The Epic of Leviathan

Chapter 105

Chapter 105: Evil *ahem* Nice & Good Plans... [edited]

[POV Reo(Edgar)]

While Nemuri was off to meet Tonks and give her a small tour of Castle Ravenclaw. I was thinking about making my next evil... *ahem* nice & good plans.

Now, the news of Harry Potter leaving Britain would be coming out. From what I know, Harry would be attending either Beauxbatons or Drumstrang. So, I could easily manipulate the information and make Dumbles take the whole blame for Harry leaving Britain permanently. But even if I own the Daily Prophet that is really hard to do because there is no information, to begin with.

Yes, everyone knows that Dumbles is the one who is responsible for Harry now and Dumbles is hiding their Hero for now so they would ask questions & rage on Dumbles but he could just pass it off lightly but if the whole truth comes out about Harry's childhood then that is a completely different matter. I am sure that he would lose at least one of his positions and it would be a massive blow to his reputation.

Now, I know the only person who will be able to excite the public with her words and she has a reputation of destroying reputations with her vicious articles. The name of the person is Rita Skeeter... the illegal water bettle Animagus. I know she is vicious with her articles and that is why she would be the best for this. Yeah, she could turn on me with any given chance that is why I would be making her take an unbreakable vow one way or other. So, Rita Skeeter, it is...

Now, let's think about the most troublesome Death Eaters. Lucius Malfoy is my number one priority but I am conflicted... should I kill him now and rip off the memory related to the diary from his mind or wait for my 2nd year when he willingly gives away the diary and kill him after that?

Ah... so many choices... so little time... alas, I should get my plan moving with Rita Skeeter. I would also need her help to announce that three more Ravenclaw heirs are found by inheritance test. The time of hiding is gone... now, each of the girls are strong enough to fight Dumbles and come on top.

I quickly got up and opened my trunk. My armor is there along with aging potions. I quickly gulped down the potion and changed into my armor. I walked out of my trunk and went to look for Momo. I found Momo in front of a huge wall-sized led TV (obviously made by her powers) and she was playing a game on a PS5 (this is also made by her). Ah... it's quite nice to see that she is doing something else than reading tomes and grimoires.

"Where's Rumi?" I asked her, Momo paused the game and looked at me.

"Oh... she went out jogging. Where are you going?" Momo answered and asked me looking curious. Because every time I went out in this armor I usually make some news.

"I am going to visit Harry, I need his help make one of my plans" I said to which Momo nodded and went back to playing.

After getting that done, I Apparated out of the flat and appeared in the backyard of Black Vacation home. Harry's head immediately popped out of the window and waved at me. After a few seconds, Harry and Sirius both walked out of the house.

"Good morning Harry... how is it going Sirius?" I greeted both of them to which both of them greeted back. Since it was early morning we decided to sit outside as I conjured three chairs and a table right between us.

"Harry... I will be needing your help with something" I said to which both Harry and Sirius were slightly surprised but Harry still nodded his head.

"Ah... wait... would you mind if I get someone else. This would be a big move that would shake up what's remaining of Magical Britain" I said to which both Sirius and Harry agreed.

Seeing them agree I immediately Apparated out and appeared outside the Bones Manor... it's time to get Bonesy and irking her is just a bonus. I walked through the wards casually like they didn't even exist and the door opened after a few seconds as an irritated Amelia walked out.

"I hate you... can't you come like a normal person?" Amelia asked while glaring at me.

"Ah... but where would be any fun in that?" I asked and two veins popped on Amelia's head.

"Amelia we would be going somewhere... I will be waiting here" I said to her, this made her lose her irritation, and nodded her head. She immediately went inside...

It has been a few minutes and I was still waiting down here getting bored so I pulled out my phone and started to browse pictures. Goddamn... did she find out that we are going to meet her unmarried husband? Only after a few seconds she came out in her usual Madame Bones attire, she looked at my phone and I could see curiousness in her eyes but I put it in my pocket.

"So where are we going?" Amelia asked me giving up her curiosity.

"To meet your unmarried husband" I said in a jolly tone. This made Amelia give me a blank stare but before she could say anything I placed my hand on her shoulder.

"Wai..." Only this came out of her mouth before she found herself in a completely different place.

"A-A-Amelia?" Sirius stuttered out looking quite surprised and scared while Amelia's head whisked towards the voice and glared at him without answering and huffed. Her face was now pointing towards the sky... she portrayed a pure-blooded witch masterfully.

"How... surprising... I didn't know you could make a pose like that" I said commenting.

