The Epic of Leviathan

Chapter 435

Chapter 435: A Fanatic...

[Sitri Castle, Sitri Territory] 

Serafall Leviathan, formerly known as Serafall Sitri was walking down the halls with a thoughtful look on her face. She was in her usual Magical Girl getup but unlike the other times, Serafall didn't look cheerful. 

She had just returned from her office after she finished checking all the new rules and regulations Hela wanted to enforce on them. She had thought that the rules would be cruel and sadistic but she was wrong. Everything Hela had proposed seemed… right, and just. 

Serafall unconsciously made her way towards the Castle wing where her mother and father resided. She wanted to talk with them. Her parents might be able to help her… she arrived near her father's study and knocked on the door. Moments later, the door was opened by her own father. 

Lord Sitri was quite surprised to see Serafall here. He rarely saw her in the castle after Serafall had decided to pick up the mantle of a Devil King. He quickly noticed the lack of Serafall's usual bubbliness, so he quickly invited her inside. 

Serafall plopped down on the couch and Lord Sitri asked for a maid to send some refreshments. "So, what's wrong? You don't look so good… should I call your mother too?" Lord Sitri asked softly. 

"No… no need to call mother… I just needed someone else's opinion on the matter" Serafall answered slowly as she started to fiddle with her own fingers. 

Before Lord Sitri could say anything, another knock was heard. This time it was the maid, the maid quickly entered the room with a stoic look on her face and after placing the tray filled with refreshments in front of Serafall and Lord Sitri, she left. 

"I am not allowed to tell you anything in detail right now but Lady Hela has decided to enforce a couple of new rules on our Race as a whole…" Serafall blurted out and Lord Sitri frowned, he was already expecting something like this but this was way too quick that he had imagined. 

"How bad is it??" Lord Sitri questioned with quite some trepidation in his voice and Serafall shook her head. 

"It isn't" Serafall bit out and for a moment Lord Sitri didn't understand what his daughter had just said. He gave her a questioning look. 

"What do you mean by that?" Lord Sitri asked Serafall with a confused look on his face. 

"It isn't bad… that is what I meant. The rules she wants to impose aren't bad… none of them are. In fact, they will help our Race to grow and thrive" Serafall exclaimed hurriedly and Lord Sitri was slightly taken aback by his daughter's emotions. Now he finally understood the crux of the problem. 

Hela was a dictator, more specifically a tyrant. That was something very simple to deduce. Now that the same woman was trying to help them grow instead of oppressing them, his daughter's preconceived notions were clashing against actual facts. It would have been the same for him too if he was in her place. 

"Ah… I understand the problem now. She isn't acting like she was supposed to, right?" Lord Sitri questioned as he picked up a couple of cookies from the tray. He handed a couple to Serafall and kept the rest in his hands. 

Serafall gave the words of her father some thought and then she nodded her head. "You see, I have it in Human history, not all the tyrants were bad" Lord Sitri said slowly. 

"But how can tyrants be good?" Serafall questioned and started to munch on her cookies. 

"From what I have of Lady Hela, she would ruthlessly kill anyone who would dare to raise their voice against her… that is why she is a tyrant or a dictator but she is still trying to do good for her people…" Lord Sitri said softly and after a few moments, Serafall nodded her head in understanding. 

"I understand… then there will be a lot of changes in the future… but I think some families are going to like these changes" Serafall said as she shook her head. 

"No… I don't think they would but I don't think it would matter for someone like Lady Hela" Lord Sitri said dryly and Serafall started to chuckle. josei

"Lady Hela is also investigating the death of Cleria Belial" Serafall said and Lord Sitri's eyes grew wide in surprise. 

"...That's quite surprising… There are a lot of missing facts around the death of Cleria Belial and peerage. There was no reason to kill off her whole peerage but it happened and the Devil Council put an end to all investigations. Diehausar Belial was livid" Lord Sitri said and picked up a few more cookies. 

"...I don't think that Bael Clan was happy with this development?" Lord Sitri questioned and Serafall simply shrugged. 

"I don't know… not that they could do anything to stop Lady Hela" Serafall said with a grin and Lord Sitri started to chuckle mirthlessly. Both of them hated the meaningless deaths but they couldn't say that Hela wasn't doing any good. 

By killing off the whole Devil Council Hela had destroyed a lot of corruption. "Did you hear anything about Lord Phenex?" Lord Sitri questioned all of a sudden. 

"...Lady Hela finally allowed him to leave and told him that she would do the same to his son and daughter if he even thinks about betraying her" Serafall said as she shifted uncomfortably and Lord Sitri released a relieved sigh. 

"At least she allowed him to live… I won't say that I am happy with what happened to him but that does not mean that I have to be happy with how he was treated" Lord Sitri said and released a tired sigh. 

"Tyrant, remember?" Serafall reminded her father and he could only nod his head. At least everything wasn't bad and the woman wasn't trying to oppress them… not that she needed to… 

[Unknown Location, Underworld] 

Reo appeared in the middle of a wasteland as he looked around. His eyes landed on a massive cave on the ground. Reo shrugged and jumped into Cave. He landed on the bottom of the cave without making much noise. 

A burst of mad laughter was heard from within the depths of the cave and a man wearing a black jacket with golden aesthetics walked out of the darkness. The man's hair was a mixture of black and blonde reaching down to his shoulder blades. The man's eyes were heterochromatic, his left eye black while his right eye was gold, like Ophis, the man also had pointed ears.

(Image Here) 

"Who the hell are you? Are you lost or something?" The man questioned in a hoarse tone. 

"So… this is where you have been hiding. Crom Cruach?" Reo asked and the other man didn't react outwardly when Reo mentioned him using his name. 

Yes, the man standing in front of Reo was none other than Crom Cruach. Crom Cruach is an Evil Dragon known as the Crescent Circle Dragon and he is the strongest Evil Dragon. He is also a fanatical fan of the Leviathan of Destruction. 

Most of the time, Crom Cruach appeared to be calm and quiet but he was an insane battle maniac during the fights. He was also one of the sanest among the Evil Dragons. Crom Cruach likes to fight on his own and he would blow his fuse if someone dares to interrupt his fight. 

"Yep… you got the right guy. You know who I am but I don't you… so who are you? You aren't a Devil, so you won't be one of the lackeys of Rizevim…" Crom Cruach said in a bored tone. 

"I have many names… currently, I go by the name of Itsuki Reo. Previously I was known as Nemesis, I think you should be familiar with that name…" Reo said slowly and Crom Cruach's eyes grew wide. Moments later, Crom Cruach growled in anger. 

"How dare you claim to be him??!! If you were really the Destroyer then you would have already destroyed this world!!" Crom Cruach exclaimed hysterically and lunged towards Reo while pulling back his fist. 

Reo simply rolled his eyes. 'This is why I don't like dealing with fanatics' Reo thought as he caught Crom Cruach's fist. 'At least he is strong' Reo mused internally. A huge shockwave erupted from the blow and Crom Cruach's eyes grew wide in surprise when Reo stopped his fist without even trying. 

The walls of the cave cracked due to the force of the shockwave and the cave started to come down on them. Reo raised his hand. "Hakai" a purple glow surrounded everything around Reo and Crum Cruach and moments later, everything disintegrated into pink particles. 

Crom Cruach's jaw dropped on the ground and his eyes almost popped out of his eye sockets in shock and surprise. Reo let go of Crom Cruach's fist and the Dragon masquerading as a human started to gape like a fish out of water… 


1549 words in this chapter.

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