The Epic of Leviathan

Chapter 438

Chapter 438: Flag on Play!!!

[POV Reo] 

Dragons sure do love caves… I mused as I watched Crom Cruach making a completely new cave inside the forest where Ddraig has been living. Watching Crom Cruach, Ddraig decided that he also needed a cave so he also started to make one for himself. 

Crom Cruach preferred to stay in his human form rather than Dragon form while Ddraig never even considered taking a human form. Thankfully Luna was busy with the sanctuary she had built for the Dinosaurs in Jurassic World or another proud Dragon would have bit the dust. 

After leaving the two Dragons with their caves, I decided to head inside the house. Except for Nemuri and Luna, everyone was here. Nemuri had decided to stay at Yasaka's place for the night. Though, I was surprised to see Grayfia who was shooting an icy glare towards Hela. 

Kuroka was trying to sit away from Dora. The rest of the girls were busy with their usual stuff. I finally sat down at the position of the head of the table. "So what's for dinner?" I asked cheerfully while rubbing my hands together. 

"No idea, probably whatever the House-Elves decide" Ororo answered with a shrug and the others also had similar looks on their faces. My eyes landed on Grayfia who was standing behind Hela with a stoic look on her face but her glare would have frozen any lesser woman. 

"Grayfia, why don't you take a seat?" I offered and Grayfia's silver eyes landed on me. She gave me a small apologetic bow. 

"Forgive me, Reo-Sama but I am a maid, I can't sit with all of you" Grayfia answered in a respectful tone and I could only smile wryly after hearing her answer. 

It was pretty clear that she held maidly duties in high regard and pushing her more would simply displease her. I could have pressed her on the topic but I don't think that something like that would work. 

Hela turned around and looked at Grayfia and cleared her throat. "So, Grayfia, how are you?" Hela asked in a completely oblivious tone. The expression on her face was completely innocent but I easily noticed a mischievous glint in her eyes. 

Grayfia flared her nostrils. "I am completely fine, Lady Hela. Thank you for asking" Grayfia answered in a monotone and Hela simply grinned. 

"I thought that you were somewhat unwell with the glare you keep shooting in my direction…" Hela cooed and Grayfia's lips thinned and her glare intensified. 

Grayfia pursed her lips. "Then perhaps you shouldn't have stopped me from carrying out my duties" Grayfia answered and Hela slowly turned towards me. 

"She is a lot of fun, isn't she?" Hela asked with a grin and Grayfia simply gave the insane woman a blank look. 

"Hela, your definition of fun is quite different from ours" I pointed and the food finally started to appear on the table. 

"True! So, Hela any new developments with your family?" Rumi asked Hela simply shrugged. 

"Meh… it is fine. We are bonding quite nicely… My brothers are somewhat uncomfortable around me and my dear mother kind of gets a look of horror on her face whenever I try to express my unending love for her" Hela answered and awkward looks were shared around the table. 

"That's not called bonding Hela…" Momo pointed out dryly and Hela simply shrugged dismissively. 

"Different families, different types of bonding" Hela said in a dismissive tone and Momo could only smile wryly after hearing the woman's illogical answer. 

"By the way… can I participate in one of these Rating Games you have been mentioning?" Rumi questioned hopefully. 

"You can, I can arrange anything with just a word but you won't have fun fighting those weaklings… they are fragile as fuck!!" Hela answered as she picked up her glass of whiskey. 

"Come on… according to our standard everyone is fragile" Ororo pointed out and Fleur and Momo gave the woman a questioning look. 

"Honestly, I have long forgotten how to fight…" Momo muttered in a low tone and Dora simply snorted. 

"Don't joke around… you are a walking nuke when the sun is up" Dora said but her eyes focused on the ears of Kuroka who shuddered in fear. 

"Really?" Momo turned towards me and questioned me in a disbelieving tone and for a moment, I simply played with my knife and fork. I noticed that Fleur was also interested. 

