The Eldest Sister Has Space

Chapter 977

Chapter 977: Children are filial

Chapter 977 Children are filial

Outside the    county examination room, there were many people crowded.

It is still early, the sky is not yet fully bright, and the temperature is low and very cold.

Gu Dajiang got off the carriage and couldn't help exhaling heavily.

There are too many people, so the carriage can only park a little farther, and then walk down.

Gu Dajiang carried a test basket in his hand, which was full of many things, all prepared for him by Gu Yundong.

A group of people followed and walked inside, and not long after they saw Qin Wenzheng standing not far away.

Yi Junkun and his family were standing beside him.

This time, in Qin Wenzheng's school, Yi Junkun was the only one who participated in the county exam. The thirteen-year-old boy was a little excited and a little nervous, and his family even pulled him and told him.josei

Seeing Gu Dajiang, Yi Junkun quickly greeted him.

Qin Wenzheng looked at the two of them and said, "The first round of the county exam is not difficult, and most people who are fluent in writing will be admitted. As long as you don't get too nervous, calm down, and keep the paper clean and tidy, it will not be a problem to pass. The examiner will naturally make it clear to you, you just do as you please."

then lowered his voice and added a few more words, "Remember, you can't violate the taboos of imperial names and holy taboos."

The two nodded and took note of it carefully.

Not long after, there was a sound from the front, ready to enter the venue for a body search.

Gu Dajiang and Yi Junkun hurried forward and lined up behind the line.

There were a lot of people who took part in the county test. There were hundreds of people in Fengkai County, so they were divided into several rows for body searches.

Gu Dajiang stood behind the team and couldn't help touching his nose.

After all, he is relatively old here, and most of them are about the same age as Yi Junkun when he comes to take the county exam. Like Gu Dajiang, if he hasn't even passed the county exam, he will basically be deemed to have no talent for reading, and most of them won't take the exam again.

Of course, there are also those who are unwilling to give up. They are so old that they still refuse to give up even after having grandchildren. Every year these people participate in the county examination, they will be pointed at and whispered.

Now Gu Dajiang has also become the object of discussion.

But...he was fearless.

Fortunately, it wasn't long before it was his turn to search, Gu Dajiang handed the test basket to the yamen, and then he let others remove his coat with a magnanimous expression.

One, two, three, four, five…

That yamen, "..."

Is this person sick? He glanced at Gu Dajiang with a strange expression, the corner of his mouth twitched, and asked, "How many are you wearing?"

"...Ten items." Gu Dajiang saw the shocked expression of the person behind him from the corner of his eyes, and coughed lightly, "No way, my sons and daughters are filial piety, it must be said that the weather is still cold and the exam is quite stressful. Be careful to suffer from the cold, isn't it all forfeited? I can't live up to their wishes."

At the end, he straightened his chest, "Don't worry, I'm all in a single shirt, it's clear at a glance, there's no problem."

The corner of the yamen's mouth twitched twice, and he gave Gu Dajiang a dissatisfied look, which was obviously to increase their workload.

Therefore, the test basket has been checked over there, and Dajiang's shoes are still being looked after here.

However, when they saw Gu Dajiang putting on his clothes warmly again, the other people who were still watching the joke couldn't help shivering in unison, they were so cold.

After the inspection, Gu Dajiang walked inside easily.

When you enter, you have to wait in line, waiting for the county official to call your name, and you have to be a guarantor.

(end of this chapter)

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