The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 238

Chapter 238: Trouble Keeps Coming

Late into the night, as lightning tore through the curtain of rain, Wang Xuan stood before his window, gazing at the dark sky, unable to find sleep. The situation on New Star was alarmingly complex, with ancient astronauts taming mythical creatures invisible to ordinary people, wandering through major cities.

Also looming was the anticipated return of the celestial beings, their footsteps seemingly audible through the downpour, unsettling him deeply.

The next day dawned clear and sunny, as if the storms of the night had never occurred.

"Old Wang, when are you planning the disciple initiation ceremony? Some people have already arrived in Suzhou City," Zhong Cheng contacted him.

Wang Xuan was taken aback, "When did I say I was taking disciples?" He genuinely lacked the time and energy for such commitments, still exploring his own path.

"Go ahead with it, they are passionate youngsters from influential families, and there are many beautiful women!" Zhong Cheng whispered, persuasively adding, "Think about it, these are the children of major organizations. If they become your disciples, aren't they essentially joining your camp?"

"I really don't have the time right now," Wang Xuan replied, already having a group of elders tied to his cause, ensuring relative stability.

Zhong Cheng persisted, "You don't need to guide them daily, just pass on some techniques and let them practice on their own. A teacher opens the door, but the journey is the student's own."

Wang Xuan saw the logic in this. Catering to both young and old would likely ensure peace for a while, something he desperately needed.

"Sounds reasonable. I'll find a time for it. Right now, I need to sort out my housing issue. The landlord contacted me for compensation," Wang Xuan said, exasperated.

He didn't have much money; his house was gone, turned into a crater by Sun Family's energy cannon, even the soil and rocks crystallized. Recently, the site had become a popular photo spot, known as the 'Former Residence of the Sword Immortal'.

"You're too poor, Old Wang. It's just a house. I'll give you a detached one," Zhong Cheng offered.

"How can I not eat meat? Are you Emperor Hui of Jin reincarnated? I've asked around; neighboring houses damaged by the blast received compensation. Why shouldn't I? I'm going to report this, damn Sun Family!"

And with that, Wang Xuan actually reported it to the authorities, determined to make a scene and force the Sun Family to compensate him.

Zhong Cheng hung up, dumbfounded. He thought to himself, "You've shot down their warships, it's tit for tat. Let it go."

But what he didn't realize was that Wang Xuan was truly short on funds, barely possessing a million Novadollars, earned from settling a dispute for Qin Cheng on New Moon.

After Wang Xuan's return, the landlord, despite admiring and yearning for the life of a sword immortal, tearfully asked for compensation. The Sun Family had apparently assumed the destroyed property was Wang Xuan's and had not discussed any compensation.

Soon, many in Suzhou City were aware that the sword immortal was out of money and had reported the Sun Family to the police for compensation. Wang Xuan even threatened on the secret network to take over the Sun Family's assets in Suzhou City if they didn't pay.

Zhong Cheng, Zhou Yun, and Zhong Qing were speechless, knowing he genuinely lacked funds. The Sun Family, on the other hand, saw this as a humiliation, akin to demanding war reparations, albeit not physically hurtful but highly insulting.

Eventually, it was Zhong Qing who clarified on the secret network, explaining Wang Xuan's situation, including his reliance on others even for his ticket to New Star. Facing a tearful landlord demanding compensation, she urged Sun Yichen and his family to fulfill their obligations.

Everyone was speechless, realizing the sword immortal was indeed poor, renting accommodations and needing assistance for travel. The Sun Family, begrudgingly, compensated the original landlord.

This opened doors for Wang Xuan, as many elders desiring extended life sought a breakthrough and began offering funds. However, Wang Xuan declined, valuing ancient scriptures and rare treasures over money, knowing he could earn funds later.

Zhou Yun joked about Wang Xuan's poverty leading him to consider seizing the Sun Family's properties, offering to gift him a health sanctuary. Similarly, Qian An, unable to watch any longer, offered one of his vacant properties in the city for Wang Xuan's use.

The health sanctuary's reopening was explosively busy. Zhong Cheng and Zhou Yun brought a group of enthusiastic young men and women, eager to learn swordplay and become sword immortals. Among the twenty or so aspirants, the youngest was around twelve or thirteen, with none older than thirty.

"This is my cousin, make sure you teach her well!" Zhou Yun introduced a pretty young girl, who Wang Xuan recognized as Ling Wei's sister from New Moon.

Realizing Zhou Yun's intentions, Wang Xuan saw the girl assert her own desire to learn, wanting to become a sword immortal independently. He also encountered Li Qingxuan, whom he had met in Old Earth, with her natural curly hair, phoenix eyes, and striking red lips.

Back in the day, she, along with Wu Yin and Zhou Yun, walked together and had once invited Wang Xuan to join their family's expedition team. The Li family, their headquarters located right in this city, was well-known.

