The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 228

Chapter 228: Their Final Confrontation

Upon hearing that the Sun family had audaciously attempted to abduct his parents from the Old World, Wang Xuan bristled with anger. "The Sun family's stooping to compete with the underworld in immorality now?" he fumed.

Old Chen tried to calm him, "Don't worry, Guan Lin and some old friends from the relevant departments knew about the situation on New World. They didn't let the Sun family act recklessly and warned them off."

"If the Sun family has no limits, then neither will I," Wang Xuan declared fiercely. "They have a vast empire with numerous properties and many family members scattered abroad. Every time I enter a city, I'll ensure one of their establishments is utterly destroyed. There will be bloodshed!"

That afternoon, Wang Xuan decided to visit the Song family, primarily intending to use them as a conduit to convey a message to the Sun family. When the Song family realized that the infamous "Crazy Little Wang" from just a street away was visiting, they were extremely vigilant, viewing his visit akin to a night cat entering their home.

Especially since they knew that their own kin, Song Qian, had previously contracted the Ashen Blood organization to eliminate Wang Xuan in the Old World. Fearing retaliation, the atmosphere turned tense.

"Is Little Song at home?" Wang Xuan asked bluntly upon his arrival, startling everyone present. His casual inquiry sent shivers down their spines, given his suspected involvement in the explosion at a key Sun family base the previous night. It seemed there was nothing he wouldn't dare to do.

"Ah, it's nothing. Who hasn't been impulsive in their youth? I've had my moments of recklessness too, just to vent some pent-up anger. I'd even dare to punch a hole in the sky!" His words, though seemingly casual, carried an implicit threat.

The Song family members exchanged uneasy glances, their hearts drumming with anxiety.

"I really mean no harm this time," Wang Xuan stated plainly, asking them to help contact the Sun family's decision-makers as he had something to clarify with them.

Relieved that their own family wasn't the target, the Song family members were more than willing to assist. "Please," they gestured politely, partly due to their earlier guilt.

A few middle-aged men and three younger members, all direct descendants of the Song family, came to meet Wang Xuan. As for the elderly heads of the family, they deemed themselves too prestigious to appear personally.

The Song family's villa area was vast and picturesque, reminiscent of interconnected ancient gardens. With its bizarrely shaped rocks, babbling brooks, koi fish flicking their tails, and quaint stone arch bridges, it was a scene of serene beauty.

On the way to the meeting, Song Wentao, apprehensive about Wang Xuan's extended presence, began contacting the Sun family. He hoped to resolve the matter swiftly, wary of potential complications.

Sun Rongting, a key figure in the Sun family, was taken aback when informed that Wang Xuan wished to speak with them. His expression turned icy as he listened to the message.

"I'll make this brief," Wang Xuan said bluntly as he walked. "Our feud should not involve my parents. If you insist on crossing the line, then for every city I enter, I'll obliterate one of your trade buildings and wipe out your businesses. Here in Jingyue City, there's your spacecraft research institute and the World Trade Tower, right? Do you want me to cleanse them from top to bottom in blood?"josei

The Song family members accompanying him perspired nervously, witnessing Wang Xuan's direct threats to the Sun family's core leadership.

Sun Rongting set aside the golden gourd in his hand, his eyes cold and severe. It had been years since he had experienced such confrontation, being openly reprimanded.

Wang Xuan continued, "I'm saying this once: come kill me if you have the strength and resources. But if I hear anything from the Old World, prepare to mourn; I'll ensure rivers of blood flow in every city I visit."

"And don't think I can't reach Kangning City. Maybe tonight, or some night soon, I'll suddenly arrive for a formal meeting."

Having said his piece, Wang Xuan abruptly ended the call, uninterested in any harsh retorts or pointless banter from the other side.

Sun Rongting, phone in hand, looked darkly furious, infuriated by the abrupt chastisement and the caller's brusque disconnection.

"Sorry for the outburst just now," Wang Xuan apologized to the Song family, his tone almost mocking.

The Song family members remained silent, perplexed by his apology after scolding Sun Rongting.

"We all were young once, well, you're still quite young," Song Wentao remarked thoughtfully. "But I think this ongoing conflict benefits no one. If there's a chance for reconciliation, that would be ideal. Do you want me to mediate?"

Wang Xuan shook his head, dismissing the offer bluntly. "Thanks, but no need. The Sun family has gone mad. Unless key members die and Kangning City feels the shadow of death, they won't stop."

The Song family members were taken aback by Wang Xuan's frankness. It was startlingly direct, even for them.

Wang Xuan’s phone rang with an unfamiliar number. Apologizing to his hosts, he answered immediately, wary of missing crucial calls during these tense times.

