The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 142

Chapter 142: Transhuman In The Hidden Land

We were just discussing the possibility of a sentient humanoid species deep within this concealed terrain, and now, suddenly, here they are? Wang Xuan approached for a closer look.

The strangers' attire was unlike anything he had ever seen. It wasn't reminiscent of ancient wear. Intricate protective gear adorned their heads and faces, not in the form of cumbersome helmets but rather delicate, ornate designs of floral motifs and birds. These pieces, while allowing for ventilation, were also aesthetically pleasing.

Wang Xuan marveled at the craftsmanship. The intricate designs were sophisticated and even by modern standards, they were undeniably stunning.

"Jili... Eura!" One from the group shouted something. Most of it was unintelligible, but the last word stood out as if it signified something.

Zhao Qinghan whispered, "They suddenly emerged from the woods and displayed significant hostility upon seeing us. However, they seem hesitant to make a move."

Were these individuals the beings from the depths of the secret realm? The immediate hostility wasn't a promising sign. Wang Xuan extended his psychic senses towards them, instantly realizing that each one was formidable. In the event of a clash, his group would likely face disaster. Some, even with their aura concealed, possessed strength on par with grandmasters.

A sinking feeling gripped Wang Xuan's heart as his hand subconsciously reached for his short sword. If conflict was inevitable, they would have to fight with everything they had. A young man from the opposing group sensed Wang Xuan's action and locked eyes with him, a shimmering haze on his forehead signifying potent psychic energy.

Wang Xuan grew apprehensive. Their opponents had both grandmasters and individuals with profound psychic abilities. None seemed easy to contend with. He worried about how many of his team would survive if a fight broke out.

The strangers appeared youthful, similar in age to his group. Some even looked quite younger, not even twenty. Yet, this didn't surprise Wang Xuan.

In the vast expanse of this otherworldly planet, where myriad wonders thrived, Wang Xuan wasn't entirely taken aback by the might of these enigmatic strangers. If they indeed hailed from this land's hidden reaches, their astonishing prowess was fitting for such a transcendent realm.

Gracefully dismounting his horse, Wang Xuan affectionately caressed its mane. He subtly directed the creature towards Zhao Qinghan, his gaze conveying a silent message: if peril arose, she must escape on horseback without a moment's delay. The seriousness in his eyes conveyed the impending danger, hinting at the formidable nature of their newfound acquaintances.

Zhong Cheng, usually outspoken, chose his words carefully. He reached out with an emphasis on their shared lineage, hinting at a potential common ancestry and a shared historical homeland.

All eyes from the mysterious group turned to Wang Xuan. With unguarded intent, he expanded his psychic aura, meticulously analyzing each individual. With each observation, a growing unease settled within him. Every figure stood out with unique abilities that hinted at their formidable nature.

Some pulsed with dormant energies, evoking the imagery of magma beneath a volcano's crust, waiting to erupt. Others showcased a skin glistening with a metallic hue, reminiscent of the fabled golden body arts that granted unparalleled protection.


Amidst the scene, there was astonishment on the other side as well, with all eyes fixated on Wang Xuan.

In hushed tones, a few individuals discussed the newcomers from the New World side.

Wang Xuan's psychic realm demonstrated its profound capabilities. He could perceive the subtle ripples of their conscious thought, not by understanding their words, but by piercing through the very fabric of their thinking.


Such disdain for his group made Wang Xuan's heart race.

It seemed these beings, who appeared to emerge from some concealed land, possessed an overwhelming sense of superiority.

"The one on the celestial steed, he has an unusual psychic energy. It seems even more potent than mine. Could he have formed an Inner Realm?" One of them remarked, his gaze unwavering from Wang Xuan.

"Impossible, isn’t the formation of an Inner Realm related to Transcendence?" another replied.

"Quiet! I fear he might pick up on our thoughts."

Soon, silence enveloped the group of ten, their focus solely on Wang Xuan. Their psychic energies turned dormant, hinting at some hidden technique.

Their comprehension of cultivation and transcendence seemed vastly superior to that of the New World people.

