The Eternal battle

Chapter 296

Chapter 296: Decision

Raskreia stepped forward and said confidently, "Did you forget my clan? Bloodsoul, we are the guardians of the Vampire Clan, the guardians of the vampires, and the guardians of the laws, we cherish justice and fairness and accept causes and will not hesitate to punish our own race if they sin and bully the weak, do you think I will blame Shi Tu for what he did?"

Die Yingming and Jiao Lang's expressions changed, as helplessness and disappointment appeared on Jiao Lang's face.

Jiao Lang took out his Silver Emperor Sword and approached Raskreia.

"Nice try but, that won't change the fact that you are going to die now, I can see the hatred in your eyes and you think your trembling hands can pass?"

Jiao Lang's expression was completely cold and he looked serious and looked at Raskreia as if it was already a lifeless corpse.

Jiao Lang's killing intent frightened Raskreia so severely that her body began to shiver greatly as he stared into Jiao Lang's eyes in front of her.

Perhaps because of intense killing intent or because of Raskreia's abilities, she saw a shadow of a person behind Jiao Lang.

Behind Jiao Lang, Raskreia saw a very handsome man holding the same Jiao Lang sword with long silver hair.

Raskreia had seen the pictures of this man many times and heard about his stories, his brutality, and hated him because he once deceived the vampire clan and dragged them into a great battle to use them as a distraction.

"Wait! don't kill her."

Die Yingming stood between Jiao Lang and Raskreia and said with a troubled face.

"Do you protect her?"

Jiao Lang shot a thick killing intent towards Die Yingming and turned his target from Raskreia to Die Yingming.

"What the First Brother went through is enough for him, he does not have to do it himself, we can transfer her Supreme Bloodline to someone else..... her life is not important."

Die Yingming seemed to have made up his mind and said, "No, I think she's honest in what she says."

Since Jiao Lang's target had become Die Yingming, Raskreia managed to speak and quickly said to prevent a fight from breaking out.

"That's right, what happened in the past was in a time of conflict. In such circumstances, means don't matter and I can totally understand this. It's also not Shi Tu's fault because he wasn't himself. After all, anger took hold of him. You're right in the fact that I hate Shi Tu. But I have learned not to let my feelings control my actions, I understand the ins and outs of a situation and I know very well that I cannot blame Shi Tu.''

"Have you seen, Jiao Lang, she has an excellent sense of justice and common sense, she is just right for us."

Die Yingming seemed to want to say more but he swallowed his words because there are things that shouldn't be said in public.

'Loki, you mother*cker, what are you doing?' are you crazy? Stop immediately! it's impossible to transfuse her bloodline and fuse it into another woman's body within such a short time, do you want to sabotage First Brother's plan? We can kill her after Shi Tu takes her Primordial Yin and concoct any scenario for her to die.'josei

Die Yingming spoke directly to Jiao Lang's mind but was completely ignored.

A thick sword intent formed around Jiao Lang's sword and looked like a mighty sword that could not be moved.

All the recklessness disappeared from Jiao Lang's eyes and they looked like sharp eyes that could stab anyone who looked at them.

It looked as if Jiao Lang had transformed himself into an ancient sword.

"Prometheus, don't let your emotions control you, I know it's your first time to have feelings like this, but don't let those feelings blind you."

"Duan Hao clung to this hope for a long time and eventually got betrayed and we lost everything we built, Konrad tried again but the Dark Elf Queen preferred her clan over Shi Tu and we lost everything again, even you and I had to stay for billions of years locked up, do you want to commit the same mistakes?"

Jiao Lang raised his sword and pointed at Die Yingming, "Do you want to make the same mistake? If Big Brother dies this time, there is no turning back…. If you want to protect her, I will kill her even if I use force to get you out of the way."

'You damn bastard, you're the one who's trying to spoil First Brother's plans now.'

Die Yingming cursed in his heart, not knowing what Jiao Lang was planning to do.


Die Yingming signaled Mingzhi Mei to retreat because a serious battle between him and Jiao Lang would lead to great repercussions.

" but ..... "

Die Yingming shouted angrily, "Retreat!! save your emotional discourse about living and dying together, you are only a burden in this case and you will cause my death."

Die Yingming grabbed Mingzhi Mei and threw her to Raskreia's side.

"Run quickly because I will die if you are taken as a hostage...."

"Too late "

Jiao Lang took advantage of the situation and quickly rushed toward Raskreia and Mingzhi Mei.

"Choose your wife or traitor! "

"Loki, you bastard! "

Die Yingming took out his spear and his aura was in no way inferior to Jiao Lang

Die Yingming did not hesitate at all and rushed in front of Mingzhi Mei.

In this situation where he had to choose one of them, he chose Mingzhi Mei without any hesitation.

He wasn't arrogant enough to think that he could save them both from Jiao Lang's sword, and he wasn't naive enough to think that Jiao Lang wouldn't really kill Mingzhi Mei.

"Hey, no need to fight."

Under Jiao Lang's sword aura, Raskreia gathered her courage and was able to speak in somehow.

"There is a simpler way to solve this situation…."

It didn't look like Jiao Lang's sword would stop so she closed her eyes in the middle of her sentence, waiting for death.

Moments later, Raskreia was still but felt a chill in her neck as if her head could fly at any moment.

Raskreia opened her eyes and looking at the situation she continued with difficulty.

"You must have many ways to control my life without Shi Tu noticing, right?"

Raskreia didn't have to say more for Jiao Lang to understand what you meant.

"As long as I am the only one who decides your life and death without interference from Die Yingming or anyone else, yes I have."

"Jiao Lang, you…"

Die Yingming wanted to say something but Raskreia said first.

" Deal! "

Raskreia did not hesitate to answer.

"I have no doubts about your loyalty to Si Tu and the fact that you won't hurt me unless you doubt my actions."

Jiao Lang lowered his sword and approached Raskreia and looked directly into her eyes.

"As long as I have an iota of doubt towards you, I will not hesitate to get rid of you and take your life, and if you try to do anything to get rid of the seal or seek help from Shi Tu or anyone… you will die."

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