The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 138

Chapter 138: Alone Into The Enemy Camp

In the mysterious planet distinct from the New World, individuals would often lose themselves. The young man from the Qin family, once a paragon of decorum and grace on New World, now lay in a crimson pool of his own making. Whether at elegant soirees or intimate gatherings, he was always the epitome of geniality. Yet, in this realm, a darker side of him had been unleashed.

Equally transformed was the Moonlight Bodhisattva. Previously known for his reticence and impassivity, here he exhibited a chilling ruthlessness, mercilessly maiming the young Qin without a second thought. Freed from societal norms and moral confines, the true nature of many revealed itself.

"Who approaches?" The Moonlight Bodhisattva's heightened senses detected even the softest tread of the Grandmaster Horse. In a swift, graceful leap, he distanced himself, surveying his surroundings with wariness. Although his aura radiated a pure, ethereal glow akin to moonlight, it was marred by the harsh splatters of blood on his visage and attire.

"Where are the rest?" Wang Xuan's voice held an edge, cold and sharp, deducing the grim fate of the others.

"They're scattered in various parts of the forest, guarded by other grandmasters. I can lead you to them. I've slain only a few; their remains are here," the Moonlight Bodhisattva replied, his stance defensive yet calculated. He remained wary of Wang Xuan, discerning an underlying threat despite his young age.

Interrupting Wang Xuan's thoughts, Moonlight Bodhisattva added swiftly, "Navigating this dense forest without guidance would be a futile endeavor. Despite appearances, I am not your adversary. After all, it was by my hand that those of the Qin family met their end."

Wang Xuan, mounted confidently atop his steed, realized the source of the Moonlight Bodhisattva's caution. The familiar presence of the horse, a recognizable entity, must have betrayed something significant.

"Do you intend to lead me to them or not?" Wang Xuan prodded.

Moonlight Bodhisattva retreated, a tinge of resignation in his voice. "You still want to kill me. But truly, there might be no need. Without the genetic stabilizer from the Qin family, my body might already be on the verge of collapse. All I wish is to live out my days in the desolate regions of this land, striving to transcend my limits. If I fail, at least my demise would be silent and unnoticed."

"Time is of the essence. Lead the way, and I'll spare you," Wang Xuan replied tersely.

Despite Wang Xuan's assurances, doubt clouded Moonlight Bodhisattva's eyes. "Trust is a luxury I can't afford," he responded, drifting toward a cluster of rugged boulders.

Growing impatient, Wang Xuan sprung forward in pursuit, only to be halted by the other's raised hand. "Stop!" the Moonlight Bodhisattva gestured towards the sloping terrain, which revealed a vast river beneath, teeming with eerie silhouettes and shining, armored creatures reflecting the moonlight. A sight both mesmerizing and terrifying. "I'd rather take my chances with that river than trust a stranger."

Wang Xuan stopped in his tracks, taken aback by the Buddha's unwavering resolve. The river's expanse and the lurking dangers beneath seemed a daunting gamble.

The older man's gaze softened as he spoke, "Seeing you reminds me of my younger self. On my first venture here, I nearly lost my life trying to save another. In this land, mercy and kindness will get you killed."

Meeting his gaze, Wang Xuan asked, "You've been to this land years ago? Weren't most of the exploration teams from various families reported to have been decimated?"

The middle-aged man's affirmation caused Wang Xuan's eyes to narrow. "Indeed, many expeditions have met their end. But often, the truth is cloaked. These families frequently misrepresent their own losses, painting a picture grimmer than it really is. This place," he gestured around, "is teeming with individuals more treacherous than you can fathom. My urge to escape is rooted in this dread. And if we're trading secrets, be warned: the Qin family has a base in these parts."

Wang Xuan's gaze intensified, realizing the labyrinthine complexities of this realm.

"The ones you seek have taken refuge in a convoluted terrain – a place of lakes, marshlands, and towering stone forests. It's perilously close to the lair of some formidable beasts," the Moonlight Bodhisattva said, indicating a distant direction. "Without my guidance, you'd undoubtedly stray from their path."

After a brief pause, he added, "This is where we part. But remember, fate may have us join forces against the Qin in the future."

