehead with his small hand, turned his head and said, "I can't see."

followed closely, and the laughter of 'puchi' and 'puchi' sounded.

Amao angrily looked at Agou and Azhu who made a sound, and gave them a vicious look.

On the contrary, the children were very kind, and they did not laugh at him, but comforted him very seriously.

"It's okay, Brother Cat, you're just not ready, it's not that you're not good at archery." Niudan said sincerely.

"Brother Cat, you are already great, I can't even pull the bowstring. When the Master took us to practice horseback archery last time, I could only stand by and watch." Yuan Zhi also advised.

"Brother Cat, although you missed the shot, Brother Cat, you touched the bow and arrow." Zeng Le thought for a long time before he could say a word.

Amao has several arrows in his heart, don't talk about Qiuqiu.

Fortunately, the little girl Yunke didn't say a word, and came over and pulled his hand very thoughtfully.

Amao was instantly warmed up, and sure enough the girl doll was a small padded jacket.

But the next moment, the little girl said seriously, "Brother Cat, you must be standing too far, let's get closer, come, take a few steps forward, and try again."

The little girl was talking, took his hand and walked towards the target.josei

"Okay, now definitely in."

Amao raised his head and looked at the target one meter away from him, without any fluctuations in his heart.

He should have guessed, the **** little padded jacket.


"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha."

At last, not only Agou and Azhu were laughing, but even a few children couldn't help it, and slapped the table hard and laughed.

Even Gu Yundong and Shao Qingyuan covered their mouths, shrugging their shoulders and couldn't stop.

Gu Dajiang and Chen Liang looked up at the sky, but the corners of their mouths kept turning up.

Only the little girl Gu Yunke looked blank, ran to Gu Yundong's side, lay on her lap and asked curiously, "What are you laughing at? Isn't this a good idea?"

"Yes, that's a good idea." Gu Yundong hugged him, his shoulders still shaking.

The little girl saw that the elder sister was happy. Although she still didn't understand what they were laughing at, she also laughed silly.

Now, there is really only one cat left, standing alone in front of the target, with a particularly desolate back.

He swears that starting today, he must practice archery hard! ! !

Fortunately, the two Agou in the back took him as a lesson and stopped showing off their abilities. They actually took a few steps forward and shortened the distance a little.

Although he didn't hit the bullseye like Shao Qingyuan did, at least he didn't miss the target.

And it became more and more smooth later, but the results gradually improved.

Several children also wanted to shoot arrows, but Shao Qingyuan's bow and arrow were too big and heavy for them.

Others have not learned it. Although Yun Shu and Yuan Zhi have followed Qin Wenzheng to take a riding and archery class, they are only limited to the most basic teaching, and the bows and arrows they teach are different.

(end of this chapter)

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