“I’m Sun Yichen.

You destroyed that base, right? And you just threatened my fifth uncle, didn’t you?” the voice on the other end accused.

“Shut up. Let Sun Rongting talk to me directly. This isn’t a matter for kids like you. Get lost and play in the mud!” Wang Xuan retorted harshly before hanging up and blocking the number.

Song Kun, who had once reached out to Sun Yichen to buy Chen Yongjie's blood and flesh, was present and felt his heart pound violently at Wang Xuan's blunt response.

The three young members of the Song family were visibly shaken. Sun Yichen, a notable figure among the financial elite's youth, was rarely confronted so boldly, yet Wang Xuan had dismissed him like a child.

Soon, the news spread among a select few, including a young lady from the Song family sharing it with her close friends.

On the Moon, Zhou Yun, elated by the news, contemplated returning to the New World to celebrate with friends, finding little joy in drinking with his three girlfriends on the lunar surface.

Zhong Cheng, upon hearing the news, informed his sister, “Wang Xuan and the Sun family are both crazy. He even scolded Sun Rongting. It’s a fight to the death now!”

Zhong Qing replied, “Do you think it can be resolved? Wang Xuan only has one option: to scare the Sun family into submission. But he must be careful not to alarm other financial powers, or they might see him as an uncontrollable and unpredictable threat.”

In Pingyuan City, Qin Hong was lost in thought. “Sun Rongting was warned? This is getting out of hand,” he mused with a cold laugh, eagerly anticipating the Sun family’s response.

Ling Qiming was in a daze, reflecting on the young man who once called him 'Uncle Ling.' Astonishingly, Wang Xuan had reached a point where he directly confronted and warned Sun Rongting. Recalling his own fruitless attempt to protect Chen Yongjie during a conversation with Sun Rongting, Ling Qiming was left speechless by the recent developments.


In the Song family's living room, adorned with famous calligraphy and paintings, Wang Xuan noticed a Jianghai landscape painting with hidden cryptic runes. Astonished, he realized even a casual wall decoration in a wealthy household was a treasure. He was tempted to take it but refrained, remembering the potential danger of his spiritual form being attacked by the golden birds from the Song family's mystical tree.

“Someone in the Song family is critically ill?” Wang Xuan asked casually.

Startled, Song Wentao replied, “How did you know?” Recently, his grandfather, Song Yun, one of the core elders of the family, had fallen gravely ill. The patriarch, ninety-seven years old, seemed to have reached his life's end. Past attempts at extending his life using modern techniques had now become ineffective.

Wang Xuan nodded. “I don’t specialize in combative magic or fierce battles, but I have some insights into prolonging life. I sensed a strong aura of death, indicating that person won’t last more than half a month.”

Hope flickered in Song Wentao's eyes. His grandfather's prolonged life would certainly benefit his rise within the family.

“Can you help?” he asked, recalling how Wang Xuan had once extended the life of Qian An. Given the current hostilities between Wang Xuan and the Sun family, other families hesitated to intervene.

“Let me see him first,” Wang Xuan replied, not committing fully but exuding confidence that sparked optimism in Song Wentao.

Wang Xuan was taken to a traditional villa where he saw the frail, skeletal figure of Song Yun on his sickbed. After a brief examination, he stated, “With a certain price, I could extend his life by three to five years.”

Song Wentao was visibly moved. “Please, help my grandfather. Whatever you need, just name it.”

Wang Xuan spread his hands helplessly. “As you know, I’m on the brink of a major confrontation with the Sun family. It’s likely to be a bloody battle, possibly involving warships, transcendent beings, and ancient treasures. If I exert myself too much now…”

His implication was clear, and the Song family, fearing for their reputation, couldn't refuse. They understood the gravity of the situation and Wang Xuan’s precarious position in the impending conflict.

"We can compensate you," spoke the weakened voice of the elder, Song Yun, from his sickbed. The others, who might have objected, remained silent, recognizing his authority in the family.

Wang Xuan stated his terms plainly, "Give me some ancient artifacts to examine, and I'll see if they can be of use." He knew there was no need for subtleties in dealing with someone as shrewd as Song Yun.

"You may choose one," declared Song Yun with a firm voice that still commanded respect despite his frailty.

"Fine. Move the elder's bed to the Daoist temple in the back. When I prolong life, I need to commune with divine forces. Faith nourishes the spirit, and some things in this world demand belief," Wang Xuan instructed.

Song Yun gestured for his instructions to be followed. Wang Xuan had long suspected that New Star harbored hidden masters. Centuries-old temples and Daoist abodes had been relocated to New Star, possibly on the advice of someone with profound understanding. These relics were not just for show; they suggested a deeper significance.

