The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 146

Chapter 146: The Kiss Of Transcendence

The audacity of this native to seize my Immortal Herb! The woman was seething with anger, wishing she could obliterate Wang Xuan with a single blow.

A faint white glow emanated from her pristine palm, initially aimed at Wang Xuan's heart. However, heeding the distant warning, she swiftly altered her trajectory. Wang Xuan cunningly pretended to guard the crimson fruit and used his arm to fend off her attack.

The woman, with an intricately carved headgear and a metallic-textured dress that accentuated her delicate features, had murder in her eyes. She channeled a unique energy, resonating from her internal organs to her palm. Intent on unleashing her deadliest move, she aimed to shatter Wang Xuan's defensive arm completely.

Those at the Grandmaster level underwent strange transformations, and her internal luminance could amplify immense strength to certain parts of her body.josei


The atmosphere quaked with the force of her strike, making contact with Wang Xuan's arm. With a steely gaze, she thought, "How dare you steal from me? You shall pay the consequences!"

Yet, to her dismay, the ensuing moment didn't unfold as anticipated. Excruciating pain radiated from her palm, contorting her otherwise graceful features. Blood spattered everywhere, a brilliant shade of red, but it wasn't Wang Xuan's – it was hers. Her powerful strike hadn't shattered Wang Xuan's arm; instead, it had severely backfired, causing her palm to be gruesomely mangled.

Reeling from the pain, she swiftly retreated, displaying remarkable reflexes despite her injury. Meanwhile, Wang Xuan, with silent determination, aimed a kick at her midsection. As a Grandmaster, she reacted almost instantly, swinging her right leg to meet his. Using the force of their clash, she pushed herself further back, all the while casting a deadly glare towards the woods, her body trembling with pain and rage.

In the dense forest, the male onlooker was flabbergasted and at a loss. The vital intelligence, for which he had paid a hefty price, was drastically inaccurate?

"Damn it!" He could only curse in frustration, realizing that there wasn't an immediate way to rectify or explain the situation.

Outside the transcendent den, Wang Xuan seized the opportunity to press forward aggressively, determined to eliminate the woman. If they were destined to be enemies, he would take down as many adversaries as he could.

As the skirmish inside the cave ceased, two other figures burst out, charging toward Wang Xuan. The woman, although injured, managed to halt her retreat. Her face was etched with cold ferocity, and her eyes bore a deep-seated resentment towards Wang Xuan. Despite the punctured palm, even with bones damaged, she still wished to join her comrades in killing him. He was too contemptible to be left alive.

Unable to bear the thought of letting Wang Xuan escape, she communicated softly but urgently, "Give it your all. Kill this native!"

Wang Xuan's body started glowing as he activated the body techniques recorded in the Five-Page Golden Book. Facing their unyielding intent to kill, he was equally determined to fight back. It was a life-or-death situation for both sides, and seizing the right moment to strike was crucial.

As a pale golden halo radiated from Wang Xuan, with his organs resonating, the woman lunged forward to counter. Simultaneously, one of the men from the cave approached with a curved blade, slashing ferociously. Unexpectedly, Wang Xuan swiftly pivoted, turning his back to the woman and brandishing a short sword at the attacker. Such a choice was unanticipated by the onlookers.

Using the body techniques passed down from Old Zhang, Wang Xuan's internal power surged. His vitality and physique were greatly enhanced, giving him astounding speed and explosive power. He swiftly cut the curved blade and lunged further, drawing a chilling arc with his sword. With a swift thrust, he created a gruesome wound across the man's chest, revealing bones. The incredible sharpness of the sword, combined with Wang Xuan's amplified power and speed, made his attacks overwhelming.

The sudden change in his target, coupled with his swift counterattack, caught his adversaries off guard. Meanwhile, as the woman aimed a strike at Wang Xuan's head, he leaped forward, avoiding her attack and exposing his back. Just as her hand was about to make contact, she hesitated, recalling the words of the man by the river about the anomaly on Wang Xuan's back.

Fearing the barbed metal plates, she slightly altered her angle, slowing down and landing her strike on Wang Xuan's shoulder instead.

The woman's last-second hesitation clearly reduced the force of her blow. Wang Xuan had intentionally exposed his back to her, anticipating she might hold back, fearing his spiked armor. In the dynamic ebb and flow of battle, anything could happen, and Wang Xuan could miscalculate. But with his golden body technique protecting him, even a solid strike wouldn't cause any significant harm.