Wang Xuan's stance became more assertive. "Share your stash of the black gold dates with me."

Moonlight Bodhisattva was resolute. "They might not offer you much advantage, but they're my lifeline. Ever wonder the Qin's fervor in harvesting them? They are the cornerstone for a rare genetic potion."

With little warning, he heaved a boulder at Wang Xuan, who nonchalantly shattered it with a deft kick.

Witnessing this feat, the man's tone held a hint of admiration. "You wield the prowess of a master, despite your youth. Which faction achieved such a marvel to mold you?"

Having gauged Wang Xuan's capabilities, the man's decision was swift and unwavering. Without a second thought, he took a daring leap into the river below, submerging himself in its depths.

Wang Xuan's expression hardened. The man's determination was chilling, seeking potential salvation even in the face of mortal danger.

With urgency driving him, Wang Xuan swiftly mounted his ethereal steed, racing through the uneven landscape. The rapid thud of hooves and the swirling of fallen leaves marked their relentless pursuit.

As Wang Xuan pressed forward, he stumbled upon a grim tableau. Strewn about were bodies, some belonging to familiar faces he'd once accompanied on their airship journey to this secretive land. They'd once stood shoulder to shoulder, battling the mighty Qiulong dragons.

Now, their remains painted a gruesome picture of violent deaths. Some were cleaved at the waist, others had their torsos obliterated. Their faces were smeared with blood, their eyes still wide with horror and disbelief, their final moments encapsulating despair and a yearning for understanding. They had prepared for the threats of this land but never anticipated that the fatal blows would come from their own kind.

Most of these fallen souls were novices, venturing into the secretive land for the first time. Among the victims, Wang Xuan noticed a young couple, their lives cruelly ended as they held each other, a blade having pierced both their hearts. Their final expressions were a mix of sorrow and perhaps a hint of relief. Nearby, the decapitated head of an older adventurer lay next to his body. His temples had grayed with age, his eyes wide but void of life.

A furious flame ignited in Wang Xuan's heart. Every new sight intensified his rage, the cruel handiwork of treacherous humans proving more chilling than any beast or monster. Each atrocity seemed to reverberate, "Monsters! Devoid of any shred of humanity!" The sheer brutality, colder and more fearsome than any creature of this land, left Wang Xuan seething.

His chest echoed with a subtle rumble, like distant thunder. He resolved then and there to show no mercy. Whether it be the elusive Moonlight Bodhisattva or anyone from the illustrious Qin family, he'd ensure that justice would be mercilessly meted out.

Sensing Wang Xuan's heightened danger and intent, the white steed beneath him seemed to grow unusually docile. It sped obediently, navigating the intricate terrain ahead.

As they pushed forward, figures emerged from the distance — unmistakably the perpetrators of the recent atrocities. Their clothes stained with blood, they wielded their blades with ruthless intent, ensuring the demise of those who already lay motionless in pools of blood. Their depravity knew no bounds as they severed the heads of the fallen to ensure no chance of survival.

"Halt!" A voice commanded, drawing Wang Xuan's gaze. A man with a metallic blade blocked their path, but the steed, unyielding, raced forward. In the moonlight, Wang Xuan unsheathed his sword, which gleamed like a streak of lightning.

"Attack!" The shout came from the opposing side, even before Wang Xuan could voice his intent.

Blades clashed, their gleaming arcs painting the forest with trails of light. But Wang Xuan, with his superior speed and skill, made short work of them. With swift, deliberate strikes, four heads were sent tumbling through the air. The lifeless bodies that remained spewed crimson, painting the ground below.

The white steed, showcasing its formidable strength, reared up, crushing weapons and adversaries beneath its powerful hooves. Together, they made an unstoppable duo. The strength of two Grandmasters against the relatively weaker opponents proved insurmountable.

"Who goes there?" A voice echoed from afar. Although the distance was considerable, the speaker could discern the white steed and its young rider. "Curious," he mused, "to see a horse galloping through these lands. What magnificent breed might that be? Capture it, but ensure the horse remains unscathed!"

The directive came from a youth, no older than seventeen. Unaware of Wang Xuan's previous feats, he spoke with unwavering confidence. The scattered bodies near him went unnoticed, a testament to his cold indifference.

