The Eldest Sister Has Space

Chapter 971

Chapter 971: unexpected news

Chapter 971 Unexpected news

"Yeah." Lan Hua'er nodded a little embarrassedly. It stands to reason that she should stay at home to take care of her in-laws.

But Jiang Bao insisted on taking her away. The newly married Yaner didn't want the husband and wife to be separated from each other. What's the difference between that and not getting married?

Jiang Bao's parents were a little unhappy, but now the most promising person in the family is Jiang Bao. In addition, Jiang Bao speaks nicely and promised to give more to the family, so his parents did not have to force Lan Huaer to stay at home.

It's just that since Orchid went to Fucheng, let the couple quickly have a baby.

Jiang Bao agreed in one bite, anyway, his goal was achieved.

Gu Yundong laughed, "Since you are also going to Fucheng, do you want to consider going to Xinming Pavilion to be a female assistant?"

Everyone present was silent, looking at Gu Yundong in shock.

Xinming Pavilion, this name is not unfamiliar to them. Although I have never seen it with my own eyes, I know that this is a shop opened by the owner in cooperation with others in Fucheng. It is specially designed to entertain female guests. is female.

Now the owner wants to hire Lan Huaer to be a female employee? ?

This, this, this...

Orchid was excited, "I, can I really go?"

"Of course I can, I've been looking for you for a long time. But before you got married, I wasn't sure whether you wanted to stay at home or go to Fucheng after getting married, so I didn't say anything. Now that it's confirmed, it's natural to ask. Would you like it or not?"

"Yes, of course I will." As a girl, she can earn more money.

Now that she has her own small family, she will have her own children in the future. She heard that everything in Fucheng is expensive. If Jiang Bao is alone, to support her and the children, and to provide for the family's parents, it will be very stressful. How big is it?

So she thought about it, and when she got to Fucheng, she would do more embroidery work to subsidize her family.

Although there are not many   , he can help Jiang Bao to share some of the money, so he won't be too flustered if he has some money in his hand.

Unexpectedly, before she went to Fucheng, the owner gave her a big surprise.

that is……

"Master, me, can I do it well? I don't know anything, will I screw it up for you?"

"Learn if you don't understand, everyone never understands to understand." Gu Yundong felt that Orchid's ingenuity must be much better than the previous Xiaoyi, "I'll take you to know Su Qing, she has already With experience, if you have any questions later, just ask her."

"it is good."

The matter was settled like this, and the people of the Shi family were very happy.josei

Jiang Bao brought the orchid home, but he didn't mention it to his parents. It was agreed how much to give to the family. If the brothers in the family are not happy because of Lanhua’s extra salary, what should I do if they want him to pay more?

Jiang kept his own little abacus, which made a crackling sound in his heart.

In the next few days, the Shi family and the Jiang family began to prepare for their trip to Fucheng.

Gu Yundong handed over the fruit forest in charge of the Shi family to Zhao Zhu. Zhao Zhu was very happy. The more he managed, the greater his ability.

But he has already begun to let go of some of his son's control. Gouzhu is now more and more diligent. The relationship between father and son has taken a big step forward compared to before, and many previous knots have been slowly unraveled.

Five days later, Shi Jia and Jiang Bao husband and wife put all their luggage on the carriage and prepared to go to Fucheng.

Gu Yundong is going to follow her. After all, she has not been to Fucheng after the new year. She has to read the account book, and the red envelopes will also be distributed after the new year, so she has to explain things clearly.

But they didn't expect that as soon as they were about to set off, they heard a surprising news.

(end of this chapter)

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