The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 102

Chapter 102: Crescendo

Zhou Cheng's cheeky remarks once again earned him a reprimand, as Zhou Qing's palm swiftly found its mark. Yet, when he staggered back to his feet this time, he ignored her disapproving glare and immersed himself in practicing the Snake-Crane Eight Style technique. With each move, a resonating hum echoed, reminiscent of distant thunder.

Zhou Qing watched, torn between annoyance and admiration. The fluidity of Zhou Cheng's movements suggested that he might genuinely have had a revelation. Has he, after six arduous years, finally grasped the core of the technique?

Her attention shifted to the elder master nearby. With a serene focus, he channeled energy through his body. A soft luminescence radiated from his chest, culminating in the ethereal projection of a dragon. In one swift, powerful movement, he cleaved a stone slab nearby.

She approached him, her voice tinged with curiosity. "What insight have you gained?"

The elder seemed lost in thought for a moment before replying, "Some individuals are destined for greatness in their chosen paths. I find myself drawn to follow him and learn."

Surrounded by her brother's newfound zeal and the elder's profound reverence for Master Wang, Zhou Qing felt a tad overwhelmed. Their admiration felt so surreal that she found herself swatting at her brother yet again!

Clocking in at just seventeen, Zhong Cheng bolstered his confidence with every internal affirmation, "There's still ample time. Someday, I'll ascend to great heights. Even if I were to affectionately address her as 'Little Zhong,' she wouldn’t dare retort.”

It was clear that Wang Xuan's words were not just rhetoric; they sprang from deep personal insights. However, the primary catalyst for both Zhong Cheng and the elder's breakthroughs was their own extensive foundational training. The elder had diligently practiced for decades and, with a mere hint, all those years of comprehension and insight culminated in mastery.

As for Zhong Cheng, six years of rigorous practice laid a solid foundation. With newfound belief in Wang Xuan's teachings and an unwaveringly devout mindset, mastery seemed within grasp.

Now, surrounded by representatives from various organizations, Wang Xuan found himself at the center of attention. The powerful and influential, once somewhat skeptical, were now approaching him, swayed by his unparalleled combat prowess. Several affluent middle-aged men, the representatives various prominent families, greeted Wang Xuan with genuine warmth. They didn't hold back, directly expressing their desire for collaboration. They hinted that any favor he might need could easily be fulfilled.

Wang Xuan, although flattered, had different aspirations. He mused internally about acquiring a golden bamboo slips from the Early Qin period, though he never voiced this. Instead, he engaged in pleasant banter, not committing to anything just yet. He knew that although these men were not the highest authorities in their respective organizations, they were no mere pawn. These people were sharks in the water, ready to take everything and give nothing. Accepting a favor from them would come at a price, one that might mean risking his life for their cause.

In this era of technological marvels, where super warships penetrated the depths of space, powerful corporations and major organizations held vast resources. To them, the title of "Master" was little more than a ceremonial honorific. If it weren't for the secret realm that required individuals with robust physical constitutions, Wang Xuan might have never come into contact with these magnates. Both the modern and traditional sectors prioritized the deep exploration of prolonging life. When it came to sheer power, they'd rather invest in more warships than in individuals.

Of course, those who were genuinely transcendent posed a threat. These exceptional individuals were often monitored closely due to their potential for assassination.

"Young Master Wang is truly a prodigious talent in the traditional arts," one middle-aged man mused. "Seeing you reminds me of Old Chen in his prime, both rare and exceptional. Sadly, we'll likely be paying our respects to him soon." He spoke with genuine reverence for Wang Xuan while subtly referencing Chen Mingtu.

At his side, Guan Lin's expression darkened. She wished she could retort, "Even if you were to die decades later, Old Chen would be perfectly fine. He has a long life ahead and will surely surprise you."

Regardless of the veiled comments, they were overtly courteous, showering Wang Xuan with lofty praise and extending their business cards. Gracious as ever, Wang Xuan's face was all smiles, maintaining the convivial atmosphere of the gathering. After all, he was willing to play the game of diplomacy as well.

Wang Xuan's spiritual energy pulsed vibrantly, granting him a keen intuition. He could discern the facade of warmth the individuals displayed. Beneath the surface, an unmistakable distance lurked.

It was obvious that they couldn't match Old Wu's genuine camaraderie. Over their recent encounters, Old Wu, while calculating at times, genuinely sought to forge a bond with Wang Xuan.

Interrupting the group, Guan Lin declared, "Wang is truly remarkable. I consider him a younger brother. He'll be escorting Chen Yongjie to the capital for recovery. I suggest you all put your concerns to rest."

The group's intentions were clear: they wanted to broach the subject of the secret realm expedition with Wang Xuan. But with Guan Lin stepping in, they were compelled to hold off.

As the gathering came to an end, everyone began to leave. Old Wu, who had hoped for a brief exchange with Wang Xuan, was left behind. He had already been quickly led away by Guan Lin into a ship bound for space.