His gamble paid off. Using the momentum from the woman's blow, Wang Xuan lunged even more fiercely at the man in front of him. The man felt a sharp pain in his chest as Wang Xuan's short sword slashed through, grazing his heart and sending shivers of terror down his spine. One sudden assault and he had nearly met his doom.

All these swift exchanges happened in the blink of an eye. The man's two allies, one behind him and the other behind Wang Xuan, could only watch. As Wang Xuan pressed on, his entire body seemed to boil with energy, his sword humming as he aimed another attack.

Facing imminent danger, instincts often kick in. The man tried to muster all his strength, preparing for a counterstrike. However, a splash of blood erupted from the wound on his chest, which was exacerbated by the resonance of his powers. The pain in his heart was so intense that he nearly collapsed, vision blurring. With Wang Xuan's sword swiftly approaching, he barely dodged, avoiding a fatal strike to his neck. Instead, he lost an arm in the process.

Wang Xuan sighed. Despite all his predictions and strategies, he hadn't managed to kill his opponent and decided not to pursue further. From behind, the woman, her face pale with fury, aimed a strike at Wang Xuan's head. Another man was closing in from the front.

He didn't want to get entangled with them any longer. If they cornered him, it could end tragically, especially with more of their allies lurking in the distant woods, ready to join the fray. Without a moment's hesitation, Wang Xuan broke free from the encirclement.

"I'll kill him!" A voice growled from a distant hilltop. Cold eyes fixed on Wang Xuan. They were furious at him for not only intercepting their treasured elixir but also for injuring their comrades. The disdain was palpable.

"They should've taken him out earlier!" the others muttered in agreement.

This was a mix of old grudges and fresh resentment. Once, they had looked down upon what they considered the local inhabitants. Now, they found themselves repeatedly bested by one.

"Stay calm," one of the men cautioned, gritting his teeth. "If the transcendent creature isn't dead, it could spell disaster. Stick to the plan. His end is imminent. Let him live a little longer."

"Hold back!" another echoed.

Suddenly, a piercing shriek, nearly deafening, emanated from the perimeter of the misty region. The once-rampaging transcendent silkworm-snake, for some reason, seemed to regain some clarity. Instead of venturing further into the forbidden zone, it made a swift turn and darted back the way it came.

"We need to leave, now!" Those atop the distant hill looked alarmed, witnessing their worst fears unfold.

"What about the three of them near the transcendent cave?" someone inquired, referring to their comrades.

"Forget them for now!"

These hilltop watchers had positioned themselves at a safe distance, ensuring a quick escape if needed. They all had roles. The woman was tasked with gathering the mystical herbs, the riskiest job, but with the highest reward. The two men, her backups, weren't initially meant to enter the transcendent creature's lair. Had they stuck to the plan, they'd likely be safe. But greed had driven them deeper, seeking more precious herbs, deviating from the initial strategy.

"We'll be fine. We've planned our escape route meticulously. Move!" Despite their concerns, the trio remained composed. Two men and a woman dashed into the woods where they had pre-laid various substances, likely to deter the silkworm-snake's pursuit.

Suddenly, glancing back, they spotted Wang Xuan. He was following them, escaping the same danger!

"That wretched thief!" The woman couldn't contain her rage upon seeing him. The man who'd lost an arm was even more incensed, his eyes blazing with fury.

As much as they wished to turn back and deal with Wang Xuan first, the pressing danger forced them onward.

Wang Xuan paid no heed to their remarks and continued his chase. He had already noted the escape route as optimal, much like the trio. In his view, as long as he could outrun them at the critical moment, he'd be safe. After all, the slowest would bear the brunt of any danger.

He held back, however, following closely to avoid losing his way. He planned to overtake them once they reached clearer terrain. As he ran, he began to consume a fruit, savoring its luscious taste and sipping its rich purple-red juice. To him, consuming it now was the safest bet against unforeseen mishaps.

A faint reddish hue appeared around his nostrils and mouth with every bite of this extraordinary fruit. Wang Xuan was determined to enjoy every bit of this precious find.

The trio, upon looking back, were momentarily shocked to see him gorging on the fruit. Yet, they maintained their composure, sparing him only a fleeting glance before returning their attention to their escape.

