The Epic of Leviathan

Chapter 391

Chapter 391: Two Peas of The Same Pod (I)...

[Dark Dimension] 

Unohana Retsu slowly opened her eyes as she blinked in confusion. She looked around and noticed that it was dark everywhere around her and she seemed to be floating through an empty place. 

Unohana quickly noticed that she didn't have a string of cloth covering her body. 'Is this Hell Verse?' Unohana questioned inside her mind. Kurosaki Ichigo had dealt with Hell Verse, but it was a lot different from what she had read in reports. 

This place was simply completely black but for some odd reason, Unohana felt at home. Unohana tried to move around and her hand came in contact with a very familiar object. 'Thank god, you are here' Unohana felt relieved as she wrapped her fingers around her Zanpakutou. 

"Ah… you are finally awake…" Unohana heard a female voice. The voice was pretty melodious, in an instant, Unohana was up on her feet and she found herself pointing her Zanpakutou towards the woman. 

The woman was wearing skintight black and green armour and she seemed to be sitting on a throne made of darkness. The woman stood up on her feet and the throne disappeared into thin air. Unohana noticed that the woman was significantly taller than her. 

Unohana was just 5'2½" inches tall whereas Hela was 6'9" tall without her heels… currently, she was wearing her heels so she was 7'3" tall. That was quite a significant difference and Hela looked quite imposing especially with the vicious grin she had on her face. 

Unohana tried to sense the woman's Spiritual Pressure but she was shocked to find that she was currently sporting a physical body. She also noticed that her Spiritual Powers have evolved into something else… It felt somewhat the same and different at the same time. 

Unohana knew that she was completely bare but she wasn't bothered by that as the person standing before her was also a woman. "Who are you?" Unohana asked in a polite tone. 

"I am Hela, the Goddess of Death and War" the woman stated with a proud look on her face. Unohana slightly lowered her Zanpakutou but she didn't put it away. 

"So, I suppose that this is hell?" Unohana questioned as she continued looking around. As far as her eyes could see she could only see darkness and nothingness. 

The woman burst out laughing after hearing Unohana's question. Unohana was slightly stunned by the reaction but she didn't say anything. "Well, I suppose I should have been expecting a question like that" Hela muttered when she finally stopped laughing. 

"No, this is not hell. This is the Dark Dimension, it is a whole world on its own and I am its ruler" Hela said and Unohana only tilted her head in confusion. She looked way too cute with the confused look on her face. 

'Dark Dimension? Is this something like Soul Society and Hueco Mundo?' Unohana contemplated inside her mind. 

"So, this is where Souls like me are sent after passing on? But that doesn't seem to be the case as I have a body now" Unohana muttered and Hela started to snicker after hearing Unohana's words. Unohana's eyes focused on the form of Hela. 

"Yes, you are right about the fact that Souls come here after passing on but only a few of them do but you are not one of them" Hela pointed out as she looked down into Unohana's eyes. 

Any lesser woman would have cowered under the gaze but Unohana wasn't a lesser woman. She confidently held her ground and Hela was impressed with Unohana's determination. Hela also felt proud of herself for selecting Unohana. 

"You passed on after you allowed that fool to kill you… but you had impressed me. So, I decided to get your Soul and resurrect you" Hela said with an amused look on her face. 

Unohana's eyes turned gloomy and menacing for a second before turning back to normal. "I don't know what you are talking about. He beat me fair and square" Unohana said with a kind smile on her face and Hela simply snorted. josei

"Oh… don't be like that. I know why you decided to lay down your life. You hated your dull life. You hated the fact that you were unable to butcher living beings any longer" Hela said with a sinful grin on her face. 

Unohana didn't answer for a few seconds as she kept scanning Hela from her head to the toe. Unohana had heard that Hela was Goddess of Death so she must have some dominion over Death. She has been a Soul so it was pretty understandable that Hela was able to watch her. 

Unohana noticed the menace and the madness in Hela's eyes. 'I know those eyes. She is just like me but unlike me, she isn't shy of her true nature' Unohana concluded inside her mind. 

Hela already knew about Unohana's true nature. Unohana was a bipolar woman. 'She is just like me but she likes to hide behind a mask… a true wolf in a sheep's clothing' Hela thought and grinned internally. It wasn't a mask to be exact, it was her secondary personality. 

