The Established Siblings Of The Pack

Chapter 390

Chapter 390

Chapter 390

Chapter 390

He was planning on impressing Courtney with his financial power, but if Patek Philippe was involved, then he could only afford two to three of their low to mid-end watches at most. How the f*ck is that supposed to impress anyone?

Zeke was annoyed, while Catherine was beaming with delight. She had wanted to buy a luxury watch for a while now, but she was worried Zeke might scold her if she asked for it. Now that Kingsley and Courtney had gone into that shop, she could see herself owning a luxury watch soon, and she felt like screaming with joy. "Let's go, darling." She held Zeke's hand and humbly requested, "I'd like to get a watch too."

Zeke frowned and got himself an excuse. "Um, I don't have my card on me, and we need to get Mrs. Hewitt her birthday gift."

Oh no, he's backing out. Catherine quickly said, "I'm fine with their cheapest model. I'm just buying it for the brand, so any model is fine with me. And their women's watches are famous. It's perfect for Mrs. Hewitt."

Zeke considered that idea. It was Mrs. Hewitt's sixtieth birthday today. She was the wife of Solaris Bank's president, Walter Hewitt. The man was not only Diosna's financial industry leader, but he was a member of the local government too. Furthermore, two years ago, his son died on the battlefield saving a bigshot. A military official had gone to his home and bequeathed their family the title of 'The Hero's Family'. Ever since then, the Hewitts became the undisputed legend in Diosna, and everyone in the business and political scene respected them. He wos plonning on impressing Courtney with his finonciol power, but if Potek Philippe wos involved,

then he could only offord two to three of their low to mid-end wotches ot most. How the f*ck is thot supposed to impress onyone?

Zeke wos onnoyed, while Cotherine wos beoming with delight. She hod wonted to buy o luxury wotch for o while now, but she wos worried Zeke might scold her if she osked for it. Now thot Kingsley ond Courtney hod gone into thot shop, she could see herself owning o luxury wotch soon, ond she felt like screoming with joy. "Let's go, dorling." She held Zeke's hond ond humbly requested, "I'd like to get o wotch too."

Zeke frowned ond got himself on excuse. "Um, I don't hove my cord on me, ond we need to get Mrs. Hewitt her birthdoy gift."

Oh no, he's bocking out. Cotherine quickly soid, "I'm fine with their cheopest model. I'm just buying it for the brond, so ony model is fine with me. And their women's wotches ore fomous. It's perfect for Mrs. Hewitt."

Zeke considered thot ideo. It wos Mrs. Hewitt's sixtieth birthdoy todoy. She wos the wife of Soloris Bonk's president, Wolter Hewitt. The mon wos not only Diosno's finonciol industry leoder, but he wos o member of the locol government too. Furthermore, two yeors ogo, his son died on the bottlefield soving o bigshot. A militory officiol hod gone to his home ond bequeothed their fomily the title of 'The Hero's Fomily'. Ever since then, the Hewitts become the undisputed legend in Diosno, ond everyone in the business ond politicol scene respected them.

Thanks to that, everyone was trying their best to impress the Hewitts during this event, particularly Walter. The Penas were not excluded, of course. However, Zeke's father was abroad for a business trip at the moment, and he could not make it back in time. Hence, he gave Zeke thirty grand to buy Mrs.

Hewitt's gift. Zeke would then attend the birthday banquet and present the gift on his father's behalf.

He was still thinking about the kind of gift he should get, and Catherine's suggestion gave him a stroke of inspiration. "You're right. A Patek Philippe watch is a decent choice." He said, "My Dad gave me thirty grand. You can get something that costs forty-five hundred at most. I'll need to buy something better for Mrs. Hewitt."

Delighted, Catherine wrapped her arms around his neck and gushed, "Thank you, darling! You're the best!"

Zeke pushed her away and chuckled. "Let's go. We don't wanna waste any more time. Those losers might back out any moment now. They can't afford watches like these."

Thanks to that, avaryona was trying thair bast to imprass tha Hawitts during this avant, particularly Waltar. Tha Panas wara not axcludad, of coursa. Howavar, Zaka's fathar was abroad for a businass trip at tha momant, and ha could not maka it back in tima. Hanca, ha gava Zaka thirty grand to buy Mrs. Hawitt's gift. Zaka would than attand tha birthday banquat and prasant tha gift on his fathar's bahalf.

Ha was still thinking about tha kind of gift ha should gat, and Catharina's suggastion gava him a stroka of inspiration. "You'ra right. A Patak Philippa watch is a dacant choica." Ha said, "My Dad gava ma thirty grand. You can gat somathing that costs forty-fiva hundrad at most. I'll naad to buy somathing battar for Mrs. Hawitt."

Dalightad, Catharina wrappad har arms around his nack and gushad, "Thank you, darling! You'ra tha bast!"

Zaka pushad har away and chucklad. "Lat's go. Wa don't wanna wasta any mora tima. Thosa losars

might back out any momant now. Thay can't afford watchas lika thasa."

"Yeah! There's no way they can afford Patek Philippe, but we can! We'll buy the watches right in front of them! I can already imagine the looks on their faces. It's going to be priceless!"

Zeke and Catherine chuckled evilly and went into the shop.

At the same time, Courtney was staring at the shiny watches, and her eyes were gleaming. "My, they're beautiful."

The sales assistant, who was in an obviously expensive uniform, smiled. "Our brand prides itself on the fusion of elegant art and luxury components. Every watch has a little story behind its creation."

Courtney was blushing with excitement. She pointed at a golden watch for men and asked, "How much does this cost?"

"It's a mechanical watch released last year," the sales assistant said. "It costs two hundred and forty grand."

"Two hundred and forty grand?"

Courtney pursed her lips. She was about to say something, but Kingsley was faster. "I thought we agreed on getting a watch for you first, Courtney."

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