The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 206

Chapter 206: Slaying And Earth Immortal With A Battleship

Old Chen noticed that the female immortal hadn't returned with them and had temporarily stayed in the secret land. Wang Xuan speculated that after some time, she would probably return to the New Star aboard Zhao Qinghan and Wu Yin's spaceship, which relieved him somewhat.

Zheng Rui had recovered from his hypnotic state and remembered most of his adventurous experiences in the secret land, although his recollections of sensitive events were somewhat vague and unclear.

On the spaceship, Zhou Yun broke down in tears, showing signs of losing control as he clung to Zheng Rui, overwhelmed with gratitude. He had been terrified in the secret land, often chased by monstrous creatures with gaping mouths. If it weren't for Zheng Rui's intervention with his "Hand of God," Zhou Yun would have died long ago. Despite his strong heart, he had been scared to the point of trembling and cramping.

"Waiter, bring some alcohol!" Zhou Yun wiped his tears and shouted. Zhong Qing looked at him oddly, reminding him, "Brother Zhou, you're on a spaceship; you're confused."

"Is there alcohol on the ship? Bring it all; I'm buying!" Zhou Yun continued to call out.

"Looking at this guy with his crew cut, I thought he was wild and unruly. I didn't expect him to break down and cry as soon as he boarded the ship," Old Chen remarked.

"He is wild and unruly, but after what he's been through, anyone would be overwhelmed," Wang Xuan gestured for him to look around. All the survivors were sitting in silence, many shaking uncontrollably.

The time in the secret land had been a hellish ordeal for them, akin to years of torment. Every day they woke up to run, never daring to stay long in one place. Nights were spent in dread, fearing they wouldn't live to see the dawn. They often watched helplessly as their companions were brutally killed by monsters, their blood splattering on them.

When they first entered the secret land, everyone was full of confidence and high spirits. But now, few had survived, and those who did were silent, with some even crying.

This journey to the secret land had claimed the lives of many elders who had hoped to emulate Old Zhong and live a second life. Eleven of them perished, while eight discerned the danger early and fled. They were shrewd enough to escape at the first sign of trouble.

Those who reacted a bit slower and later tried to leave the secret land found themselves cut off from the outside world, unable to escape. As for the younger generation's expedition teams, their fate was even more tragic. Hundreds of them had gone in, but how many had returned?

Wang Xuan counted, and only twenty-eight people had successfully boarded the spaceship, meaning about ninety percent of the explorers had perished. "After this return, many families will be in mourning," Zhong Qing lamented. Many elders had died, but Old Zhong... he had survived and even become younger!

If Old Zhong emerged from his cocoon in half a year looking like a man in his twenties or thirties, he would likely become the target of envy and hatred. "It's really not easy. We were fine when we left, but now so many are gone," Zhou Yun said, finally calming down. He knew at least six or seven wealthy heirs who had died, leaving only a few who had taken refuge in the Earth Immortal City.

"Brother Zhou, you should be grateful. After all, you're alive and you've even improved your strength significantly with the spiritual medicine," Zhong Qing pointed out.

"Little Qing, I think you and your sister might be in danger when we return. Old Zhong has set a dangerous precedent. Many people might be after you. It might be wise to lay low for a while," Zhou Yun advised.

Zhong Qing scoffed, "What does it have to do with us? If anyone has a problem, they can take it up with my great-grandfather. Oh, by the way, he was already transcendent before going to the secret land. I wonder what level he's at now."

Everyone fell silent, realizing that Old Zhong was not to be trifled with. Being the head of a super-wealthy family and now even more powerful, he was feared and respected by many. However, his family's massive influence meant that few would dare to act rashly against them.

The cart with the alcohol arrived, and whether they were numbed or tearful, everyone silently took a bottle and started drinking heavily. Some choked and coughed but continued to drink. Soon, some began to cry out loud, releasing their fears and sorrows.

Drinking might harm the body, but sometimes it indeed serves a good purpose. The survivors of the ordeal, carrying psychological scars, found relief as their inhibitions lowered under the influence of alcohol. Crying and rambling, they released various negative emotions, sharing their fears and harrowing experiences. Amidst the tears and laughter, they gradually found stability.

An old explorer, inebriated and burping, confessed, "Under extreme conditions, a man can't always control his lower half. I really regret it."

People looked at him with odd expressions, their gaze then shifting to a few female members of the exploration team nearby.

Zhou Yun patted him on the shoulder, saying, "I understand. Making mistakes under extreme circumstances is normal. Come to think of it, I've made plenty of similar mistakes myself."

Relieved, the old explorer said, "Glad you understand. Just like you did before, I couldn't hold it in during a moment of intense emotion and ended up embarrassing myself."

"Zhou brother, you've done something like this?" Zhong Qing inquired.

"I never did! Who the heck would make such a mistake!" Zhou Yun protested, though his inebriated state made him unsure.

"You said it yourself. I'll remember that!" the old explorer added, still chuckling.