Inside a spaceship, several middle-aged men from prominent financial factions were engaged in casual conversation. "Do you think Chen Yongjie will really die? Something feels off about the whole situation," one of them suddenly remarked.

The comment drew contemplative expressions from the others. After a pause, another added, "It does raise suspicion. His internal organs shattered into countless fragments, yet he still clings to life. Could he possibly be on the verge of a miraculous recovery, or even reaching the transcendental realm?"

The gravity of the discussion deepened as they deliberated. Some believed that Chen Yongjie might not only survive but also deepen his collaboration with departments associated with the old earth.

"The 'accidental death' of Aulesha was likely more than just a sentimental act," one mused.

After much contemplation, one suggested, "If Chen Yongjie recovers, perhaps we can approach him about exploring that secret region. After all, we've collaborated in the past."

The group was confident. In this era, even if legendary figures were to emerge again, they could easily be obliterated by super warships. Even if Chen Yongjie surpassed the realm of the Grandmaster, it was not anything alarming.

"Old Chen should understand the times we're in. If ever there arises an irreconcilable conflict, even the mightiest can be taken down," one said thoughtfully.

"Before any of that, we must respect Chen Yongjie," another added. "In this intricate world, everything boils down to interests. I believe we can find a middle ground that's acceptable for both parties. After all, Old Chen is a smart man."


Chen Mingtu was preparing to depart for the capital city, where he would formally deepen his collaboration with relevant departments. Before leaving, he engaged in a long conversation with Wang Xuan.

"Consider going to the New Star," Chen suggested, "There are more opportunities there. Guan Lin brought me a book that reaffirms my belief that those who practice should actively approach the transcendental realm."

"What have you discovered?" Wang Xuan inquired, studying Chen closely.

With a serious expression, Chen replied, "The realm of 'herb gathering', though it emphasizes the extraction of powerful substances from our own bodies, seems to hint at something else in that book I read. It implies that real-world interactions with various mystical herbs and proximity to extraordinary objects of the transcendental realm can greatly benefit one in reaching the 'herb gathering' stage." He paused, musing, "If the book elaborates only on this one level, might there be other realms that also require such extraordinary encounters?"

Chen continued, "Most scriptures are now in the hands of the New Star's financial elite. The Elixir of Immortality and other miraculous substances are deep in space, filled with opportunities. I'd suggest you explore while you're young."

Wang Xuan raised an eyebrow, "Why do I feel an intense urge from you for me to leave immediately?"

Chen hesitated, then began, "It all started with a mysterious encounter thirty years ago..." Clearly, Chen couldn't help revisiting this topic.

"Stop!" Wang Xuan interjected, turning to Qing Mu. "Old Qing, can you pilot a ship for me? I want to return the Sword Immortal to her original sanctuary for her eternal rest."

Chen seemed deflated at the interruption. He gestured dismissively, "Qing Mu, use Guan Lin's ship. It won't be tracked."

In a short while, Qing Mu piloted the spaceship, delivering Wang Xuan to a desolate mountain range about five hundred miles away. The place was untouched by human presence. The wild grass, bristling thorns, and overgrown bushes of the mountainous terrain seemed an unlikely abode for a legendary figure.

In the heart of a low mountain, Wang Xuan searched diligently. After some time, he stumbled upon remnants of a small Taoist temple, now mostly covered by wild grass and dirt, with shards of tiles buried beneath.

"This is the place!" Wang Xuan confirmed, recognizing the site from the dream where the Sword Immortal had shown him this very temple.

He took out the jade box, containing the immortalized bones, but suddenly felt an overpowering urge to sleep and was quickly pulled into another dream. The ethereal Sword Immortal appeared once more, her presence as otherworldly as before, approaching him with graceful strides. Unlike their previous encounter, she showed no disdain or aggression towards him. She revealed that he should take some dark remnants of the celestial thunder mark from the immortal bones.

Wang Xuan was taken aback. "Such a modest parting gift?" he thought cheekily, implying the Sword Immortal was being miserly.

Much to his surprise, she seemed to have heard his inner thoughts and looked ready to strike him with her sword in annoyance. However, she demonstrated that by keeping these remnants with him, he would be protected once from impending danger.

In his awe and gratitude, Wang Xuan lavished praise upon her, "The celestial beauty, transcending time and captivating the heavens with unparalleled magical prowess, can easily suppress any formidable foe!"josei

The Sword Immortal, pretending to be indifferent, turned away, but as she did, Wang Xuan caught a fleeting glimpse of a radiant, hidden smile that she reserved only for herself. As the dream was about to end, Wang Xuan saw her waving him goodbye, her figure fading into the distance. In the very last moments, an intense scene flashed before his eyes. He saw another realm, where another Sword Immortal, with an awe-inspiring sword aura, was challenging a mighty adversary in fierce combat.

Waking with a start, Wang Xuan found himself back in the real world, the dream's intense emotions still lingering.

"I'll wait here for you, three years from now," he whispered to himself, confident in the belief that the Sword Immortal meant him no harm and sought to ensure his safety. Whatever lay in the future, he felt certain she would be there to protect him.

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