"That's not it!" Amelia exclaimed completely out of her usual stern persona but how her relationship is with me it was quite usual.

"Amelia... I know..." Sirius started to say but Amelia just huffed and looked away. Even though it was really amusing to see their interaction I decided to put a stop to it for now because we needed to deal with the elephant in the room... or the backyard.

"Sirius you can chat with her all you want but we have much more important stuff to talk about now. Amelia, please take a seat" I said this brought back Amelia and Sirius to earth. Amelia quickly got her professional look and sat down in the chair I have conjured for her. She quickly greeted Harry... Sirius, seeing that there was no option sat down.

"So, what did you needed my help with?" Harry asked me. This made both Amelia and Sirius turn their heads towards me.

"I want you to give an interview about your childhood with the Dursleys" I said and immediately got an answer.

"No, not happening. Harry had barely forgotten that hell and I won't let him live up those memories again" Sirius said with a serious face. But I kept my eyes on Harry who was still thinking.

"But why? How would it help you?" Harry finally asked.josei

"I guess you won't be attending Hogwarts, right?" I asked Harry to which he nodded his head.

"I planning to go to Beauxbatons" Harry said to which I nodded my head.

"Now, from next month Hogwarts is starting so, the news will be out that you have left Britain and went to France, Dumbles will be blamed but he could still do damage control saying that you were not safe here so he sent you to Beauxbatons..." I was saying but Amelia pitched in and gave her thoughts on the topic.

"Yes, this would somewhat ruin his reputation and questions will be asked if he is senile or not but he would come out unscathed more or less... but from how Mr. Black reacted I expect that Harry's childhood wasn't happy as we were made to believe, right?" Amelia finished making her point. Hearing her Harry just snorted while both Sirius and I nodded our heads.

"But if we release the whole story via Harry's interview then it would make the wrath of whole Britain come down on Albus Dumb-as-a-door because he will become the sole reason for why Harry left Britain and hates this place. With the current situation of Magical Britain, Dumb-as-a-door will be unable to do anything and he will lose a lot of his support" I said with a happy tone. Hearing me Harry nodded his head.

"Fine... I will give the interview" Harry said but Sirius looked unsure.

"Are you sure, pup? You never talked about it..." Sirius began to say with clear concern for Harry in his voice but Harry pitched in.

"Yes, Sirius. I need to speak about it sometime and from what Magneto is planning, this will be a good time" Harry said with clear determination in his voice.

"It's good and all but who are you going to use? Anonymous sources won't work you know" Amelia said looking at me.

"Of course I know that... I already have someone in my mind. So, what do you think about Rita Skeeter?" I asked the group.

"No... No way in hell I will let that bitch anywhere near Harry!" Sirius said with a determined voice.

"Ignore the idiot... I completely agree with you that if you want to ruin someone then Rita Skeeter would be perfect but are you sure that she won't betray us or you and turn on us?" Amelia asked completely ignoring Sirius even calling him an idiot.

"Hey! I am not an idiot" Sirius protested but he was ignored, again.

"Yes... I plan to force her into an unbreakable vow" I said and Amelia looked quite skeptical.

"From what I know about that woman she would never make a normal oath... and you can't use Imperius Curse to make someone take an Unbreakable vow... magic itself won't let you... so what's your plan?" Amelia asked me.

"I never ever imagined that head of the DMLE would not mind someone using an Unforgivable" Sirius said and yet he was ignored, again. Quite surprising, right?

"You don't have to worry... pain can be sometimes a nice motivation" I said to which Amelia nodded her head.

"Hey! Stop ignoring me both of you!" Sirius screamed but still got no reaction from us.

"Then Cruciatus Curse it is... well I don't mind. Not that I can stop you... would you mind if I accompany you, after all, I want to see her reaction when she sees me with you" Amelia said and a sadistic smile appeared on her face.

"Ah... perhaps you hate that woman?" I asked Amelia. I have never expected that she would want to come with me when I use some motivational methods on someone to join my merry band.

"I don't hate her... I loathe her whole being" Amelia said while gritting her teeth. Wow... that bug must have done something really bad to get on Amelia's bad side.

"Sure... I will take you back now, I will pick you up before I visit my next victim... *ahem* ally. Both of you stay up... I will come with Rita Skeeter later" I said and grabbed Amelia's shoulder but didn't Apparate. I gestured towards Sirius to which she shook her head. After getting confirmation that she didn't want to talk with Sirius I Apparated out and appeared in front of Bones Manor with Amelia...

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