His encounter with the insider from the Sun family had only deepened his suspicions. This individual seemed to know too much, possibly about what lay behind the grand veil of reality, and had inadvertently fallen into the hands of a powerful family.

In this complex landscape, Wang Xuan understood the need to gather strength discreetly and grow faster than anyone could anticipate. Accompanied by Song Wentao, he entered the ancient Daoist temple, already aware of the mystical energy it held.

The previous night's usage of the ancient lamp had depleted some of its mysterious substance. Wang Xuan planned to replenish it here while also treating Song Yun. He sat calmly in the temple, closing his eyes to rest, confident in his spiritual prowess at such close range.

In the temple, amidst the sacred statues, lay a bone fragment, pockmarked and blackened from lightning strikes, still radiating potent life force. This was indeed a remarkable relic of ascension.

Wang Xuan, ever cautious, approached the relic in the Daoist temple, glimpsing into the 'Inner Landscape' revealed through a small crack. The ancient lamp, now fully replenished with a rich supply of mysterious substance, could launch over thirty dark red spirit-piercing arrows.

Old Song was brought in, and a variety of artifacts were presented to Wang Xuan on trays for his choosing. His brow furrowed in dissatisfaction. The items, mostly damaged, included a silver hammer missing an edge, a broken copper spearhead, and a cracked Bagua mirror.

"These are of no use to me!" Wang Xuan was blunt. Some items might become powerful once infused with mysterious substances, but their damaged state made them undesirable.

Song Yun, pale and clearly displeased, demanded better offerings. Soon, Song Wentao returned with a tray that immediately caught Wang Xuan's attention. A palm-sized, dark golden boat, brimming with dense runes, seemed capable of flight once powered, potentially evading satellite detection.

However, Wang Xuan didn't immediately reach for it. The ancient lamp on him began to heat up, subtly quivering, seemingly drawn to another object. His choice remained unmade.

He then picked up a jade seal, which was quickly claimed by an elderly member of the Song family as a precious ancestral artifact, thus off-limits for gifting. Wang Xuan's expression darkened, and he turned to leave, clearly angered by the turn of events.

After much deliberation, Wang Xuan eventually chose a crystal with a faint mark resembling a type of pigment. Upon his query, Wang Xuan explained to Song Wentao that it might be useful for drawing symbols, and he intended to study it further. The moment he took possession of the crystal, it resonated with the ancient lamp, vibrating in unison.

Requesting a quiet room in the Daoist temple to concentrate, Wang Xuan prepared to extend Old Song's life. He examined the room and destroyed some surveillance devices with his psychic field. Cutting the crystal open with an indestructible short sword, a red light from it infused the lamp, which now held a fearsome true fire.

The once fully charged lamp nearly depleted its mysterious substance, all absorbed by the faint fire. Intrigued by this development, Wang Xuan stepped out to perform the life-extending ritual for Old Song. He took multiple risks, drawing mysterious substances from the crack leading to the 'Inner Landscape'.

After his fourth venture, he finally replenished the lamp. Even Wang Xuan himself was startled by the ordeal; should he fail to refill the lamp, he was ready to abandon the task to avoid disturbing the enigmatic shadows within the Inner Landscape.

He managed to extend Old Song's life by six months, explaining that such things needed to be done gradually. The Song family, speechless at these events, could only hope that Wang Xuan would survive long enough to complete the process, fearing an immediate retaliation from the Sun family.

That evening, back in his hotel room, Wang Xuan studied the ancient lamp closely. He sensed its power had significantly increased, suspecting that its capabilities now extended beyond mere attacks on the spirit.

A sudden call from Old Chen conveyed a critical message: the Sun family had finally decided to confront him, sending their formidable forces for a decisive battle outside the city. Wang Xuan, slightly anxious for Old Chen's safety, advised caution, urging him to retreat towards his location if the situation turned unfavorable.

Old Chen, however, responded with a tone of resolve, indicating his readiness to assert his strength in the impending confrontation.

Meanwhile, Wang Xuan sensed an unusual atmosphere around him. Surrounding the hotel were numerous mechanical beings, but what truly alerted him was the presence of a figure outside the city, emanating a sense of danger.

Climbing to the top of a high-rise building, Wang Xuan gazed out over the city. In the darkness, he spotted a figure clad in armor, glowing with runes that shone bright and sacred, standing like a deity at the horizon.

A mechanical being approached him with a message: someone outside the city was summoning him. This individual spoke of the decay of myths and the need for Wang Xuan to recognize reality. He warned that people like Wang Xuan would be reckoned with in three years unless they changed their ways. Offering Wang Xuan a chance to turn back, the messenger conveyed the notion that it wasn’t too late for him to reconsider his path.

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