After safely landing at the Brown Star Base, a planet adjacent to the Hidden Land much like Mars is to Earth, everyone stepped onto this safe territory with a sigh of relief. They had finally escaped the world rampant with monsters, and many swore never to embark on such perilous adventures again.

Once settled with refreshments and rest, they were interrogated by various parties eager to learn the details of the Hidden Land. News of Lao Chen's ascent to the transcendent realm stunned everyone, especially the exploration teams from various financial conglomerates and the base personnel, who began treating him with solemn respect. Lao Chen stayed close to Zhou Yun, Zhong Qing, and others, wary of potential threats like being targeted by a super-energy cannon.

As for their return, Lao Chen decided to travel only on spaceships carrying direct descendants of financial conglomerates or powerful elders, ensuring his safety from potential "accidents" en route. Even his disciple, Qingmu, had made arrangements for the esteemed technologist Olesha Anxian to leave securely, showing his familiarity with the nuances of these arrangements.

Wang Xuan's achievement of reaching the master level had spread, drawing attention due to his young age and immense potential. However, with Lao Chen and the transforming Lao Zhong as the newly emerged transcendent powerhouses, Wang Xuan's spotlight was somewhat dimmed. He remained composed, enjoying the rare tranquility away from the limelight, basking in the sun and sipping on juice within the protective layers of the Brown Star Base.

"Some are suspecting a connection between the old Master Wang Xiao and the new young Master Wang Xuan, both linked to Lao Chen," someone commented. While the focus remained primarily on Lao Chen, Zhong Qing had been quietly observing Wang Xuan, raising her own suspicions.

"Little... Zhong Qing? Come sit, enjoy the exotic sun and fresh fruit juice. It’s quite nice," Wang Xuan casually invited her.

Hearing his words and noticing the complexion-enhancing and beautifying properties of the juice he was drinking, Zhong Qing felt targeted by his subtle mockery. She shot him a glare and walked away.

Wang Xuan, left speechless by the conversation, had no choice but to accept the situation. For now, they couldn't leave the base as they were required to undergo a two-day quarantine and continuous checks. This was to prevent any super-pathogens, transcendent materials, or mysterious entities from the Hidden Land being inadvertently brought back to the New World. Such quarantine and checks were routine for all returning exploration teams, although exceptions like Lao Zhong occasionally bypassed this procedure.

Zhou Yun approached Wang Xuan, warmly draping an arm over his shoulder. "Little Wang, thanks for saving me in the Hidden Land. When we're back on the New World, I'll arrange a seaside party, beautiful women, and joyrides in my spaceship to properly thank you," he promised. Then, with a hint of mischief, he added, "How about I sneak you a meeting with my cousin Ling Wei, bypassing my Uncle Ling? I'm pretty generous, right?"

From another lounge chair not far away, Zhong Cheng chimed in, "Little Wang, my sister warned me about Zhou Yun. His gatherings are often messy, and he's prone to brawls. Before going to the Hidden Land, he got severely beaten by a woman over some romantic dispute. Don't fall for his tricks."

Zhou Yun retorted, "Hey, I don't like hearing that. Are you suggesting Little Wang should fall for your sister's tricks instead?"

At that moment, Zhong Qing appeared in the distance, glaring fiercely at Zhou Yun.


An alarming siren blared through the base, "Unknown warships detected!"

"Alert, unidentified warships rapidly approaching in space," echoed throughout the facility. Scans revealed anomalies in space, with three strangely designed spacecrafts rapidly approaching. They were unlike any from the New World and displayed partial transcendent attributes.

A massive flying sword led one of the ships, cutting through space as it advanced.

"Where did these come from? Why weren't they detected earlier?" The personnel were puzzled.

"It seems they emerged from the Hidden Land, hence the sudden appearance without prior detection."

"Hostile intentions detected, engage and neutralize them!" the command was given.

Old Chen, Wang Xuan, Zhong Qing, and others were startled by the unfolding events on the large screen.

"Annihilate them! They're from the three transcendent star worlds, seeking revenge!" Old Chen declared coldly.

Space detectors outside the Hidden Land captured clear images of the ships and the giant flying sword, which bore patterns similar to weapons from Yuhua, Eura, and Heluo stars.


The base had already activated its defensive barrier, and warships ascended, firing blinding beams at the incoming vessels.josei


In response, the three enemy ships launched their own formidable energy beams, targeting the base's vicinity.


Space lit up with a terrifying display of light as the two sides clashed, intercepting each other's attacks with shields and energy waves.

"Interesting, their ships are a blend of technology and transcendent power, a new direction. However, they're currently outclassed by our warships and pose no threat to us," the base personnel reassured, confident in their superiority.

"In this universe, there are four planets with life. One of them is a higher transcendent civilization, and the other three are ordinary transcendent civilizations. Currently, they pose no threat to our universe. The transcendent substance is receding, and even Earth Immortals are nearly extinct here," Old Chen shared crucial information.


