The Epic of Leviathan

Chapter 405

Chapter 405: Omniversal Problems...

After a few moments of complete silence, both of them looked at each other and released a sigh as they sagged back in their chairs. 

"We have heard from Ikkagen that you simply wanted to relax for now. So, we have thought that we shouldn't bother you with it" Hydriana said with a thin smile on her face. 

"And it is not like you can go and fix it… there is nothing you can do, even Ikkagen can't do anything with his Creation powers" Ardat finished with a snort and I had to admit that she does have a point.

"...You are right. It is not like I can do anything right now, at least I can't do anything with my powers. Have you talked with your Avatar?" I asked Hydriana and she sullenly nodded her head.

"I went to Pike as soon as I found that my Avatar has been sealed. Through him, I contacted her as I wasn't able to get her exact location. She wasn't exactly thrilled with the news…" Ardat snorted and Hydriana threw her a dirty look before she decided to continue. "But she understood that she needed to stay in the seal to buy us some time" Hydriana said and clenched her fists tightly.

"We were finally able to get her exact location after a couple of years… you probably haven't noticed anything as you haven't reincarnated at that point" Ardat said and started to shake her head.

"For now the seal is blocking the rupture but the rupture will ultimately get big enough…" Hydriana said in a frustrated tone as she picked up a whole bottle and started to chug down all of it. I released a defeated sigh and poured myself another drink.

I used my Space Powers and brought us another tumbler and poured another drink. Moments later, a blue-skinned man with golden tribal tattoos all over his body appeared out of thin air. He gave me an appreciative nod for the drink and sat down.

"How have you been, Ikkagen?" I asked him and released a tired sigh.

"I have seen better days… when I am not busy with my Godly duties, I am busy training the younger Gods but you already knew that" Ikkagen said and gulped down the whole drink.

"True… but it is common courtesy to ask someone about their wellbeing if you are meeting them after some time" I said in an amused tone and Ikkagen wasn't impressed with my humor.

"Eventually the seal won't be able to hold back the rupture from spreading and a bridge will form" Ikkagen said in a serious tone. "It's simply a matter of time now…" Ikkagen said.

"How much time do you think we have?" I asked and quirked my brows.

"Probably a few years at best… nothing more than that" Ikkagen muttered while shaking his head.

"So, how did it happen?" I asked and Hydriana crushed the glass in her hand. With a wave of my hand, I fixed the broken glass and fixed Hydriana's hand.

"I think it would be better if you heard it from Ikkagen… my babe gets kind of emotional due to the whole ordeal" Ardat said in an apologetic tone. Hydriana gave Ardat a grateful nod as she poured herself another drink.

Unlike Lady Death and Hela, Hydriana was a lot closer to her Avatar, Hydriana treated her Avatar like her own daughter. I knew this from the memories of my past life. I mean from the time when I was Nemesis.

"There was this gallant, self-righteous God. He found out about her Avatar's existence" Ikkagen said while pointing towards Hydriana. "And he decided that he needed to save his own world, he knew that he couldn't kill the threat so he decided to seal her at the edge of the Omniverse" Ikkagen almost snarled.

"That was his biggest mistake… obviously there was a huge fight, after all, no one would willingly get sealed" Ikkagen said and I snorted. "During that fight, the fabric of the Space at the edge of the Omniverse got ruptured and there you have it. He condemned this whole Omniverse to save just one world" Ikkagen snarled in rage.

"After that, the fool was weakened so he decided to hide… I found his location and I sent Ardat after him. Since then he has been Ardat's guest and he will be her guest for the rest of the eternity" Ikkagen said in a dismissive manner and I simply shrugged. Self-righteous fools who act without thinking about consequences deserve nothing else.

"...Then I have bad news for you"  I said as I poured myself another drink. This alarmed all three of them as they started to pay rapt attention to whatever I was going to say.

"A rupture like that should have been fixed by the Omniversal Laws, it should have taken a decade at max but the rupture is still open. It can only mean one thing…" I trailed off mysteriously and all three of them paled drastically.

All the Omniversal Gods knew that I have the closest connection with the Omniversal Laws so I wouldn't be wrong about something like this. A few minutes passed but none of us said anything and all of us remained silent.

"Someone is reaching out from the other side… but due to the seal or for whatever reason, they are unable to enter" Ikkagen muttered in a horrified tone.

"Reo, can't you see their identity or what is stopping them from entering? You are the only Omniversal God who is Omnipresent" Ardat asked hurriedly and I simply shook my head in denial.

"My Omnipresence can only cover everything inside the Omniverse. My Omnipresence doesn't exist outside that" I said and all of them nodded their head in understanding.

"Well then, I will be leaving. I need to warn everyone about the recent revelation… the war might start much sooner than I have imagined" Ikkagen said as he got up from his seat.

"Then can't you save her… I mean we know that someone is keeping the rupture open. So, my Avatar will be the first target… can't you pull her out?" Hydriana asked hurriedly and Ikkagen didn't give her an answer for a few seconds.