"...How did you resurrect me?" Unohana questioned politely. 

"I used Dark Energy from the Dark Dimension. Your whole being is a mass of energy given physical form. With my Divinities and all this power in my hands, it wasn't that hard and I already had the most important piece in my possession… your Soul" Hela said with a shrug. 

Unohana seemed to ponder after hearing Hela's words. After a few moments, Unohana gave a small nod. "So, my Soul is bound to you now? Am I your servant?" Unohana asked curiously and once again Hela started to snicker. 

"No no… nothing like that. You are completely free to make your own decisions. I want you to be the general of my army and you are the first being who I have found to have similar hobbies as me" Hela said and Unohana nodded her head in understanding. 

"You are just like me… both of us love killing. I can sense your bloodlust even though you are keeping it well hidden at this moment" Hela continued and once again Unohana seemed to agree with the statement. 

It has been long since Unohana had lowered her Zanpakutou. She had sensed Hela's power and she knew that she couldn't defeat Hela even if she had used her Bankai's true power. 

"You use a sword… how about a small fight?" Hela proposed with a vicious grin on her face. Unohana knew that she couldn't deny such a sinful offer. She was getting to fight someone without holding anything back and the offer of getting bloody was too good to be denied. 

"Yes, I would love that" Unohana said with a kind smile on her face and Hela started to cackle in mad glee. 

"I already like you, getting bloody together is the best way of getting to know each other" Hela declares with a mad grin on her face and Unohana couldn't agree more with the statement. 

A normal long-sword formed in Hela's hand as she started to release her bloodlust and power. Unohana's eyes grew wide as Hela's bloodlust and raw power slammed into her being. The difference between the two of them was monumental but Unohana wasn't deterred. 

'Hela said that my body is made up of Dark Energy… It must be the energy I can sense everywhere around me… Can I even use this energy?' Unohana questioned herself and she decided to do something easy with the energy at first. 

Clothes started to form on her body, everything she was wearing was made of literal darkness. She was dressed in her usual Captain's shihakusho, but her obi was pitch black instead of white. Even her Captain's Haori was pitch black instead of white. 

Even though all of her clothes seemed to be completely black but if someone looked carefully then they would be able to notice the difference. There was a small reddish tint to her clothes. 

"*whistle* Color me impressed. You are a natural at manipulating Dark Energy" Hela praised Unohana. Unohana gave a nod of appreciation as she started to absorb the Dark Energy into her body but she stopped when she felt some discomfort. 

"That's your limit for now, though you will keep getting stronger as time passes" Hela called out and Unohana nodded her head in understanding. She wasn't anywhere near Hela's power level but with the true power of her Bankai, she might be able to hold her own against Hela. 

'Let's get bloody' Unohana thought as her hand reached for her scar but she was surprised to find that she didn't have the scar anymore. 'Hela said that she had made me a new body' Unohana thought and understood why she didn't have the scar any longer. 

Unohana's visage started to transform as she started to release her own bloodlust and power. Unohana knew she could no longer refer to her power as Spiritual Pressure. 

Her kind and gentle eyes turned gloomy and menacing, while her kind and gentle smile was replaced by a cruel and vicious smirk. Hela started to cackle as she felt Unohana's bloodlust and raw power. 

"This is going to be so much fun!!" Hela exclaimed loudly and Unohana raised her Zanpakutou in front of her. 

"Bankai: Minazuki" Unohana called out in a menacing tone as her bloodlust and raw power were multiplied by several times. Hela was slightly surprised when she noticed the boost but it was a good kind of surprise. 

Unohana's Zanpakutou started to liquefy into a thick, viscous, dark blackish-red substance. It started to flow over in her vicinity. This was something different. Previously it was only used to be a red substance. 

Once again Unohana frowned when she noticed that the liquid didn't stop flowing. Usually, the majority of the liquid would be gone, leaving behind a shortened katana but that wasn't happening right now. The blackish-red liquid continued to flow down her Zanpakutou. 

(Image Here) 

'This must be due to my new powers' Unohana concluded as her eyes focused on the form of Hela… 

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