The Empress' Livestream

Chapter 646 - Mental Breakdown (IV)

Chapter 646 - Mental Breakdown (IV)

Chapter 646: Mental Breakdown (IV)

The audience of the livestream was experienced and used to this kind of thing.

They laughed at the poor Feng Zhen while at the same time quietly taking in the public display of affection Jiang Pengji had put up.

All other stuff aside, their streamer really doted on her advisor. He was like a little princess.

Weighed Myself Today: “Some tears for our comrade Feng Zhen. His health isn’t great either. You can’t bully him just because he is a prodigal.”

I Grew Fatter Again: “I am quietly taking in the fresh public display of affection from a corner. The streamer really dotes on the little princess among her advisors.”

Losing Weight is Such a Long Journey: “I guess it’s because Feng Zhen is too wild-spirited, and Wei Ci, our beauty, is too well-behaved.”

Well-behaved kids were always better-liked by the head of the household.

Meanwhile, as Jiang Pengji toyed with the Red Lotus Group and ambushed the 3,000 troops sent to ambush her, things quietly changed in the Honglian District.

We must delve further into the past to understand what happened.

Awhile back, An Cui and the second-in-command of the Red Lotus Group hit it off and were in cahoots with each other, preparing to stir up trouble.

As a sworn brother of the cult leader who had been through fire and water with him, the second-in-command was all too familiar with the habits of the leader of the Red Lotus Group. Meanwhile, the latter wasn’t wary of him.

When the second-in-command rushed into the “Palace of God” with the subordinates faithful to him, the cult leader’s stocky body was atop two beautiful women, copulating with them nonstop and sweating all over. The cult leader was still in shock when he was tied up.

He saw the second-in-command’s grotesque facial expression, then looked down at his own naked body, and his face alternated between red and green.

“Do you want to be punished by God?”

The second-in-command “tsked” scornfully and lifted his leg to kick the cult leader.

“You can manage to trick those fools with such words, but do you expect to fool me as well? At what age did you wet your bed? At what age did you first ejaculate? At what age did you peek in the widow as a woman bathed? At what age did you tease girls? I know all of this, yet you dare to claim that you are a God when you behave in such a manner? I am so scared! Why don’t you return to your godly throne and send your heavenly troops to kill me? Can you do it?! F*ck you!”

Calling himself the incarnation of God..!

The second-in-command harbored pent-up anger. He began to vent at the cult leader aggressively.

He hadn’t wanted to betray the cult leader at first. After all, the “fact” that the cult leader was the incarnation of God had been deeply ingrained in the minds of their people. Without the incarnation of God, the Red Lotus Group would only exist in name. Other than the diehard believers, the rest, who had been sitting on the fence, would quickly disperse.

However, he really couldn’t stand his current life.

What right did the leader have to enjoy all the benefits of their conquest while he couldn’t even enjoy a fraction of it? After everything he had sacrificed for the holy religion!?

It would have been bearable if not being able to enjoy any of the luxuries was the only thing. But to make matters worse, the leader of the Red Lotus Group held a scholar who was all talk and no action in high esteem.

Psychological imbalance, the difference in treatment and welfare, his standing in the religion being lower than expected... In addition to the ambition in his heart that he could hardly suppress, these factors caused him to take the risk and imprison the leader of the Red Lotus Group, planning to turn him into a puppet that he could control as he liked.

His saliva sprayed on the cult leader’s face. The latter was so angry that he trembled and retaliated with an angry scolding of his own, the words coming out of his mouth as disgusting as a toilet.

The leader said, “... Don’t act rashly. When the military advisor leads the troops back, it will be the day of your death!”

The second-in-charge’s heart missed a beat. He felt somewhat unconfident, but he still put a tough expression on his face.

After ordering that the leader of the Red Lotus Group to be imprisoned and carefully guarded, the second-in-command couldn’t help but pace back and forth.

Although he’d had the intention of rebelling for a long time, it was a strong desire that he’d never been able to act on before.

With An Cui’s help, it was as if he was a tiger who had been given wings.