The ten exchanged silent gestures, and with one last glance at Wang Xuan, they began to recede, disappearing into the forest.

"Which backward planet do these barbarians come from? Their protective gear is so fragile, and even their sense of aesthetics is outdated. Just look at their unsightly attire."

"Quiet! He might still sense our thoughts."

"Shall we not confront them?"

"There's no rush."


The ten figures vanished as if they had never been there in the first place. Their power was overwhelming, surpassing even that of the revered Moonlight Bodhisattva. Wang Xuan gazed in the direction of their departure, exhaling softly. The thought of encountering such a group had been so daunting that he had considered instructing Zhao Qinghan and the others to flee first.

"It makes sense," he murmured. "Having trained from a young age with unwavering commitment over the years, they are bound to be powerful."

Yet, their arrogance was hard to stomach. They looked down upon Wang Xuan's group not just in terms of strength but even from an aesthetic perspective. What vexed him most was their audacity in considering them "barbarians" from an uncivilized planet. Relatively speaking, the individuals from the New World were indeed weaker. Wang Xuan himself was a novice, having delved into the old arts just a few years prior. And some among them practiced the ancient arts for whimsical reasons, such as to maintain their physique!

The adventurers were unsettled. The previous speculations about the existence of new human-like beings had just materialized. This was the first time New World's inhabitants had encountered humanoid lifeforms in the secretive land. A breakthrough discovery, confirming the presence of a highly intelligent race.

"It's a shame we can't relay this information back," lamented Zheng Rui.

Zhong Qing voiced her concern, "They seemed hostile. Do you think they'll cause trouble?"

Wang Xuan couldn't help but notice Zhong's growing penchant for seeing the dark side of things. He responded with a stark reality, "Those ten individuals might all operate at the Grandmaster level."

The revelation silenced the group. The disparity between them was staggering. Even more concerning was the palpable intent to kill they felt from the group. Facing just one Grandmaster-level creature was a challenge. But ten? It would be a massacre.

"We need to leave immediately," advised Zhao Qinghan. "If only we could reach Master Zhong and Master Song. Perhaps we should try to track them down."

Master Zhong and Master Song, with their transcendent capabilities, seemed to be their only safeguard now.

Zheng Rui agreed, "Let's follow the trail left by Master Zhong and his team."

However, such a path was fraught with risks, especially if they encountered superior beings. The group decided to tread cautiously, maintaining a safe distance. They all felt that it was only a matter of time before the ten would make their move. Swiftly, they ventured into the forest. Days on the run had left them on edge, a never-ending state of alertness weighing heavily on them.

At that moment, everyone's thoughts drifted back to the New World, their home. The bustling metropolis, the rich aroma of fine wines, delectable gourmet meals, and the comfort of soft, expansive beds all seemed so far away. In dire situations, the heart yearns for the comforts of the past.josei

Zhou Yun's memories were particularly vivid: the dazzling nightlife, luxury vehicles, beautiful women, and the brilliance of life itself. He often recalled flying in his small spaceship with a beautiful companion by his side. "I miss my three girlfriends!" he lamented, lost in memories even as they fled.

Zhong Qing, with her slender frame, ran swiftly, darting ahead of most. Hearing Zhou Yun's wistful thoughts, she couldn't help but look back with disdain.

Zhao Qinghan, with her long strides, was swift, staying close to Wang Xuan's side.

At this point, Grandmaster Ma, revered as the most skilled amongst them, did not carry anyone on his back. Instead, he remained alert, prepared to confront any threat, should the need arise.

Eventually, exhaustion took its toll. After crossing countless mountains and valleys, they felt their lungs might burst. Slowing down, many collapsed onto the ground, gasping for breath.

"Eat these spirit fruits to restore your energy!" Wang Xuan suggested. He opened his collection bag to reveal luminescent blue fruits emitting a pleasant aroma. They looked incredibly appetizing.

The sight of the fruits changed many expressions. Such spirit fruits were rare and precious, few had ever tasted them. In terms of value, they were worth a fortune.