Wang Xuan marveled at their stoic demeanor. The trio's calm and focused response, without even a word of rebuke, was astonishing. Nevertheless, he continued to relish the fruit, which was indeed a rare delicacy. After swallowing the last piece, he felt a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

But what came next from the trio nearly made him explode with rage.

"He's finished it all! Truly a primitive local. Consuming it directly will turn him into a monster within three days!" one whispered.

"The Blood Grapes should be given to beasts first, allowing them to 'filter' it. Then one should consume the 'spiritual meat'. Only a local would be so ignorant!" another murmured.

Wang Xuan was taken aback. "Why didn't you say this earlier?" Anger surged within him. The revelation that humans weren't meant to directly consume the fruit infuriated him. No wonder the trio had calmly watched him consume it without uttering a word.

"Cunning devils," he cursed under his breath, feeling a sudden cough coming on as he attempted to regurgitate the fruit.

"It's too late to spit it out now; once ingested, its effects are immediately absorbed," one of the trio sneered.

"Any guesses on what kind of monster he'll turn into?" another said, relishing in the schadenfreude.

Their taunting was interrupted by a piercing shriek from behind. The supernatural creature was closing in, hunting them with relentless fervor.

With no time to regret his earlier decisions, Wang Xuan cast aside his apprehensions and sprinted with all his might. Drawing on his powerful bodily techniques, he maintained a tireless pace, soon outpacing the trio.

"How is he accelerating?" one exclaimed.

"He's probably beginning his transformation into a demon!" another quipped.

Wang Xuan, upon hearing this, wished he could silence them for good. Their words stung, especially when he couldn't predict the changes taking place within him.

Suddenly, a thunderous noise erupted from ahead. The forest gave way to a vast lake, its waters now being displaced by a monstrous emergence. Wang Xuan came to a sudden halt, his skin prickling with unease.

Had the serpentine creature somehow moved to the lake ahead?

The incessant shrieks from behind and the new threat in front sent shivers down his spine. To his horror, he realized there were two of these serpentine creatures.

The trio, equally shocked, felt their composure shatter. They had painstakingly scouted the vicinity near the creature's lair, only ever spotting a single serpent tending to its young. They had never anticipated the existence of a second mature serpent. They were now trapped between two deadly threats.

One of them spoke with a grim tone, "From what we know, only the female serpent cares for its young while the male wanders. Little did we anticipate it would inhabit this region."

Wang Xuan felt the weight of despair; even the best-laid plans could be upended by unforeseen variables. Nothing was going as expected.

With the looming possibility of turning into a demon and being trapped by two supernatural beasts, Wang Xuan felt as if all paths to survival were blocked. The two serpentine creatures closed in, one from the front and the other from behind, trapping the group amidst the dense forest. Their cold, merciless eyes bore into them, bringing a stench of decay and blood.

These colossal creatures towered over them, exuding an oppressive aura that was palpable in the air. One of the men, driven by desperation, tried to make a break for it. But before he could get far, a blur of movement from one of the serpents resulted in his demise — devoured in one swift bite.

The remaining man, woman, and Wang Xuan stood frozen, barely daring to breathe. The gap in their capabilities was glaringly evident. These creatures were leagues beyond even the most skilled human masters.

With a swift move, one serpent lunged and took the other man into its mouth. The man, stricken with fear, struggled briefly before the creature's sharp fangs pierced his abdomen. He instantly became still, too terrified to move. The woman's face was drained of color, rigid with terror.

Wang Xuan, though pale, recalled a scene he had witnessed earlier. He remembered the serpent offering its young live prey to eat, without killing them first. Did these creatures prefer their food alive?

Holding on to this thought, he stood motionless. His intuition proved right when the other serpent descended, taking both him and the woman into its mouth without impaling them with its venomous fangs. The sensation was akin to being kissed by the serpent.

Inside the serpent's mouth, the woman's face contorted in a mix of fear and rage as she found herself pressed next to Wang Xuan. He remained expressionless, choosing to ignore her. She, after taking a deep breath, tried to mimic Wang Xuan's composure, staying as still as a log.

Soon, they were taken back to the serpent's lair, where two younger serpents eagerly awaited their return. With agitated movements and piercing cries, the young serpents approached the newcomers hungrily.

Laid on the ground and faced with the prospect of being devoured alive by the young creatures, the man and woman were on the brink of hysteria, believing their end to be near.

However, Wang Xuan, ever the strategist, remained silent. In a bold move, he chose to cooperate with one of the young serpents, willingly letting himself be taken into its mouth.

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