The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 22

Chapter 22: Close Call With Death

Wang Xuan set aside the aged manuscript and picked up a golden bamboo slip from the Early Qin period. It measured only eight centimeters in length but was surprisingly heavy. Unlike regular bamboo, it was smooth. This had been a gift from Qingmu when he first joined the organization.

As Zhao Qinghan had mentioned, only four of these golden bamboo slips had been unearthed in the Old Land over the course of several decades of exploration. Two of them were lost and scattered due to fierce competitions between corporations that seek to claim them for their own.

Wang Xuan speculated that a complete golden bamboo slip might consist of several dozen pieces, making the task of assembling a complete set incredibly daunting.

He studied the intricate carvings on the bamboo slip. The carving of a creature with a human head and a serpent's body appeared lifelike, but the meaning of the patterns remain elusive to him. With not enough reading materials for references, it was nigh impossible to unlock its secrets. Wang Xuan set the bamboo slip aside. The path of the Old Arts was a culmination of much knowledge. He knew full well that there was no need to be fixated on the artifacts from the Early Qin era.

The next morning, Wang Xuan practiced the core techniques of the old masters. With only a couple of days left before he returned to work, he cherished the tranquility of his current life.

Upon returning, drenched in sweat, he once again noticed the Golden Body Technique manual on his desk and could not resist the urge to walk over to it.

After studying it carefully, he was sure that the faded manual was a genuine antiquity instead of a counterfeit. But its content appeared to be more fiction than fact.

Eventually, curiosity got the best of him. After getting ready for bed, he replaced his standard SIM card with a specialized one and secretly contacted Qing Mu to ask for advice.

After hearing his brief description, Qing Mu laughed, "People from ancient times had a tendency to exaggerate. Those claims of hundreds or even thousands of years are a bit inflated, just to make their techniques seem more impressive. Don't take it too seriously. I remember now, the 'Golden Body' technique was quite famous. It appeared during the Northern Song era, but I'm not too clear on the details."

Wang Xuan was impressed that Qing Mu knew even the history of the scripture. "You can try learning this technique if you want, but don't get carried away by blind belief. Just getting through the first seven or eight levels would take centuries. Who are they trying to fool? Think about it, if the scripture is true, where would the author be? He lived in the Northern Song era. If he really achieved the thirteenth level, would he still be alive today? Interestingly, there are records of his tomb found in later times."


Wang Xuan had mixed feelings about the information he received from Qing Mu.

He had initially harbored thoughts that he now found unrealistic. What he imagined was a new realm at the end of the path for the Old Arts if the Golden Body technique held even a hint of credibility. However, Qing Mu's words had swiftly shattered any such illusions, making him realize just how unreliable the ancients could be.

"Damn you, the original author of the Golden Body Technique! And damn you too, Zhou Mingxuan! I’ll remember this."

Wang Xuan headed out not long after. The students who made the selection were about to embark on a journey across the stars. Professor Lin would also be returning to the New World on the same ship.

It was only natural for him to pay a visit to Professor Lin once more before parting ways. He wished to bid him farewell in advance. He would not be able to get anywhere near the vessel the next day.

With silver-streaked hair and a slightly plump figure, Professor Lin's complexion was fair, his face tinged with a healthy flush. He was laughing heartily.

"Don't go writing off the idea too hastily," Professor Lin offered, "the people from the past had a tendency to blow things out of proportion. But the Golden Body Technique is no simple trick. Word has it that once you master it, you might as well be immune to knives and spears. The founder of the technique, Zhou Yunkong, was quite the legend. His skin and flesh were tougher than the best armor, and he lived a good hundred and fifty years before passing away in the Shu Mountains. Grave robbers paid his tomb a visit during the Ming Dynasty, and found his manual on the Golden Body Technique. That man's got quite the record in the annals of unofficial history."

Wang Xuan found himself at a loss for words. A guy who had lived for over a century and a half managed to invent a technique that takes millennia to master? It was a real eye-opener, proving that the ancient world was not short on grand storytellers. Wang Xuan could not help but feel for Zhou Yunkong, for even his final resting place was desecrated by grave robbers. Professor Lin, on the other hand, commanded his respect. He knew more of the history of the Old Arts than Qing Mu.

