The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 235

Chapter 235: Against The Sun Family

On his way there, the bustling neon cityscapes swiftly transformed into mere backdrops, as the car streaked past. Wang Xuan, in a state of serene contemplation, gazed out at the swiftly retreating landscape of mountains, lakes, and forests. The vehicle he was in, sleek and arrow-like, sliced through the night, covering hundreds of miles in a remarkably short span. It wasn't just any journey; it was a purposeful and determined dash towards Kangning City, the heartland of the Sun family's dominion.

Seated inside, Wang Xuan was the epitome of calm, his eyes reflecting a deep stillness. The destination he was heading towards was not just a place but a battlefield where a fierce confrontation was inevitable. The Sun family wouldn't just fold their hands in defeat; they would unleash their full arsenal, possibly including their terrifying ancient artifacts and even their formidable warships, in a desperate attempt to obliterate him. Wang Xuan was well aware of the stakes — when cornered, financial dynasties like the Sun family would discard all pretenses and rules.

As he pondered his strategy, Wang Xuan leaned towards initiating his secondary plan, prepared to adapt to the unfolding scenario.

The young driver, perspiring profusely with nerves, was acutely conscious of the gravity of his passenger's intent. To ferry a man like Wang Xuan, who was on a solitary mission to confront a super financial dynasty, was an intense and anxiety-inducing responsibility. The driver stole occasional glances at Wang Xuan, only to find him undisturbed by the enormity of what lay ahead. His composure in the face of a potentially deadly clash was nothing short of extraordinary.

If the tales of this night’s venture were ever to be told, they would spark intense discussions across media platforms — the night when Wang Xuan, with unwavering resolve, raced towards the stronghold of the Sun family.

In the outer world, turmoil reigned. The news of the Sun family's declaration of war, and their refusal to back down, was met with Wang Xuan's immediate and resolute response. He was not just a man speeding towards a confrontation; he was a symbol of defiance, ready to engage in a battle that would shake the very foundations of the established order.

As he propelled forward into the night, his destination was not just a place but a statement — Wang Xuan was fearlessly heading to confront the might of the Sun family's main base.

Under the watchful eyes of patrolling warships and myriad detectors, Wang Xuan's fearless departure from the city caused a stir among the financial elite, capturing the attention of various power circles. "Wang is incredibly bold to venture out alone, poised for a lone battle against the Sun family's stronghold," Zhong Cheng mused, his palms sweating with anxiety upon hearing the news.

Upon learning of Wang's departure, Zhou Yun shivered, remarking, "Wang is truly formidable, confronting the Sun family head-on. Will tonight witness a river of blood? The Sun family's warships are likely to take flight."

In the unique circles of the financial dynasties and major powers, news of Wang Xuan's departure spread swiftly, drawing sharp intakes of breath. "The swordsman has left the city; the Sun family must be anxious now. If they can't locate him quickly, this night will be fraught with unease."

Many young people in these circles watched with eager anticipation, still untouched by the caution of their elders and harboring dreams of swordsmanship. A young, vibrant girl exclaimed with shining eyes, "So heroic! The young swordsman attacking thousands of miles into the night, beheading the Sun family's leaders with a single stroke. I can almost hear the sword's cry and see the peerless sword light!"

However, her enthusiasm was quickly tempered by the stern admonitions of her elders, warning her of the dangers posed by transcendents, especially to the financial dynasties. "What if one day, that young man flies a thousand miles on his sword to our home?" they cautioned.

Undeterred, the girl argued, "That's why I want to learn swordsmanship. If I become his disciple, he'll be one of us."

A middle-aged man pondered her words, realizing that financial dynasties need not be inherently opposed to transcendents. After all, relationships — familial, friendly, romantic — could tie people together, potentially aligning them with one's own interests.

Meanwhile, elders in top organizations and institutions felt conflicted. While they initially enjoyed seeing transcendents challenge the Sun family, draining its resources, they were equally apprehensive about the rise of such powerful individuals. Wang Xuan's execution of a core member of the Sun family sent shockwaves through their ranks. Today, it was the Sun family; tomorrow, it could be them.

However, Wang Xuan's subsequent declaration of his intent to live a low-profile life of cultivation, without ambition or desire for conflict, intrigued many, especially those in power. The prospect of extending their lives was too enticing to ignore.