"Both Reo and I can pull her out right now but the seal would collapse. If the rupture expands then I will pull her out regardless of the consequences" Ikkagen said and disappeared. Hydriana nodded her head in a defeated manner. This was the best that she was going to get.

I also decided to assure her. That is the least I could do as she was just like my sister… maybe we will be able to regain our previous relationship someday. josei

"I will be keeping an eye on the rupture. So, if it expands then I will immediately pull out your Avatar from the seal" I assured her. Hydriana gratefully nodded her head but after that we didn't know what to talk about. 

The three of us sat in complete silence for the rest of the time drinking in silence. War is never good, at least not when your whole existence is at stake.

"You guys are going to stay, right?" I asked them when it was almost dark and both of them looked at each other and nodded their heads after a few moments.

"We aren't in any type of hurry…" Ardat said with a sad smile. 

"Yes, we can stay a couple of days…" Hydriana said while nodding at Ardat's statement. "I might be able to get my mind off the sadder topics" she continued with a thin smile.

Once again there was complete silence. "So, Reo, how do you feel now that you are the strongest being in this Omniverse?" Hydriana asked after some time and I simply grinned.


The next day the girls decided to take Ardat and Hydriana on a shopping trip. By the time we started dinner both Hydriana and Ardat were back to normal. The stressful thoughts were back in the back of their minds. 

"Shopping Trip? What's that?" Ardat asked with a confused look on her face.

"We might visit the Mortal World from time to time but it is mostly for drinks and stuff like that. So, we don't know much about Mortal Culture" Hydriana pointed out when she noticed the incredulous looks she and Ardat were getting.

So, after that, Momo happily told them what a shopping trip was and both Ardat and Hydriana agreed.

"Hela, do you want to join us too?" Jean asked and Hela simply tilted her head in confusion.

"To be honest. I don't know" Hela said with an unsure look on her face but after some convincing from the other girls, Hela shrugged and decided to join the trip. 

The girls were going out on a girls' exclusive shopping trip where I wasn't included, so I decided to laze around while keeping an eye on the rupture. I might not be able to see what's outside there but I could very well see if it's expanding or closing. 

I also kept an eye on Hydriana's Avatar. I wonder if she would be able to recognize me or not. Maybe I will pay her a visit at a later date. I can easily enter the seal and leave if I need, so I might take Hydriana some time to visit her Avatar. 

Even though the girls didn't invite me, I had my Omnipresence so the point was moot. All of sudden I frowned when I saw two guys trying to get handy with Jean and Fleur but I didn't need to worry as Hela was nearby.

Since Hela was an evil bloodthirsty and educated woman, she simply knocked them out and in a wisp of greenish-black smoke, teleported the two of them into the Dark Dimension. 

It was already night when the girls finally returned from their shopping trip. All of them were carrying several bags in their hands. Even Hela was carrying a few bags of her own. 

I was in the kitchen waiting for the food to be prepared. The House-Elves were pretty insistent that I was stealing their work and they needed to make food as it was their duty. 

So, I decided to let them prepare dinner. I was simply lazing when I noticed Flavia approaching the kitchen after putting down her bags back in her apartment. 

"So, how can I help you, Flavia?" I asked without looking back.

"...I wanted to know what you think about the offer" after a small pause, Flavia spoke up. I simply smiled and I tilted my head. 

"As I have said yesterday, you should accept the offer but it is not my place to make the decision for you. Hell, I am not going to make a decision for any of my girls. So, this is something you have to decide on your own" I finished with a grin. 

Flavia sat down with a contemplative look on her face. She didn't say anything for a few minutes. "I have decided to accept the offer. I know that I simply wanted to relax but I also want to learn more about Magic" Flavia said in a determined tone and I nodded my head with a smile.

After dinner, Hela, Unohana, and Ardat happily teleported into the Dark Dimension. The three of them returned after a couple of hours with happy looks on their faces. 

I am not going to go into the details but the two of them are still screaming on top of their lungs… even after they are now in Death's Realm. They were still thinking that they were getting tortured. 

Two days passed just like that in a blink of an eye. "So, this is it, Reo. We will keep visiting from time to time…" Hydriana said with a smile, Flavia was standing beside Hydriana as she was going with her.

"Sure. The two of you are always welcome in my house and I might move into that world to keep a closer eye" I said with a smile. Both Hydriana and Ardat nodded their heads with a smile. 

The other girls started to give me confused looks as I haven't told them anything about the things we have talked about while having drinks. I will tell them in a few days… I can always tell Hela through our connection. 

"Kukuku, next time I will be the one bringing drinks. And tell that damn pigeon that I said Hi whenever she comes around…" Ardat said and I simply smiled.

"Don't worry, husband. I will be back in a couple of months" Hela said and pecked me on the lips.

"Sure, I will be waiting for you" I returned with a smile. 

Hela went to stand beside Ardat and Unohana. Red miasma surrounded Hela, Unohana, and Ardat and the three of them disappeared while two magic circles appeared under Flavia and Hydriana and they disappeared too…

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