"Don't brush aside the Golden Body Technique too quickly," warned Professor Lin. "The fact that it gave Zhou Yunkong a hundred and fifty-odd years of life speaks volumes. It was said that when grave robbers dug him up, his body hadn't rotted entirely. It was tougher than stone, so much so that swords couldn't leave a scratch. And remember, by then, the guy had been dead for a couple of centuries."

Anticipation welled within Wang Xuan.

In an era where modern weaponry could easily overpower even the most skilled practitioners of the Old Arts, mastering the Golden Body Technique would highly increase his survivability.

"Zhou Yunkong and Zhou Mingxuan both share the same surname. Could the former be an ancestor of the Zhou family?" Wang Xuan mused.

But he quickly shook his head. It wasn't likely to be that coincidental. Besides, if it were a family heirloom, Zhou Mingxuan wouldn't have been able to give it away.

"This secret manual appears to have a history of just over two hundred years based on the paper, so it's probably a later transcription. However, after studying it, I believe it to be authentic."

Ever since Professor Lin was unable to engage in physical combat, he had switched to theoretical research and the critical study of various old arts and ancient methods. He had a keen eye and an uncanny ability to make accurate judgments.

Wang Xuan sighed, "This secret manual has left a significant impact on me today. Since it exaggerates so much, I'm left wondering if other ancient texts about old arts are the same."

This was the very reason he had sought Professor Lin's advice. The secret manual given to him by Zhou Mingxuan had stirred his thoughts. Could the legends surrounding Old Arts still be trustworthy? For instance, the practices left behind by ancient Daoists from before the Qin Dynasty—could they also have been exaggerated beyond measure?

Professor Lin shook his head and said, "It's not as bad as you think. Exaggerations like the Golden Body Technique are part of a very small number of texts that go to such extremes, and it's mainly tied to the historical context of that time. For instance, during that era, even official battle reports were like that. In a single battle, only a few hundred enemy soldiers might have been killed or captured, yet they'd inflate the numbers to tens of thousands of enemies vanquished, bodies strewn across the field. If even the authorities did that, you can imagine how folk history and legends might have been embellished."

Wang Xuan listened in silence. It suddenly felt like the mastery of the Old Arts required a broader understanding. Besides delving into the Daoist texts, he needed to brush up on history as well.

Professor Lin added, "As for the strength of the pre-Qin Daoists, the final conclusions were drawn through rigorous testing at some of Nova's Life Research Institutes."

Various corporations and research organizations had exhumed a few Daoist corpses from the ancient land, dating back to pre-Qin times. They had conducted analyses and tests, resulting in credible conclusions.

"So, don't doubt the brilliance of the old arts in their heyday. If you want to continue down this path, confidence is key."

Wang Xuan's expression turned serious,, "I got lost in my thoughts, lost sight of my purpose. I originally joined the Old Arts Research Department out of curiosity. But now that it captured my interest, and I wanted to keep exploring."


In the realm of Old Arts, Wang Xuan never indulged in blind faith. His initial plan was to follow in the footsteps of his predecessors, but ultimately he aimed to validate this path through his own efforts.

Professor Lin mused, "In this age of technological marvels, those who practice Old Arts will constantly face pressure."

Wang Xuan nodded, yet his conviction grew even stronger. If he reached the end of this path and found that there was no way forward in the realm of old arts, he hoped he could make a difference with his own abilities.


In the evening, Wang Xuan was in his residence studying the body techniques and contemplating their foundational principles. Eventually, he descended to the wooded area outside the complex, illuminated by moonlight, and began the practice of gathering qi and cultivating his inner energy.

He emptied his mind, feeling a profound clarity. The soft, pure moonlight filled his soul. At this moment, he felt a deep connection between his inner and outer self, his perception heightened.

Suddenly, Wang Xuan felt his forehead tighten and throb as if it were about to be pierced by a sharp, pointed weapon. A shiver ran down his spine, and his heart raced. Without thinking, he instinctively shifted his body, moving with rapid reflexes.


