The Epic of Leviathan

Chapter 418

Chapter 418: The Neko Sisters (II)...

[POV Kuroka] 

When I entered this house with the Destroyer, I didn't know what to expect. I had thought that once again I will be experimented upon even though the Destroyer had been nothing but nice to me up till now. 

There are some memories you simply can't erase, I knew that the Destroyer wouldn't be doing something like that with me but I couldn't stop myself from thinking about that. I don't mind being an experimental subject as long as my sister is safe. 

As soon as I entered the house I felt several presences inside the house. He quickly led towards the kitchen and my eyes landed on the 2nd strongest being in this house. It was a silver-haired black-skinned woman, she had bunny ears on top of her head. 

I wonder if she is some type of Youkai. Before I could ask anything, I heard a lecherous voice. It was a purple-haired woman with spiky hair. I didn't even have to give her a second glance and I already knew that she was a deranged pervert. 

Followed by her, another woman stumbled into the room while searching for me. There must be something wrong with her head if she thinks that pink bubblegum afro would look good on you. I also felt an off type of energy from the woman. I have never sensed energy like that. 

She begged me to caress my ears… did her hair and face just morph?? I slowly nodded my head. It felt good… I unconsciously started to purr due to the woman's ministrations. All of sudden a tall black-haired woman arrived and stopped the morphing woman's ministrations. 

I scanned the woman, she was tall, one of the tallest women I had ever seen. Her midnight spicy black hair was tied in a ponytail behind her head. She had a noticeable presence among the other women. After that the Destroyer made me sit along with them. 

I had thought that one of these women might become displeased but none of them seemed to be displeased. Soon a girl named Luna introduced herself and started to throw out my secrets like candies. I found out that Luna was Omniperceptive, she knows everything. 

After that, Destroyer started to introduce me to the others. The morphing woman's name was Dora Tonks… I am not going to use her forbidden name no matter how enticing the offer is. I have been constantly using Senjutsu to see everyone's nature. 

Only three women had greyish type nature, everyone had pure white. That was really good… Mine and my sister's fate won't be that bad. They might probably ask us to be their maids or something like that. They seemed to be waiting for someone named Hela. 

Before the Destroyer could finish the introductions, a black wisp of smoke appeared inside the room. I shuddered when I sensed the darkness… It felt like death. The next moment, two women emerged out of the smoke. josei

My eyes grew wide in fear and my whole being shook in terror when I sensed their nature and power… It's wrong!! The two women were pure evil, unconsciously I shrieked and jumped towards the corner of the room and hissed at the two women. 

They simply gave me questioning looks and shrugged as I was trying to disappear into the room's corner. Even my old master wasn't this evil and he was the most wicked being I had seen till now. 

I kept watching the taller woman, she was the tallest woman I had ever seen. Her midnight black hair was loosely hanging behind her back and her eerily glowing green eyes were filled with love as she reached the Destroyer. 

She leaned down and placed her lips on Destroyer's. The Destroyer kissed her back and after a minute the two of them separated and the tall woman took my seat as I was no longer in my seat. 

"Unohana, why don't you take a seat?" The Destroyer asked the second woman who gave him a gentle and kind smile. It was clearly an act but I didn't believe it for a second. 

Her aura was somewhat confusing. A pure white shell was surrounding her pitch black evil aura. She politely took a seat at the end of the table and I noticed that everyone acted pretty normally around them. 

"Kuroka, you don't need to be afraid of them. They are pretty much harmless now that they know you know me" the Destroyer said, bringing me out of my internal musings. After hearing his words, I slowly turned my head towards the taller woman. 

She smiled viciously and once again I flinched. "Hela, stop scaring the poor girl" the woman named Momo chastised the green-eyed woman. Momo had previously stopped Dora from prodding me too much… I noticed that Hela simply started to pout but didn't do anything else. 

The other woman simply gave me a soft and gentle smile. Once again, I didn't believe her act. I approached the table and took an empty seat. I didn't forget to maintain my distance from those two… so, my seat was quite far from the two of them. 

The Destroyer decided to continue the introductions but my eyes were fixed on those two women. I didn't want to drop my guard around the two of them… "And finally, this is Hela and that's Unohana Retsu" the Destroyer introduced the two evil women but I had something completely different going through my mind. 

"How many have you killed?" I asked Hela in a low tone. She looked thoughtful for a second. 

"I stopped counting after a hundred thousand… probably some trillions" Hela said in a dismissive manner. So many… her aura is completely black, it's not surprising that she had so killed so many. I looked around and saw that no one was bothered by that fact. 

Then my eyes focused on the evil woman, who was acting gentle and kind. Before I could even ask her, she decided to answer my unasked question. "My kill count isn't that impressive… I have only killed millions" the woman said in a soft and gentle tone. 

Once again nobody reacted… can't they understand how wrong this is?? That isn't something you should be proud of. All of a sudden the Destroyer cleared his throat, my eyes immediately focused on him. 

"You seem to be misunderstanding something… evil is necessary to balance out the good. We aren't your regular beings who would lead a normal life…" the Destroyer said, and finally, my eyes grew wide in realization. 

I have been comparing them with normal people while clearly, they aren't normal. Luna is Omniperceptive, Dora is a Goddess, Nemuri is the Nine-Tailed Fox but is not a Youkai. Jean is a Meta-Human, whatever that means and we even have a Phoenix. 

This is clearly not a normal group of people… but I would still keep my distance from those two. They are insanely dangerous and neither of them looked stable… 


"Are you sure about this, Michael?" Uriel asked and Michael could only release a tired sigh. 

"Yes, I have triple checked the system. The Red Dragon Emperor, Ddraig Y Goch has been resurrected" Michael said and rubbed his temple. 

"This is going to destroy the delicate balance we had achieved after the Great War and father's disappearance" Uriel groaned and rubbed his temple. Thankfully stress wasn't a sin or both Archangel Michael and Archangel Uriel would have fallen. 

"Can we do anything?" Uriel asked and once again Michael shook his head with a defeated look on his face. 

"I have found some interesting information… The being known as the Destroyer was worshipped by the Evil Dragons. Currently, only Crom Cruach is alive and nobody knows where he is hiding…" Michael said and Uriel nodded his understanding but he was disappointed… it could be clearly seen in his eyes. 

"Now, we also need to worry about the Devils. They are a part of this world and eradicating them would create a power vacuum" Uriel said and Michael nodded his head in agreement. 

"Nothing… we can't do anything. I don't want to attract the Destroyer's attention towards Heaven. We are barely functioning, brother and don't want any more troubles befalling Heaven" Michael said in a firm tone and Uriel could only grimace but he didn't say anything else. 

"...The situation couldn't get any worse…" Uriel said and shook his head. Michael silently agreed with his brother. The whole situation was a complete mess.

"Don't say things like that, brother… they tend to come around…" Michael said softly and Uriel genuinely smiled after hearing Michael's words. 

They didn't want the Devils to be eradicated but they couldn't act as their own Race and Heaven was more important. Resurrecting The Red Dragon Emperor, Ddraig Y Goch would cause a lot of problems for them in the future but once again they couldn't do anything about that. 

All of a sudden Raphael burst into the room with a grim look on his face. "Someone has stolen three Excaliburs from the Church" Raphael revealed and both Uriel and Michael facepalmed… 

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