"Let's take it one step at a time," they resolved. "Let's see how tonight unfolds. If he's too strong and dangerous, he won't last long." Plans were made to contact Wang Xuan, with the immediate goal of extending their lifespans taking precedence.

At this moment, the top trending topics were all about last night's epic battle. Whether it was Wang Xuan's soaring sword image or the intense confrontation at Mu Cheng led by Lao Chen, they dominated the headlines.

A person made a bold prediction on a major platform, "I foresee a tumultuous night ahead, with lightning shattering the darkness, accompanied by a storm of blood rain. The direction seems to be eastward, towards the Sun family's stronghold in Kangning City."

This individual, who had accurately foretold the previous night's extraordinary battle at Jingyue City, immediately sparked a sensation with their new post. People were stirred up, discussing fervently.

"Wow, the oracle has spoken again! Are you implying the Sun family is in for a catastrophe tonight?" someone commented excitedly.

"Seriously? This person dares to say such things! Are they suggesting a decisive battle between the young swordsman and the Sun family tonight?!" another exclaimed.

"Is this for real? I'm eagerly waiting. The Sun family, with their overwhelming influence, attacked Su City with warships last time, terrifyingly close to my home. My family was shaken all night. I hope the swordsman can tear through their darkness tonight!"

Soon, insiders from the circles of financial dynasties and major institutions joined in, leaking information that Wang Xuan was indeed en route to Kangning City.

Zhou Yun posted a picture of Wang Xuan's silhouette, gazing eastward towards Kangning City. Zhong Cheng promptly reshared it.

Upon seeing this, Sun Yichen's face turned icy. Agitated by the recent heavy losses suffered by the Sun family, he called Zhou Yun and Zhong Cheng with harsh words.

"That guy actually cursed at me!" Zhou Yun was fuming. Zhong Cheng's expression was equally dark, taken aback by Sun Yichen's warning and reprimand.

Seeing her brother's reaction, Zhong Qing personally shared an image of Wang Xuan's side profile, with a sword tearing through the sky in the foreground, pointing towards a hazy city in the east.

"We're not afraid of the Sun family. He spoke rudely to you, and you didn't retort?" Zhong Qing chided her brother.

"I hadn't even started to argue back when he hung up," Zhong Cheng replied.


Seeing Zhong Qing's post, Sun Yichen felt choked up but chose not to confront her directly. After all, she was not intimidated by him, and it seemed she didn't even fear the Sun family.

"Look, Zhong Qing has posted on the platform. Is she hinting at tonight's epic battle between the young swordsman and the Sun family?" someone remarked.

"The beautiful girl with the lovely legs, who hasn't updated in a while, isn't showcasing her sweet singing this time. Instead, she's posted big news," another commented.

Zhong Qing's popularity on the platform was evident; her post immediately sparked a flurry of shares and attention. Previously, a company had wanted to sign her for her innocent and sweet image, promising her fame in the entertainment industry, but she had declined. Only later did people realize her prestigious background and stopped approaching her.

"Zhong Qing, you can't deny it now, right? You really want to become my 'Shifu’s' wife. You even posted the picture yourself!" one of her close friends teased her over the phone.


Under the night sky, the airborne vehicle shot across the land like a meteor, heading eastward. Worrying signs emerged as shadows of small warships began appearing in the night sky, seemingly tracking Wang Xuan's movements and on high alert.

Finally, one of the smaller warships opened fire. The blinding beams struck the ground, kicking up vast clouds of dust.

"Don't panic. Just veer off course a bit and keep heading forward along the forests," Wang Xuan reassured the young driver.

He understood the problem well. Throughout their journey, they had encountered numerous detectors which he had preemptively destroyed, but these malfunctioning devices had betrayed their location along the way.

On Xingxing, from the skies to the ground, whether on roads or in forests, micro detectors were everywhere, making privacy almost non-existent. If someone wanted to track a person down, they could do so effortlessly.

Wang Xuan had been exploiting the time difference and changing his route continuously, which is why they had managed to travel hundreds of miles without incident.

Now, the Sun family was mobilizing all sorts of monitoring equipment, using the patterns of detector malfunctions to pinpoint his exact trajectory.

Sitting in the car, Wang Xuan looked up through the sunroof at the night sky adorned with stars and a crescent moon. It should have been a peaceful and gentle night, but instead, he was traveling miles to commit murder.

He pondered silently; annihilating the Sun family completely at this stage was a daunting task. Judging by their current actions, they were prepared to fight to the bitter end. Without a doubt, the outskirts of Kangning City must already be a tightly woven net.

