The Epic of Leviathan

Chapter 79

Chapter 79: Chaos in Azkaban (II)... [edited]

[POV Reo]

"I am Magneto" I said and ripped apart the huge metal doors exposing the six Aurors. The Aurors were completely surprised and I recognized one of them. I remembered him from the time I invaded Ministry, he was there with Amelia Bones.

But their surprise didn't last long and pointed their wands at me but it was too late for them. Six lightning bolts erupted from my hands and hit the six Aurors. The Aurors dropped to the ground, knocked out. I decided to check something... I didn't see any of the Aurors casting Patronus so how they were able to protect themselves from the Dementors??

It's just like I have thought all six of them were wearing a ring-like pendant which was giving me a similar feeling of a Patronus. So, they must have found a way to make these... or charm them using some method. I need to do some research on them. I used my power on two knocked-out Aurors and laid them over the other two... Then I took their ring pendants and put them in my pocket and finally entered Azkaban.josei

Even with the Dementors gone the whole place was giving me an eerie feeling. It was very very depressing... I felt that some wards were already affecting me since I have entered this place. The first two were Anti-Apparition and Anti-Portkey wards, those were quite obvious. The other wards were quite odd... I wanted to research them but I didn't have time. I know that the DMLE must have already been notified about the strange titanic Patronus seen near Azkaban and they must be gathering a team now.

I finally arrived at the stairs, I could feel the life signs of the prisoners, their cells were from the 4th floor and kept going up. I increased my speed but this time I decided not to drop my guard. I don't want to get surprised by another Dementor and fire another of my gigantic Patronus.

I finally reached the 4th floor and started to look around the cells. All of these were minor criminals, who were here for minor crimes like theft. This must be the low-security part of Azkaban. I climbed up to the 5th floor and this was also the low-security prison. Finally reaching the sixth floor I knew that this must be the high-security part of Azkaban... as soon as I reached the 6th floor I came face to face with another pair of giant metal doors. The doors were ripped apart from the hinges within a second and I walked inside. Most of the criminals were murderers, rapists, and all of their kinds.

I kept checking their minds with Leglimency, all of them were by their cell doors as soon as they heard the doors being ripped apart and all of them were hoping that someone was here to take them out of here. Some of their crimes like **** truly disgusted me, so I outright killed them. Only now I imagine what the minds of Death Eaters would be like.

I finally finished my round on the 6th floor and headed towards the 7th floor. Most of them were just minor, there were only six prisoners here but killing them here would definitely mess up No Nose's future plans.

So, I killed all six of them and headed towards the 8th floor. It was the last floor and I knew it was the topmost floor where prisoners were kept. So, all the fanatical supporters of No Nose must be on this floor along with Sirius Black.

The first cell belonged to Antonin Dolohov, I ripped apart his cell door and entered the door. Antonin was immediately scared of me and backed away from me and started shivering, I didn't need to look through his mind and made a hole in his chest using Railgun, the wall behind him also got a similar-sized hole.

The next cell belonged to Augustus Rockgood, the ex-Unspeakable. If I have decided to look through his mind I would have learned a lot but I preferred my sanity, so I killed him using Rupture. Everything in the cell vaporized along with Augustus Rockwood without leaving a single trace.

After three more cells, I finally found the Lestrange Trio, the first was Rabastan Lestrange. He had already seen what I have done to five of Death Eaters and all of them he had worked together, so he was huddling in the corner shaking... I entered the cell and looked at the cowering Rabantan Lestrange and expanded the blood inside his veins. Rabastan screamed in pain until his body exploded in blood and gore.

The next cell was owned by Rodolphus Lestrange, he also met his end with his own blood exploding inside him. Finally, I arrived in front of the cell of the renowned dark witch, Bellatrix Lestrange.

"Who are you??!! When my Lord comes back he will take revenge for all of us" Bellatrix snarled and she was the only one who was standing straight looking directly at me without any trace of fear. She must truly believe in her master...

"In fact, I am counting on that... after all, I am doing this so I can piss him off" I said calmly, and hearing me Bellatrix started to cackle madly. Well, I wasn't in the mood now... I have wasted enough time here. I raised my hand towards her... and used a minor level of Shinra Tensei.

Bellatrix's body was slammed on the wall and several cracks were heard. She spat out blood from her mouth. She was slowly sliding down the wall towards the floor when I again used Shinra Tensei and her body was again slammed onto the wall and similar sounds of breaking bones were heard. I have decided to paint her on the wall... she deserves a death like that.

Bellatrix breathed her last after the 4th slam and the back of her body was already painted on the wall when I finally let her body drop on the floor. Giving her body the last look I walked out of the cell and killed the rest of the Death Eaters on the floor and finally reached the last cell, I could clearly see Sirius Black sitting inside the cell with his eyes closed.

I ripped apart the door and entered his cell. Sirius finally opened his eyes and looked towards the sky. "James and Lily... I am so sorry I let you down. I have let you down the most important time... it was all my fault" Sirius said.

"Are you done? You see we are really short on our time" I said and ripped apart the chains bounding Sirius to the room but I didn't break the shackles so that I could control his movements.

"Where are you taking me? Aren't you going to kill me too?" Sirius asked me looking confused.

"Well... my main objective was to get you out of here but since it was too much of a nice opportunity for me to give up I decided to sent them to the next world" I said happily, Sirius face a still the same as before but I think he slightly paled.

"Who sent you? Why did you save me?" Sirius fired the questions. I didn't even know how he was still able to ask these questions in his current condition.

"A great injustice has been done to you... I found the actual secret keeper of the Potters and his mind gave me a lot of secrets, including how Dumbledore allowed you to be sent here even after he knew the truth" I said and Sirius's eyes grew wide and looked at me like I grew a second head.

"Tell me where you found that bastard??!! Tell me now... I am going to kill that backstabber!!" Sirius yelled and tried to grab me but his hands didn't raise up because of the metal shackle still around his wrists.

"Calm down... if you kill him then I won't be able to clear your name and you won't be able to spend more time with Harry Potter your godson" I said, this made Sirius calm down slightly. He finally nodded his head. The two of us were finally out of Azkaban and still, no Dementors could be seen.

"Now, I need you to be knocked out. I have a small message to leave behind" I said and a lightning bolt from my hand hit Sirius and knocked him out. I placed one Portkey around his neck and activated it. Sirius was immediately whisked away to Castle Ravenclaw.

I turned my eyes toward the fortress of Azkaban. It looks like it's missing something... my name actually. I rose both my hands and started to manipulate the metal in Azkaban and started to punch holes in the fortress to write my name on Azkaban. I finally smiled looking at my handiwork... and my grin grew widened as I felt several other life signs appear on this island.

"How do you like the art?" I asked my head was still turned towards Azkaban.

"You sure have a lot of guts" Amelia Bones said looking at me and all the Aurors she brought started to surround me.

"That... I have, I also did an interior job, if you are interested" I said and finally turned towards Amelia Bones.

"What happened to my Aurors?" she asked, her voice was completely cold.

"Oh... they are having a nice nap... I have tucked them in before I headed inside. I hope you don't mind..." I said and by now the Aurors have surrounded me.

"Forgive me for this short meeting but I have other places to be" I said and activated my Portkey and I was whisked away. The Portkeys I brought today were slightly different, they were untraceable... the goblins were nice to provide me the portkeys obviously at a price and I wasn't about them betraying me because they would lose their biggest account holder and money was everything for them...

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