However, many hesitated to take the fruits. After all, they had been collected by Wang Xuan and Grandmaster Ma. Wang Xuan handed one to Zhao Qinghan and took a bite from another. The fruit was sweet and crisp, but its effects were minimal on him due to his formidable strength. He suspected the fruits might not be as valuable as another resource he had.

Many refrained from taking the fruits, feeling they hadn't contributed enough to deserve them.

Wang Xuan spoke up, "There might not be enough for everyone to have a whole fruit. Let's share. If those ten figures come after us, our chances of survival are slim. We should restore our strength and boost our abilities while we can."

With silent agreement, the group began consuming the spirit fruits.

Some in the group felt a pang of guilt, suggesting that perhaps Grandmaster Ma and Wang Xuan should receive a larger share of the spirit fruits, considering their pivotal roles.

"Grandmaster Ma himself mentioned he's not particularly fond of these fruits; one suffices for him," Wang Xuan clarified.

Grandmaster Ma, however, darted a pointed glare at Wang Xuan. Contrary to what was stated, he thoroughly enjoyed the sweet taste of the fruits. Yet Wang Xuan believed that, given Grandmaster Ma's profound abilities, the fruit might not benefit him as much as it would the others.

Without hesitation, Wang Xuan selected another spirit fruit and graciously handed it to Zhao Qinghan. It was widely believed that the effectiveness of such rare fruits diminished after consuming just a couple.

The group settled into a period of rest, eagerly awaiting the invigorating effects of the fruit. Wang Xuan, in particular, stayed close to Zhao Qinghan, watching as a delicate blue radiance emanated from her face. He recognized that she was on the verge of ascending to the next realm in her spiritual journey, having already been on its cusp.

Subsequently, Wang Xuan turned his attention to Grandmaster Ma, offering him an insect that gleamed like blue agate. Grandmaster Ma initially looked aghast, finding the gesture slightly belittling. However, when Wang Xuan peeled back the insect's exterior, revealing its enticing insides, Grandmaster Ma was hard-pressed to resist. He swiftly gulped down the creature and, with a hopeful glint in his eyes, nudged Wang Xuan for more.

"We should observe for a moment," Wang Xuan cautioned, "What if it’s harmful? Let’s ensure there are no adverse reactions first." Pushing away Grandmaster Ma’s insistent nudges, Wang Xuan sought some distance.

Growing increasingly sentient with time, Grandmaster Ma almost erupted in indignation, but Wang Xuan's firm grip around his neck placated him. To onlookers, it seemed as though Wang Xuan had a unique rapport with the majestic creature, fostering a bond few could understand.

Watching their interaction, Zhou Yun remarked with a hint of envy, "Wang Xuan has an undeniable gift. His camaraderie with a being of Grandmaster Ma's stature is truly remarkable."

"I win the horse's loyalty through virtue," Wang Xuan responded calmly.

Grandmaster Ma, however, snorted in disdain, beams of white light emanating from his nostrils. He clearly didn’t think highly of Wang Xuan.

Before long, the group realized they couldn’t stay stationary for too long, with survival at stake. The urgency of their situation spurred them into a desperate sprint.

Unexpectedly, Wang Xuan slowed his pace and looked over his shoulder. Drawing closer to Zhao Qinghan, he directed her with a meaningful gaze toward the white horse.

"See, Grandmaster Ma?" Wang Xuan started, displaying a handful of shimmering blue insects, "If you protect this lady, these are yours to feast upon."

With that, he gently guided Zhao Qinghan onto the horseback. Her face drained of color, reflecting her deep concern. Having developed a bond with Wang Xuan, she sensed an impending challenge.

"I have a plan," Wang Xuan whispered reassuringly, urging Grandmaster Ma to accelerate. Drawing a short blade from his side, he took cover behind a dense thicket, anticipating the approach of foes.

Soon enough, shadowy figures emerged, murmuring amongst themselves.

"These natives are peculiar. Which planet do they hail from that they seem so... vulnerable?"

"Do you think they could be the indigenous people of this planet? Maybe descendants of those who couldn't escape all those years ago, leading to an isolated lineage?"

As Wang Xuan eavesdropped on the conversation, he was taken aback. The origins of these strangers didn't align with his initial assumptions.

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