However, he would never trust someone who had been a betrayer. An Cui could betray others, so there was no guarantee that An Cui wouldn’t betray him one day.

While the second-in-command seemed to put An Cui in an important position, in his heart, he was still wary of An Cui and took precautions against him.

However, the situation at the moment was rather tricky. Without relying upon An Cui’s capabilities, the day the military advisor returned with the rest of the Red Lotus Group would indeed be the day of his death.

For the sake of his life, he had no choice but to continue working with An Cui.

The suggestions that An Cui had given him were pretty good too. An Cui spoke with enthusiasm, convincing the second-in-command of his plans.

The second-in-command had taken over Honglian District, but the other three districts were still in the hands of the Red Lotus Group. The news of Jinmen District falling had yet to reach them. The second-in-command was no match for the Red Lotus Group, be it in terms of manpower or territory. To turn the tables, the second-in-command would need to fish in troubled waters and quietly stage a sneak attack on the territories of the Red Lotus Group while the latter was fighting intensely with Liu Xi.

In the end, An Cui bewitchingly said, “At the moment, the news of you detaining the leader has yet to spread. You can lead the troops and march quickly to Qiuyu District, then trick them into opening the gates for you with your title as the protector of the Red Lotus Group. It wouldn’t cost you even one single man. If you don’t seize the opportunity, it will be hard for you to take advantage of it once the news spreads all over Chengde County. Opportunities are fleeting on the battlefield.”

The second-in-command was moved by his words. It wasn’t that he had poor self-control, it was clearly because An Cui was too good at tempting people with his words.

“What about Honglian District?”

The second-in-command still had suspicions of An Cui. He was worried that the other party might harbor ill intentions.

An Cui said, “It is an easy problem to resolve. You just need to leave a few faithful subordinates to guard the city. Honglian District is easy to defend and hard to attack, it will be difficult for outsiders to conquer.”

He spoke about it so openly that the second-in-command felt embarrassed by his own distrust.

Having fooled the second-in-command, An Cui did something else in secret.

He sent a beggar to deliver the message to Jiang Pengji, then sent another person to Fenghu District to tell the plan to the scholar. josei

The contents of his message to Jiang Pengji were covered earlier.

The contents of his report to the scholar were more noteworthy. On one hand, he tearfully accused the second-in-command of harboring wolfish ambitions, kidnapping him, and taking him to Honglian District. On the other hand, he claimed that the second-in-command was planning to kidnap the leader and bring him to Qiuyu District, imploring the scholar to rush to the leader’s rescue for the greater good of the Red Lotus Group.

Surely the Oscars didn’t just owe An Cui one award for being the best actor.

They clearly owned him an entire row of awards.

A new problem arose before the old was solved,

When the scholar received the news from An Cui, he almost fainted.

This incident made the scholar forget to investigate the event in which An Cui’s plans had caused them to lose Jinmen District.

For the Red Lotus Group, the cult leader was their backbone.

If the cult leader, the incarnation of God, was no more, the Red Lotus Group would fall apart and face retaliation from the Tsing Yi Army.

What should they do?

In the end, with red eyes, the scholar ordered in a hoarse voice, “We must save the leader, but we cannot hand Jinmen District over the rebel Liu... We will split into two groups and take separate routes!”

The Red Lotus Group lacked discipline. It would take them at least two or three days to gather their troops and set off. At the moment, with the news that the leader had been captured by the rebels, they were in an even greater state of chaos. They were like headless flies flying around aimlessly without any order. It slowed them down even further.

As the opponent of the Red Lotus Group, Jiang Pengji took the word “efficiency” to the max.

By the time the Red Lotus Group had sent half of its troops to attack Jinmen District, Jiang Pengji had secretly approached Honglian District with her troops. The recruits that had been deployed were on their way, just in time to surround the Red Lotus Group’s forces attacking Jinmen District from behind.

In Jinmen District, Qiguan Rang was in charge. He defended Jinmen District so well that one couldn’t even spill water through the gates and walls. The Red Lotus Group’s multiple attacks yielded no gains.

Suffering a horrible defeat, they could only retreat angrily, resignedly leaving hundreds and thousands of bodies behind.

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