Wang Xuan's eyes grew icy as he surveyed the scene. It appeared the Qin family had established a stronghold nearby, even sending this young adolescent to oversee its operation. Were they planting their roots in this area?

Close to the youth stood seven or eight individuals. Among them was a near-Grandmaster, and the others too exhibited formidable strength. Heeding the young boy's order, they began to encircle Wang Xuan.

"Be cautious!" a voice cautioned from behind the group. "It may not have wings, but that creature bears a resemblance to the mythical flying horses. Let them approach; do not obstruct them!"

Glancing over, Wang Xuan's gaze landed on an expansive clearing where around thirty individuals stood. Astonishingly, two of them bore the mark of Moonlight Bodhisattvas. As their eyes locked onto Wang Xuan, they radiated a chilling white glow.

The young boy, realizing the impending danger, attempted to flee. But no matter how swift he was on foot, how could he ever outrun a steed of Grandmaster prowess?

With a powerful signal from Wang Xuan, the white horse sprinted ahead, its hooves shaking the ground, effortlessly sending three adversaries flying into the air. Each one suffered grievous wounds, their chances of survival slimming with every passing second.

In a flash, Wang Xuan overtook the young boy, his blade sweeping through the air. The boy's head was severed, tumbling several meters away before his body crashed to the ground.

Wang Xuan showed no mercy. He was determined to eradicate this base. Whether foe or mere youth, he deemed none innocent. Their hands, he believed, were all stained with blood. The sight of that young boy laughing amidst a pile of corpses was proof enough of his malevolent nature.

"How dare you?!" An anguished cry echoed from a middle-aged man in the distance, a mix of fury and deep sorrow.

Wang Xuan's expression remained cold and unwavering. Was this the man's idea of heartbreak? To laugh at others' misfortune and then buckle when tragedy befell him?

With an impassive gaze fixed forward, Wang Xuan abruptly turned his steed around, charging back the way he came.

The middle-aged man, mistaking this action for retreat, shouted authoritatively, "Stop him at all costs! He cannot escape today. I will personally deliver him to the laboratory, and there, I shall flay him alive!"

A faint smirk lingered on Wang Xuan's lips. Retreat? The very notion was laughable. He had turned back only with the intention of eliminating those who had stood with the youth earlier. His resolve was clear: he would not spare a single one. Tonight was set to be a night of relentless retribution. Every last executioner would meet their end.

From behind, a synchronized movement arose. A group of seasoned warriors, brandishing alloy blades, silently split up, aiming to block Wang Xuan's path using shortcuts. Among them, one of the Moonlight Bodhisattvas pursued with uncanny agility, leaping distances of over ten meters in a single bound.

As Wang Xuan surged forward, his blade wreaked havoc. These foes were no match for his prowess. Even the near-Grandmaster was cleaved in two, meeting a grisly end.

"Such power in one so young. There's something amiss with him. Seize him! We must find out which laboratory has made this breakthrough, releasing such a monster into the world," a voice commanded from the crowd.

With a thunderous battle cry, Wang Xuan showed no hint of retreat. After dispatching the initial wave of attackers, he decisively wheeled around to confront the next group.josei

His gaze locked onto a Grandmaster-level superhuman. With a graceful leap off his steed, Wang Xuan's blade glinted with a brilliance that resembled a bolt of lightning, illuminating the entire forest.

With one swift strike, the Grandmaster-level superhuman, despite all his efforts to dodge, was cut diagonally across his shoulder, succumbing to death almost instantly. The sight rendered everyone present speechless. To bring down a Grandmaster with just one strike – what kind of monster were they dealing with?

Another battle cry echoed, this time not needing any orders. A second Moonlight Bodhisattva charged forward, emanating a radiant glow that seemed especially ethereal against the backdrop of the dark night.

The two Moonlight Bodhisattvas, gleaming like twin orbs of light, converged on Wang Xuan from different angles, aiming to strike him down.

"Come then," Wang Xuan challenged, brandishing his blade, "None of you will escape tonight. I'll ensure every last one of you meets your end." Undeterred, he stood firm, facing off against two powerhouses of the Grandmaster tier.

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