The Empress' Livestream

Chapter 141 - Langjun, That’s Dangerous (II)

Chapter 141 - Langjun, That’s Dangerous (II)

Chapter 141: Langjun, That’s Dangerous (II)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Jiang Pengji made a contemptuous laugh. “These dried herbs can affect one’s consciousness. Adding them into burning censers or food can cause one to sweat abnormally, his heart beat faster, with a surge of lust blurring his consciousness. An overdose can be deadly... It can stop one’s heartbeat abruptly, and make him foam at the mouth and cramp. ”

Her words alarmed her audience. The description sounded so much like that!

Koujiao Chifan: “Damn, isn’t that opium poppy?”

Zhende Jiangshan Ruhua: “Come on, it looks totally different. I study Chinese medicine and have never seen this. I guess it’s normal to see plants that don’t exist in our dimension.”

Tangchao Lizi: “Host, let’s destroy it. It sounds scary.”

The housekeeper shared the same thought, and he looked at Jiang Pengji with shock and concern. Where had she obtained such drugs?

“Langjun, are we going to...” he trailed off and thought, ...add this into Meng Liang’s meals?

Before he finished, Jiang Pengji interrupted, “I found this by chance, but it’s related to Meng Liang and I suspect he and his servant are taking it with them, too. I’m worried about them putting it into the ladies’ censers or dishes.” josei

In fact, she had exaggerated the effects of the herbs. If it was used in a small amount, their scent could indeed help lift people’s spirit, while its refined extracts could cause the serious harm she mentioned.

What was contained in the two packets had undergone elementary refinement. Together with the large dose, they could make one dizzy if placed in a stuffy room. That must have helped those rascals a lot in abusing the ladies.

Although Jiang Pengji would not kill Meng Liang within that week, she would not let him hurt any other girls, either––especially after she had learned about his disgusting scheme towards her stepmother and other females in the family.

It seemed Meng Liang could not wait to die, huh?

If that was what he wanted, Jiang Pengji was glad to help after maximizing her own benefits from his death.

The housekeeper promised indignantly, “If those shameless creatures dare to use the herbs in our house, I will break their legs myself! This is the Liu’s in Hejian, not their house in Cang!”

Jiang Pengji hid her smile. “They will leave a few days later. Meanwhile, please arrange more guards to the guest rooms... Let’s hope this is his last visit.”

The old man nodded solemnly. When his gaze dropped on the packets, he hesitated, and suggested carefully, “Since these can be harmful, I should not let Langjun take them. Please allow me to burn them.”

Jiang Pengji shook her head, turning the packets over and over again in her palm. Her thin lips opened. “I understand your concern, but I need them at the moment. I won’t let them affect me.”

The housekeeper sighed. She was becoming more independent as she grew up.

“If you say so. Still, please remember your safety is of utmost importance.” He had served the family for years and had watched the youngster grow up. Although Liu Xi’s birth and status were far superior, to him she was like his own grandchild, and he did not want to see her harmed or injured.

“I’ll be careful. Don’t worry.” Jiang Pengji nodded. How would she make a trap for herself?

Before she left, she suddenly remembered something. “Oh, yes––I want to learn about Xu Ke’s family. Maybe we can send his close relatives a little help.”

The old servant was surprised by her care for Xu Ke, but it was not surprising when he considered the similar way Master Liu treated him. Xu Ke would probably play a crucial role in the house in the future.

“I’ll do as you said.”

“Very nice.”

She added the last task because of Liu She’s reminder. Unlike where she had come from, it was a world where relationships were emphasized, especially those among family members. The ties between teachers and students, and the bonds among friends came only second to family. She had to be aware of the social practices here.

Take her stepmother and Meng Liang as an example––Jiang Pengji thought Meng Liang must die regardless of his tie with the lady, because that would not compensate for his faults.

However, the normal response in her eye would appear cold-hearted and even merciless to the ancient people.

One may think she was insensitive to feelings, but the fact was the contrary. Thus, she immediately realized the importance of changing her mindset and thinking more about personal relationships when necessary. Xu Ke was her laboratory mouse.

The housekeeper was much more efficient than most young servants, and he performed his tasks without delay.

“Langjun, this is what they’ve hidden.”

As he pushed a sophisticated, thumbnail-sized blush palette towards her, his eyes were widened out of anger, and his breath was heavier than usual.

Were it not for Jiang Pengji, no one would have suspected Meng Liang would bring such a filthy item to the family. They could not search their guests like guards in the palace did.

“I like the design.” Jiang Pengji opened it. The fragrant of the pressed powder inside could be smelled from a distance. Smelling it for a while could make one feel hot and restless.

She was going to touch the powder when the housekeeper stopped her hurriedly. “Please be careful!”

Jiang Pengji grinned with ease. “The small dose can’t affect me.”

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