A soft sound rang out. Wang Xuan felt his temple grow warm, as a terrifying current of air brushed past his ear. A few strands of hair fell, giving off a burnt smell.


In the next moment, Wang Xuan darted into the densely packed trees of the complex. This was an aged residential area, and the trees planted in the past had grown tall over decades, now towering giants. The lush foliage instantly concealed Wang Xuan's figure.

At this moment, Wang Xuan's eyes were as sharp as daggers. He coldly fixated on a certain direction within the woods. His heart was pounding fast. He had just been shot at. Death had been just an inch away. If he hadn't instinctively moved aside, he would have met certain death by a shot to the head.

In that moment, he sensed the terrifying fluctuation of air brought by the bullet's passage. A gust of wind brushed past his temple, and strands of hair fell from his head. Who is it? It was a reckless act to fire a gun in a residential area. Something like this was simply unimaginable.

Gun control in the Old World had been strict. Ordinary citizens never had to worry about being shot at. Public safety has always been high. But Wang Xuan was personally experiencing a life-and-death crisis.

Someone wanted him dead, and they were going to extreme lengths to make sure it happened. They were even willing to ignore collateral damage that would certainly follow by pulling off in the middle of a residential area.

The assailant had equipped their weapon with a silencer to avoid drawing attention from bystanders. In the silence, Wang Xuan sought out his enemy. He knew it was foolish to rush out, for he had no idea how many potential enemies were lurking in the shadows, and how many guns were pointed at him.

Swiftly, he tore off his shirt and tossed it out.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three muffled gunshots rang out. His shirt, now falling, bore three bullet holes. The shooter’s skill was astonishing. They had displayed quick reaction time and their frightening accuracy.

Wang Xuan's expression turned icy. There were at least three highly skilled gunmen positioned just outside the complex's fence, awaiting the opportunity to take him down. He had even managed to pinpoint the locations of the three gunmen. But he did not leave his cover. Instead, he slipped deeper into the woods, hiding behind a tree. The exact number of assailants remained unknown, and he was not willing to take the risk.

The first thought that crossed his mind was the Golden Body Technique. If he could master this technique, he would not have such worries. The technique would allow him to fight back and hunt down his attackers. Instead of the hunted, he would become the hunter.

Wang Xuan remained remarkably composed under the circumstances.

He contacted Qing Mu using his specialized SIM card and provided a brief explanation of the situation.

"You did the right thing. Stay hidden, you do not have a firearm with you. Professionals will handle it shortly. I'm heading over as well with some equipment for you."

After hanging up, Qing Mu's expression turned ice-cold. The unknown assailants had crossed a line by pulling off such a move in a major city in the Old World.

While clashes might happen in areas devoid of civilization during explorations, among certain large organizations to secure treasures and precious relics, it was simply unimaginable to involve ordinary citizens in their squabbles. They knew very well that reckless actions would plunge society into chaos.

This was an unspoken agreement, a rule that had become a convention. All organizations and institutions followed it, and very few dared to disrupt the status quo.They knew that the government would step in if things got out of hand. Despite the Old World’s decline, certain standards remained intact.

Wang Xuan climbed a large tree. There, he had time to think. Who could possibly want him dead? He had barely left the campus and already found himself in this predicament. He contemplated recent events and the people involved. He mentally reviewed all individuals and organizations connected to him, and cold fury lit up his eyes.

The encounter on Qingcheng Mountain might have left some clues that attracted someone's wrath. The forces involved included the Zhou family, the Ling family, and the Wu family. There were also individuals like Jin Chuan from the Adventurer’s. Wang Xuan also considered Wu Yin, whom he had encountered last night.

Apart from these individuals and factions, Zhou Yun was the only one he had crossed. His father, Zhou Mingxuan, was a very capable man.

Delving into more distant matters, there were also those who sought to stop Wang Xuan from leaving the Old World to Terra Nova. Although this incident might not be directly related, the possibilities were still something that he could not afford to ignore.

Wang Xuan seethed with a burning determination to get to the truth. Who? Who wants me dead so much that they’re willing to pull off something like this?

If he were to die, would someone silently erase all traces, without alerting anyone? The ones behind this seemed incredibly confident of their abilities. josei

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