She gathered her long hair and smiled wistfully, saying, "I just came to see. I really didn't expect you to have come this far." It was clear she wasn’t there to become a disciple.

“Is it really you… Wang Wudi?!” The energetic young woman beside Li Qingxuan was taken aback, then understanding dawned on her.

Wang Xuan remembered her – a student from Kaiyuan University. He had met her on his first day visiting Professor Lin.

“This is my uncle’s daughter, my cousin who is very close to me in terms of blood relation,” Li Qingxuan introduced. Zhou Jia had come to become a disciple.

“I’ll teach you; we’re from the same school, we're familiar, and I've fully learned from Old Wang,” Qin Cheng boasted, trying to cozy up.

Zhou Jia ignored him, looking at Wang Xuan in speechless wonder. It’s a small world indeed, she thought, recognizing the sword immortal from the blurry photos. To become a disciple or not? After some hesitation, she resolved to commit, determined to learn the art of sword control, putting aside extraneous thoughts.

Then, Zhong Cheng introduced another person – a stunning beauty with electrifying eyes, long lashes, and an undeniably alluring figure, exuding a sexy charm, especially with her electrifying gaze.

“Master!” she approached gracefully, her demeanor captivating, almost like she was walking a runway.josei

Wang Xuan shivered slightly. What was this situation?

“That’s one of my sister’s close friends!” Zhong Cheng whispered.

At that moment, Zhong Qing also arrived at the Health Pavilion, greeting everyone.

“Qing, I think I'm going to get married, and you need to help me!” the electrifying beauty pulled the pure and beautiful long-legged Zhong Qing aside, saying so, then added in a mock threatening tone, “If you don’t help me, it means you’re guilty, really wanting to become my master's wife!”

Zhong Qing smacked her on the forehead, reprimanding, “Be mindful of your words. What are you talking about?”

Wang Xuan, with his powerful spiritual domain, heard everything clearly and internally lamented the complexity of these people. Collecting this diverse group as disciples seemed to spell an array of complicated and chaotic issues.

Inside were top students, currently interning at a warship power research institute, but now eager to switch to studying the art of sword fighting. There was even a pop star, whose latest songs were the rage in every street and alley. Wang Xuan suspected that some were there to fish in troubled waters, with ulterior motives to get close to him.

He thought of inviting Professor Lin to teach on his behalf, feeling the professor would be more responsible. The arrival of some elderly figures finally helped ease the situation. Qian An introduced them, like Mr. Li from the city, Mr. Zhou from Yunqi City, and an old man surnamed Zhao from Yong'an City.

When Mr. Zhao was introduced, Wang Xuan's interest piqued. Could he be related to Zhao Qinghan? He noticed the elder's gentle smile and careful observation, finally nodding in satisfaction.

"Little Wang, you've kept me in the dark. Who knew the Wang Xiao I admired was actually you!" Another familiar face arrived, Wu Yin's uncle Wu Chenglin.

Wang Xuan had a good impression of him. Old Wu was sociable and had maintained a good relationship with Wang Xiao in the old world. "Don't worry, Wu Yin is safe, staying in the secret place for an opportunity," Wang Xuan assured him.

Wu Chenglin was accompanied by his father and Wu Yin's grandfather. Wang Xuan naturally didn't neglect them, engaging warmly with the group of elders.

That day, the Health Pavilion was buzzing with activity, with eight elders from various financial conglomerates supporting him. This drew special attention from major organizations, who sighed inwardly at the success of Wang Xuan's medical plan.

Indeed, the eight elders successfully jumped the queue, securing Wang Xuan's promise to extend their lives in the coming months. This also meant that some ancient texts and artifacts would soon shine anew.

Late at night, after everyone had left, Wang Xuan stood calmly, bathed in moonlight, feeling detached from the mundane world. The so-called financial conglomerates and the noisy mortal world seemed to drift further away from him.

Looking up at the starry sky, he felt distant from the glittering city and neon nights. Riches and power were mere illusions, far from what he desired.

"What path should I take next? What choices should I make?" he murmured. He didn't want to follow the Golden Elixir path or the pure martial path. After reaching the medicine-gathering realm, he needed to decide his future course.

"Will the effects be significant in three years? Will the descending immortals become mortals? Will my path encounter problems?" he pondered, preparing for what lay ahead.

Suddenly, a red streak of light, like lightning, shot across the night sky, sending chills down Wang Xuan's spine. Instantly armed, with a short sword in hand and ancient lamp and gourd concealed, he sensed a powerful transcendental presence.

"The tree wishes for tranquility, but the wind does not cease," he sighed softly. All he wanted was a peaceful life of cultivation, helping others extend their lives, studying ancient texts and artifacts. Yet, the outside world kept disturbing him, with financial conglomerates targeting him and now possibly even the immortals.

"Though I seek no enemies, don't force my hand!" Wang Xuan said sternly.

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