"Yes, both Fleur and you are also strong… you two aren't fighters but the two of you are pretty strong… you just don't know how to use your powers at full capability because you two don't like fighting" I pointed out and both Momo and Fleur nodded their heads with slightly shocked looks on their faces. 

"It is also the same with me… I am also out of practice but I could terraform the whole planet if I want" Jean said with a shrug and both Momo and Fleur nodded their heads in understanding. 

My eyes focused on Kuroka and Grayfia, they had completely gobsmacked looks on their faces. The stoic woman tried to hide it but the shocks she got were even too much for her to hide. Kuroka's hazel-gold eyes were completely wide in shock while her jaw was hanging open. She even forgot to eat her food. 

"Having strength is very important… with strength, you can do whatever you want" I said with a small nod of my head. Everyone couldn't help but agree with my statement. 

"So Hela, what are you planning to do? Are you planning to control all the Factions?" I asked with a confused look on my face. I didn't understand why all of a sudden decided to attack the Church. Well, she is slightly unhinged so I can't say anything for sure. 

"Well… I wanted to kill some humans but I didn't want to kill someone randomly on the street… The Church is also a variable among the three Factions. Two birds with just one stone, if you get my drift…" Hela answered with a grin and just like I had thought, she is unhinged. 

"You have also declared a War against Heaven. That isn't something favourable for our Race" Grayfia pointed out and Hela simply rolled her eyes. 

"You worry too much, Grayfia. I am old Grayfia… extremely old. To someone like me, they are simply insects waiting to be squashed under my heels… I have eradicated whole races many times stronger than your Race on a simple whim" Hela pointed out and it was true. Her words were cruel but it was the truth. 

None of us said anything and simply kept eating. Kuroka didn't know if she should laugh or cry. Grayfia pursed her lips and didn't say anything for a few moments. After a minute, she was finally able to gather her bearings. 

"...What about the sisters of Sirzechs Lucifer and Serafall Leviathan. They would be the easiest targets, especially when two Exorcists with Excaliburs are already present in this town" Grayfia pointed out and Hela simply snorted. 

"Having a fancy sword doesn't mean shit if you can't land a hit on your enemy?" Hela asked as her eyes flashed in disdain. 

"Lucifuge-San, you don't have to worry about them… I will be spending my time in the Student Council Room tomorrow… I found an interesting game called Chess. Currently, I am trying to learn the basics from Sitri-San, she seems to be extremely good at the game" Unohana spoke up for the first time. 

Grayfia internally shuddered after hearing the woman's words. Grayfia still couldn't wrap her head around the personality of Yachiru Unohana. The woman was a complete controversy. Grayfia still nodded her head in understanding… with Unohana present in the school, she shouldn't worry about anything. 

"That's really good Unohana, when did you decide to learn chess?" I questioned curiously. Probably I have seen it but I wasn't paying any attention as I was busy dealing with an insane fanatic. 

"Yesterday actually when I visited the Occult Research Club… I saw a set on Gremory-San's table and I was immediately interested. I have been hearing about Chess for quite some time… the Devil peerages are also based on Chess" Unohana said in a kind tone and I nodded my head with a smile. 

It is good that they are trying to find hobbies. Killing and Torturing are good but they should have other hobbies too… I mean hobbies not involving dismembering someone with a grin on your face and not caring about getting bloody. 

Once again I internally shuddered as I remembered that I would need to introduce Hela and possibly Unohana to my mother. Well, Unohana is completely fine with her bi-polar personality but what the fuck am I going to do about Hela?

I don't want to hide Hela from my family as I am not ashamed of her and not introducing her to my family wouldn't be fair to her. She didn't speak it out loud but she really wants to meet my family especially after she had declared herself to be my wife. 

"Oh, husband. There is good news… I finally finished translating the Tablet of Life and Time" Hela chirped in a cheerful tone. Looks like I raised a flag… josei


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