The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 100

Chapter 100: The Dazzling Master Wang

Wang Xuan stood tall and balanced, an embodiment of strength in his prime. The morning sun bathed him in a golden hue, making him a radiant figure against the somber backdrop of the memorial hall. For those present, it seemed he was glowing, his impending rise to the level of Master drawing every eye.

Inside, the two Masters of the New Arts faction exuded a cold aloofness, their expressions stark in contrast to Wang Xuan's radiance.

The atmosphere grew thick with tension. Wang Xuan's eyes sparkled brilliantly, while Master Sun Chuan's hands, clenched tightly, betrayed a hint of tremor. The disparity in their reactions sparked whispers among the onlookers.

An invisible force seemed to manifest between them, causing nearby mourning ribbons and flowers to flutter and then shred, signaling an intense silent confrontation. Even those not versed in the ways of cultivation could sense the power clash between these representatives of Old and New Arts.

The crowd was astonished. They had believed Wang Xuan was not yet a Master. Yet, here he was, seemingly holding his own against a seasoned Master of the New Arts. Wu Yin looked on, anxiety evident in her eyes. She recognized Wang Xuan's prowess, but facing a true Master was another matter entirely. Will he prevail?

"Unbelievable! He's holding his ground!" Old Wu exclaimed, noting the evident strain on the face of the Master of the New Arts. Beads of perspiration appeared on Master Sun Chuan's forehead, and his frame began to quiver.

As moments passed, the signs became clearer. Sun Chuan seemed to waver, struggling to maintain his stance against Wang Xuan's formidable presence.

"This is unreal! Has Wang reached the level of a true Master in just a day?" Zhong Cheng voiced his astonishment. More onlookers began to realize the reality as well — the young man was merely trying to enter the hall, and it was the seasoned Master who had sought to bar his way. And now, the tables had turned dramatically.

The funeral home in An City was vast, filled today with representatives of major organizations, influential figures from both the New World and the Old World. All eyes were now focused on the entrance where Wang Xuan stood, his aura sharp and dazzling, forcing Sun Chuan to gradually stoop. The crowd was abuzz with whispers. For a newcomer to overshadow an established Master was simply astounding.

How had he achieved such progress in such a short span? Many recalled the stormy night at the suburban mansion where they had witnessed Wang Xuan's prowess firsthand. Their astonishment was now doubly intensified. Yet, Wang Xuan seemed reluctant to push Sun Chuan too far. After all, it was a memorial service for Olesha, and it would seem overly aggressive to have a Master bow before him in such a setting.

While Wang Xuan was inclined to show mercy, especially given the somber environment of the memorial, he knew the importance of restraint. Not wanting to cause a scene or become the topic of gossip, he began to retract his aura and spiritual power. However, not everyone was willing to let the confrontation end just yet.

Sun Chuan slowly straightened himself, clearly energized. With a subtle nod, Zhou Wei, who was his ally, signaled him to unleash his full power. The touch on his arm was the cue he needed. In an instant, Sun Chuan realized Zhou Wei's intentions. Together, they planned to covertly overpower the rising star of the Old Arts and publicly put him in his place.

Such a clash in the realm of spiritual power was perilous. If the two of them combined their energies, not only could they suppress Wang Xuan, but they might also inflict severe damage to his spiritual foundation.

Fueled by determination, Sun Chuan recognized that with Chen Yongjie gone, if they could cripple this prodigious young man, the Old Arts would be in dire straits. If both the old and new generations of the Old Arts were defeated, it would be nearly impossible to find another formidable practitioner.josei

With resolute determination, Sun Chuan knew what must be done. Seizing the moment when Wang Xuan was least expecting it, he launched a fierce spiritual assault.

Simultaneously, Zhou Wei erupted with power, his forehead gleaming as if illuminated by an internal light – a phenomenon unique to the realm of New Arts. Their secret techniques ensured that, regardless of one's spiritual proficiency, such phenomena would manifest even without reaching the realm of Master. Nearby, a wreath spontaneously shattered, a highly unusual occurrence in such a setting.

Wang Xuan's gaze sharpened. While he often chose to keep a low profile, it did not mean he was naively good-hearted. His heightened spiritual senses, far superior to the two masters, kept him vigilant. He immediately sensed the impending threat and decisively activated his nascent spiritual domain. A faint mist hovered before his forehead, and from his eyes shot twin beams of intense light, akin to razor-sharp blades.


Sun Chuan screamed in agony, clutching his head as if his skull was about to crack. Blood trickled from his eyes, and his face contorted in excruciating pain. Overwhelmed and disoriented, he knelt, his groans echoing in the hall. Zhou Wei, too, staggered back, a muffled grunt escaping his lips. He would have fallen had he not collided with the crowd.

Unscathed, Wang Xuan stood his ground. His partial mastery over the spiritual domain made him an anomaly among Masters. Typically, a significant shift in spiritual capabilities was witnessed only at the realm of Enlightenment. Wang Xuan's unique prowess, resulting from multiple super-sensory experiences and venturing into the "Secret Paths," set him apart. Bathed in sunlight, he appeared radiant, contrasting sharply with the two overshadowed masters in the hall. Wang Xuan refrained from pushing his advantage further. He genuinely lacked advanced spiritual attack techniques; his response was purely instinctual.

Sun Chuan's downfall was his hubris. He intended to force Wang Xuan to kneel publicly but was met with a fierce counterattack, causing the very humiliation he sought to inflict on Wang Xuan.

The scene descended into chaos. The attendees were astounded, hardly believing their eyes. A youthful figure, brimming with vitality, had just overpowered two formidable figures from the New Arts realm, forcing one of them to kneel. It was sensational.

Among those present were representatives from various factions, many from influential financial clans. Their expressions shifted as they watched the unfolding events, realizing the immense potential of this young master.

A master in his early twenties was unheard of.

Just days ago, there were whispers about Wang Xuan's potential to reach this level, but nobody anticipated it would happen so soon. And now, right before their eyes, he wasn't just a novice but a fully-fledged master, overshadowing even the most seasoned ones. His future seemed limitless, prompting awe and admiration from all.

"Little, Master Wang, has genuinely taken me by surprise. This was beyond my expectations!" Old Wu exclaimed sincerely, then whispered to his niece, "What do you think?"

Elsewhere, Zhong Cheng was visibly excited. "That's typical of Wang. Such audacity to see himself on par with the great Zhang. He's already a master? His rise has been meteoric! At this rate, I'm willing to acknowledge him as the forefather of his realm. What a promising future!"

He then turned to his sister, Zhong Qing, and teased, "What do you think of him, sis? Maybe you could catch his eye!"

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