The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 130

Chapter 130: Bloody Romance

In the expansive night sky, the creature's rapid flight echoed with the howling wind. Its formidable body, spanning over three meters without counting its wings, bore an intimidating presence. The distinct scent of blood emanating from it hinted at the previous night's carnage.

Wang Xuan quickly surmised that the creature's prowess was beyond most Masters' capabilities.

He initially aimed to tear away Zhao Qinghan's protective layers and allow them both to fall to the ground. But the beast's swift ascent disrupted his plan. Fearing a lethal drop, Wang Xuan hesitated.

With powerful wingbeats, the creature pierced through the forest's hovering mist, heading into an enigmatic domain.

Zhao Qinghan's face was drained of color. Her initial despondence, however, was replaced with deep appreciation upon witnessing Wang Xuan's audacious leap into the unknown.

She had felt utterly forsaken moments before. The revered master she had enlisted retreated, and no one dared to follow. Accepting her grim fate, she remained silent, realizing that if even the renowned masters were reluctant, others would be rendered helpless.

Zheng Rui, who had once subtly expressed his feelings for her, was conspicuously absent. Similarly, the quasi-Master from her family's old art realm had also paused. But, to her astonishment, Wang Xuan, almost unnoticed until the final moment, heroically lunged into the air, seizing her ankle. josei

In that fleeting moment, she was overwhelmed with emotion, teetering on the brink of tears. It was as if she had been brought back from the edge, finding her place in the world once again.

Amidst the vast expanse of the night, Wang Xuan acted decisively. Letting go of his alloyed knife, he quickly scaled Zhao Qinghan's delicate frame, latching onto the creature's robust hind leg. As they ascended, the earth receded beneath them; even mountains seemed like mere hillocks from this vantage.

Pale with fear, Zhao Qinghan tried to communicate over the whipping wind. "You shouldn't have come. It might cost you your life too." Her voice, at first a whisper, became a shout to pierce the gusty air.

"Stay calm!" Wang Xuan responded, his voice firm. He briefly entertained the idea of grounding the creature, but the grave risk of both of them crashing deterred him.

"Hug me tight," he urged, anticipating the creature's move. "If it lets go, we'll fall!"

Reading the urgency in his voice, Zhao Qinghan tightened her embrace.

Soon enough, the creature tried to shake them off. It sought to free itself from the persistent man clinging to its leg.

Undeterred, Wang Xuan drew his short sword, slashing at the creature's menacing claw as it lunged. Its sharp talons, though intimidating, stood no chance against the precision of his blade. Cut cleanly, the creature trembled in shock.

With deftness, Wang Xuan inflicted a controlled wound on the creature's leg, ensuring not to deliver a fatal blow that might send them plummeting.

Clutching Wang Xuan, with the world far below them, a fearful Zhao Qinghan inquired, "Where is it heading?"

"Likely its nest," Wang Xuan speculated, attempting to comfort her, "Consider this a moonlit tour of the Hidden Land." With a firm grip on the creature and sword at the ready, he pondered their next steps.

In the silent embrace of the night sky, Wang Xuan's swift actions echoed with a metallic cadence as he deftly disabled the sharp claws on the creature's hind legs. This unexpected pedicure left the beast more vulnerable to their intervention, significantly reducing the threat from its sporadic thrashing.

Yet, the creature's foreclaws remained tantalizingly out of reach. Wang Xuan was ever wary, ensuring his actions wouldn't inadvertently cause Zhao Qinghan to tumble into the abyss below.

Suddenly, a guttural growl pierced the air — the creature's first vocal response to its unwelcome passengers. Its eyes, gleaming with icy rage, reflected its anger at this unsolicited grooming.

"Why the outcry?" Wang Xuan chided, a smirk on his lips. "Consider yourself lucky to receive a pedicure from none other than Wang the Elder. It's a tale for the ages!" Undeterred, he jabbed his blade deeper into the creature's leg, eliciting a fresh stream of blood.

"But, of course," he mused, "you won't live long enough to recount that tale. I plan to ensure that tonight." Wang Xuan continued strategizing, aiming to sap the creature's energy and facilitate a controlled descent.

The creature's resilience was evident as it wrestled against Wang Xuan's restraint. On a couple of occasions, it sought to rid itself of its human burdens by attempting audacious mid-air maneuvers.

Recognizing the creature's tenacity, Wang Xuan opted for patience, hoping the beast would land of its own accord. He frequently reminded Zhao Qinghan to maintain her grip, urging her to alert him if fatigue set in.

She responded with a confident nod. "Think of me as a seasoned fighter. I won't tire easily."

For Zhao Qinghan, this was an adventure like no other — astride a formidable beast, traversing the fog-enshrouded heavens with Wang Xuan by her side.

With her anxiety momentarily sidetracked by intrigue, she inquired with a playful wrinkle of her brow, "What do you have on you? It’s unusually hard."

Wang Xuan looked at her, a touch bewildered. "What are you insinuating? Do you honestly see me that way?"

Zhao Qinghan's earlier warmth towards him momentarily dissipated, replaced by mild irritation. She shot back, "What's running through your mind then?" Under the moon's gentle glow, her visage radiated a captivating beauty, her cheeks flushed, and her hair billowed with the breeze.

Realization dawned on Wang Xuan. "It's a steel plate, for added protection," he quickly explained.

With a mixture of curiosity and relief, Zhao Qinghan gave a gentle tap against his waist, feeling the unmistakable hardness of the steel plate that was impressively thick.

In this Hidden Land, Wang Xuan was not just relying on his protective clothing; he had fortified himself further with steel. It spoke volumes about his caution.

As they soared through the night, the creature's passage startled a number of nocturnal avians.

"This creature is in a league of its own, far surpassing its counterparts," Wang Xuan mused. "It has likely consumed something unique that caused it to transform. We might find rare medicinal herbs near its lair."

Zhao Qinghan's face clouded with concern. The beast's prowess was akin to that of martial arts grandmasters. She feared that once they touched down, they might be torn asunder. An unsettling thought gnawed at her - were they being taken to feed its young?

She leaned in, whispering with urgency, "If it descends, we must separate immediately. This time, prioritize your own safety over mine. If even one of us escapes, it's a victory. Don't look back."

Zhao Qinghan sighed softly. Although Wang Xuan was formidable and fearless, she doubted if he could hold his own against a creature of the Grandmaster caliber. Her unfamiliarity with arcane arts and mystical elixirs prevented her from accurately gauging his true prowess.

Holding his short sword, Wang Xuan confidently said, "This blade was crafted by a renowned master. Its edge is incomparable. Before we touch the ground, I'll strike the beast's vital points. We'll carve out a chance for survival; we're not dying tonight."

She had already noticed the peculiar design of his weapon, and now, curiosity compelled her to ask, "Doesn't it bear a resemblance to the ancient Fish Intestine Sword?"

With a nonchalant demeanor, Wang Xuan replied, "It's a replica crafted by a master from the Old World. It's undoubtedly sharper than the original, made of a unique alloy rather than bronze."

In the distance, another beastly roar sounded. A second creature, on par with the first, was fast approaching. The two monsters, likely a male and a female, were about to unite.

With a rueful smile, Wang Xuan remarked, "It seems a battle is inevitable tonight. Touring the moonlit wilderness, painting it with the blood of beasts, it's a crimson romance of its own." He had a feeling that he'd have to reveal the full extent of his Master-level abilities.

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