A warship from Heluo star was destroyed, bursting like fireworks. However, a lifeform emerged from the debris, radiating dazzling light.

"Mechanical beings, or something else? Some kind of puppet weapon?" Old Chen mumbled to himself. He had been brought in as a consultant by the base to explain matters related to the transcendent.

The figure was a metallic being, towering at over ten meters, covered in runes and clearly scanned by the New World’s warships.

The metallic being erupted in brilliant light, its runes densely packed, illuminating space. Then, it rapidly approached the brown star.

"An Earth Immortal-level puppet weapon!" Old Chen gasped in shock. The three transcendent star worlds still had formidable heritage. Even without real Earth Immortals, they possessed weapons of that caliber.

"No worry, energy fluctuations detected. It can destroy warships, but it won’t get close to us. It's far inferior to the suspected Celestial being that appeared on New Moon. Not on the same level!" the people of the New World reassured confidently.


Terrifying energy beams shot out, causing massive explosions in space. The Earth Immortal-level puppet was obliterated, unable to withstand the onslaught of the warships.

The other two ships also disintegrated, each releasing their Earth Immortal-level puppet weapons.

The three transcendent star worlds, each sending a warship with Earth Immortal-level combat capability, could indeed destroy New World’s warships but couldn’t get close enough.

The legendary Earth Immortals, capable of flying and living for eons, couldn't withstand the assault of modern, advanced warships.

This profoundly affected Old Chen. At this stage, he realized he needed to stay discreet on the New World. If reporting his movements was necessary... so be it.

Wang Xuan, witnessing this scene, decided to live in a supercity for safety, deeming it a more prudent choice.


"Boom!" The three Earth Immortal-level puppets were annihilated, and space fell silent.

In the hidden land, the female immortal spoke, "Do you see? As the universe corrects its course, returning to normality, the resurgence of technological civilization is powerful enough to threaten the Celestials. In three years, if they find no way out and somehow escape the veil, the surviving Celestials will have to adapt to this era or face dire consequences."

The White Peacock silently nodded in agreement.


Two days later, Wang Xuan, Old Chen, and their companions officially embarked on their return journey, first heading to a wormhole several light-years away to return to the universe where the New World resided.

"Finally leaving this vast cosmic sea." Many felt emotional, grateful to be alive and returning home, never wanting to venture here again.

Wang Xuan’s thoughts drifted. Zhao Qinghan and Wu Yin would likely return to the New World, but he wondered if he would ever see Grandmaster Ma or the vain black fox spirit again. Would they retain their spirituality after the waning of the transcendent forces, or revert to ordinary wild animals? These thoughts only brought sighs.

On board the spaceship were Zhong Qing, Zheng Rui, Zhou Yun, and others, including Old Chen and several middle-aged individuals with significant status, returning to report the discovery of the transcendent star worlds.

If not for these individuals, Old Chen would have never embarked on this journey.

"Is this vast starry sea connected by the wormhole a parallel universe, or just a remote part of our universe?" Wang Xuan couldn’t help but ask.

"How you perceive it can vary, and currently, there's no definitive explanation," a middle-aged man spoke up. They commonly refer to this region as the 'Hidden Land Universe'.

In fact, the main area previously explored by the conglomerates was known as 'Blessed Land', often referred to as the 'Blessed Land Universe'. Years ago, the surge of transcendent energy material in the Blessed Land was so intense that it became inaccessible. Many laboratories were left behind, along with a multitude of explorers, cut off from the outside world.

"If the transcendence recedes in three years, perhaps those left behind can be retrieved. Maybe, there could even be a breakthrough before then."

"Years have passed, and if there are survivors on the Blessed Land planets, some might have grown incredibly strong."

Wang Xuan learned that the people of the New World had yet to create wormholes; all discovered ones were naturally formed or possibly remnants of a vanished civilization.

Now, there is a belief that a wormhole connects to a parallel universe, while others think it links to a corner of our universe.

"The New Art was also excavated from a life-sustaining planet in a distant star system."

During the journey home, Wang Xuan learned about various deep space exploration incidents.

"The Westerners have been exploring what they call the 'Wizard Universe,' shrouded in mystery," someone mentioned.

This stirred something in Wang Xuan's heart. He wondered if the decline of transcendence would affect all planets. Theoretically, if mythology decays, it should be a universal phenomenon. If the modern world is self-correcting, it wouldn't target just one area.

"A few years ago, a universe similar to a martial arts world was also discovered."

Hearing this, Old Chen's interest was piqued. If transcendence fades away, that world might offer some hope. The secret manuals brought back from there could provide some inspiration.

With a roar, the spacecraft pierced through the star gate, bursting out of the wormhole.

They arrived at a planet named 'Deep Space 19th Star,' housing a gateway to the Hidden Land Universe. It's several light-years away from the New World, maintaining a safe distance to ensure the security of their home planet.

After engaging the warp drive for a few hours, the spacecraft descended onto the New World. They were back!

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