The Emperor Wants To Marry The Doctor

Chapter 1145

Chapter 1145: Fight! (Two more)

After hearing this, everyone was stunned on the spot.

"Add a bet?"

Liu Yintong glanced at her suspiciously.

"How do you want to add it?"

Chu Liuyue raised her hand and pointed to Quanyan.

"If I win, in addition to the three drops of mythical beast's blood, I still have the right to stay in this spring for a month. I believe this is not a difficult task for Senior Sister Liu, right?"

Liu Yintong never expected that Chu Liuyue's request turned out to be this.

She frowned, and after reacting to her words, she felt a little tangled in her heart.

Because this is actually quite troublesome for her.

You know, even if she ranks well on the Qingyun list, she is equally good, and there are still many people.

They occasionally want to come to Wanjiu Mountain to grab a spot.

After all, the spring is so big, and there are only a few places next to it.

The best place is that you can occupy it for a day or two. Everyone takes turns.

But if you want to account for one month, that would be a bit too much.

Even she can't guarantee that she can do this for a month.

But now, Chu Yue actually used this as a bet! ?

Chu Liuyue smiled slightly at the corner of her lips, and looked at her like that, calm and calm without arrogance or rashness.

He didn't seem to feel how amazing the bet he had just raised.

"Hahaha! Junior Brother Chu Yue is really refreshing!"

Gong Sheng was full of energy when he heard it, and quickly urged Liu Yintong to agree.

"Atong, Junior Brother has taken the initiative to speak, don't you dare to respond?"

These words stimulated Liu Yintong.

She glared at him.

"You dare not! Is it possible that I will still lose!?"

No one thinks she will lose.

Although everyone can see that her contracted beast is slightly inferior to the opponent's bloodline, she is a strong one on the Qingyun list after all, and the combat effectiveness of the beast should not be underestimated.

And the other party was just a little junior who had just entered the college.

What's more, his main focus is on Heavenly Medicine, and his cultivation base on the Profound Master... seems to be only the first stage of the seventh stage?

There is nothing to worry about.

"I agree to your bet!"

Liu Yintong looked straight at Chu Liuyue, her eyes still high.

"However, if you lose, what punishment should you have?"

Chu Liuyue shrugged and chuckled:

"Leave it to Senior Sister Liu."

"A word is settled!"

Liu Yintong cast a look at the red tail Danfeng next to her.


It spread its wings, and the fiery flame rose again!

The surrounding air seems to be burning up!

Some people who were standing closer stepped back unconsciously.

Who doesn't know that this thing has amazing combat power, and is as hot-tempered as its master, if you are careless, you will be implicated!

On the top of the mountain, with Chu Liuyue and Liu Yintong as the center, a clearing was quickly vacated.

The people below had already surrounded him. Although they didn't dare to get too close, their eyes were fixed on the confronting two.

Chu Liuyue clicked on Tuanzi's head and lowered his voice.

"The opportunity has been won for you. Whether you can seize it or not is up to you."

The dumpling nodded vigorously, and then flew out quickly!josei


Its whole body, the flame also began to burn enthusiastically!

The only difference from the opposite one is that the flame on its body is obviously more red and intense.

And the coercion contained therein is obviously stronger!

The comparison between the two sides will tell at a glance!

Liu Yintong felt even more unhappy, but when he thought of waiting for the end of this game, he would be able to get the blood of the opponent's beast, and his expression turned cloudy again.

She glanced at Chu Liuyue not far away, and saw that her face was still calm, frowning, don't open her eyes.

Children who have just entered the academy always feel that they are the best genius in the world.

If you don't take a lesson, you don't know how high the sky is.


"How could Chu Yue agree to such a bet?"

Luo Shishi couldn't help but murmured worriedly.

"He won't have any chance of winning this game!"

"There is no way if you don't agree. In the situation just now, no matter what he says, there is no second way to go."

Luo Yanming patted her shoulder in relief.

"Let's watch it first. If he really needs help, then ask the fourth brother to come forward."

Luo Shishi had to nodded.

Although they have not been in the college for a long time, they already knew some of the rules.

For example, in such a duel, others cannot easily intervene.

In the college, the strong is respected.

If a person can only rely on others and repeatedly allow others to support himself, then he will only be looked down upon by others.

So in this case, Chu Yue had to deal with it by himself.

"Don't worry, the blood of his sacred beast does not seem to be weak, maybe there is still a glimmer of hope for winning!"

Zhuo Sheng scratched his head, but he didn't expect things to happen to such a degree.

Luo Shishi smiled bitterly.

It is better not to say what he said.

The same is the Red Tail Danfeng, even if the bloodline power is different, how much difference can there be?

But there is a huge gap between Chu Yue and Liu Yintong!

He is almost certain to lose in this game!

It happened that he added another bet at the end!

I don't know what he is thinking...

"I can't help myself. If I dare to do this, I have to be prepared to pay for it."

Yin Fan sneered.

"Soon, he will know that this is Lingxiao Academy, not a place where anyone can go wild!"


The night is deep and the moonlight is bright.

On the top of the mountain, two red-tailed Danfeng face each other!

Tuanzi stared at the one in front of him, narrowing his eyes dangerously.

Relying on his master's greatness, he tried to challenge it in vain... I am really bored!

Its wings vibrated, and the next moment, it disappeared in place!

There was an exclamation from the crowd.

——It was Chu Yue’s monster attacking first!

This monster is really following the master's temperament, very bold!


There was a violent impact!

The two flames collided fiercely!

Sparks flew in a flash!

The two figures were instantly entangled together!

Because they are of the same family, they are born very similar.

In addition, there are flames burning on both bodies, entangled in each other, and completely become a fireball, and everyone can't see clearly.

Looking far away, only a group of flames bursting into sparks can be seen.

There are occasional hot and terrible waves on it, spreading towards the surroundings!




Various sounds of impact and beating came.

After a while, the two finally separated!

A few feathers fell from the dumpling, and the whole body looked messy.

The opposite one, with blood on one of its paws and some blood stains on its body, looked even more embarrassed.

Who is strong, who is weak, knows at first sight!

Liu Yintong was already holding the winning ticket, but she couldn't help but change slightly when she saw this scene.


She gave a clear drink.

"beat it!"

This time, she must win!

As soon as the voice fell, everyone saw the flames on the red-tailed Danfeng suddenly rise!


A huge figure appeared in the air, casting a heavy shadow!



The Akao Danfeng-turned into a real body!

It cast a cold look at the dumpling, and then leaned forward and rushed!

The sharp beak seems to see the blood seal the throat!

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