That night, the Sun family would undoubtedly deploy a massive fleet of warships, stationed at every key point leading to Kangning City. Forcing his way through would mean facing the most ferocious bombardment.

If Wang Xuan could successfully infiltrate Kangning City, the Sun family would undoubtedly resort to drastic measures, even risking their own stronghold with a warship assault - all these scenarios were within the realm of possibility.

Moreover, if he did annihilate the Sun family tonight, the likelihood of him facing dire consequences was high. Such a bold move would alarm other major financial families, invoking a sense of shared doom. Feeling threatened by his immense power, some might resort to extreme measures, employing warships for a scorched earth tactic to eliminate him at all costs.

The Sun family was not unassailable, but their complete destruction couldn't be achieved in one fell swoop - certainly not tonight. The conflict with the Sun family could continue, escalating into skirmishes and strategic eliminations of key members.josei

This approach would likely be met with silent approval from other financial families, who would relish seeing the mighty Sun family weakened. Meanwhile, Wang Xuan could focus on strengthening his cultivation, building up sufficient power for a decisive move in the future.

Time was on his side.

"Let's follow Plan B," Wang Xuan decisively instructed, proceeding as planned. Though he feigned a direct assault on the Sun family's base tonight, he was ready to strike at their heart if the opportunity arose.

However, it was evident that the Sun family, in their anxiety, had prepared contingencies for the worst-case scenario. Wang Xuan wouldn't recklessly risk severe injury, aware that showing any weakness would be like blood in the water for other powerful organizations.

The young driver sighed in relief. The immense psychological pressure of journeying alone to confront the Sun family's stronghold was immense, not something just anyone could endure. The young swordsman's strength and courage commanded his deep respect.

Glancing back, he found Wang Xuan as serene as ever, inspiring awe.

Now less than four hundred miles from Kangning City, the Sun family's fortress, they veered towards Pingyuan City, located just a dozen miles away. This was part of the plan: if a direct and devastating attack on the Sun family wasn't feasible, Wang Xuan would use Pingyuan City as a staging ground for intimidation.

With Pingyuan City in sight, and only three hundred seventy miles from Kangning City, Wang Xuan was poised to strike from this proximity if the right opportunity presented itself.


Chen breathed a sigh of relief upon receiving the news. It was for the best that Wang Xuan did not storm the Sun family's stronghold that night. Such a move would have been too shocking, stirring up dread across various factions.

Meanwhile, the mysterious prophet made another foretelling. This night was excruciating for the Sun family, agonizing over the young transcendent's capability to evade surveillance and head eastward, directly towards Kangning City. His evident intent and murderous aura kept them in a state of perpetual anxiety. Should he breach the city's defenses, would their only recourse be to deploy warships?

But such a response would bring mutual destruction. Even if many could escape aboard spacecraft, the Sun family's underground treasures, built upon an ancient relic, would be lost. And in this peculiar era, they had amassed an array of mysterious objects, some recently reawakened and unpredictable, nourished by X substance.

With the waning of transcendent powers in modern times and celestial caverns falling from the void, the Sun family had unearthed numerous divine items. These artifacts, glowing and wrapped in runes throughout the night, offered protection but were immovable. Potentially hazardous to spacecraft and warships due to their corrupting influence on delicate components, they were beyond the Sun family's ability to transport.

Amid this turmoil, unease permeated the Sun family, even the elders pacing restlessly, feeling a growing chill and regret. The moderate faction within the family proposed a temporary truce, arguing against pushing the situation to an irretrievable point. They feared a catastrophic loss would invite other financial families to carve up their territory and assets. Though the Sun family might not collapse entirely, they would likely fall from the ranks of the super financial families after such a conflict.

As the night wore on, internal discord and anxiety rose within the Sun family, with some members unable to hold their ground, suggesting reaching out to the Zhong family to initiate dialogue with Wang Xuan.

The mysterious prophet then made another prediction: "Tonight, the celestial sword points at the Sun family but does not strike. Yet, should they act recklessly, a heaven-splitting blow awaits, with sword light piercing the skies, striking through the Sun family's bastion!"

At this juncture, Wang Xuan entered Pingyuan City, the stronghold of the super financial Qin family. Qin Hong, who was drinking, spilled his wine in shock upon hearing the news, soaking his clothes and exclaiming, "Why has he come here, nearing the Qin family?"

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