The Eternal battle

Chapter 298

Chapter 298: A Familiar Situation

"Did you hear? A group of geniuses on the Yin-Yang Tian List were ambushed by a bandit, but they managed to destroy the bandits and arrive safely. Only trash in the First Step The Fourth level died wanted to cling to their thigh."

Shi Tu listened to a group of young cultivators, their words seemed to be the most reliable right now since there were many facts.

"So that's true? That's amazing, I heard Situ Lianheng has a First Step Seventh Level cultivation base and has two followers at the sixth level, how did they manage to do it? I heard that those who were there were Sun Jie, Catherine Asmodeus, Wulong Wuhe, and Kang Sihe with such cultivation, ordinary people would have no chance of winning, geniuses of a truly different level."

"Haha, not only that, there is two more shocking news."

The young man who seemed to be the most knowledgeable among the youth spoke.


"The first news is related to the exam of the Four Academies. During the exam, four Title Talents appeared and all of them are super beautiful women. Not only that, but I heard that three of them fell into Shit."

"Fall in Shit? This is so embarrassing, hehehehe…..hh, it hurts! why did you hit me on the head?"

"You idiot, do you think there is shit in the Four Academies?"

The young man answered stupidly, "Aren't you the one who said they fell for dung?"

No one could bear the embarrassment and whisper in his ear.

The young man did not look awkward at all and said, "You should have said from the beginning that they have a white face next to them. You humans like vague talk, why don't you speak frankly and directly? "

The young man who knows a lot ignored him and continued his speech.

"The second piece of news is related to Young Sword Saint, after he arrived at God Hand Medicinal Village, he announced to the world that he waived the title of Young Sword Saint because he does not deserve this title because there are those who are more skilled than him."

" Is this correct? "

"That's right, many speculations have surfaced about it, the most correct of which is that he was defeated by a young swordsman, not on the Yin-Yang Tian list."

"That's amazing, thinking that all of this could happen in less than a month, but why are there so many people? That's a lot more than usual."

The young man who knows a lot replied to him, "This is because of the Earth and Heaven Plunder Cave that appeared in the heart of the God Hand Medicinal Village, so many people have come to explore the Earth and Heaven Plunder Cave."

"According to what I heard, all the geniuses on the Yin-Yang Tian list have arrived at the God Hand Medicinal Village. Not only that, I heard that the four Title Talents and many geniuses from the Four Academies have also come in addition to the Five Alliances and even the elders of the Four Academies seem to be interested. In short, since the Earth and Heaven Plunder Cave appeared in the Yin-Yang World, this must be the largest gathering to explore the Earth and Heaven Loot Cave since the time it appeared."

"Isn't the Earth and Heaven Plunder Cave dangerous? I heard that it was hardly being explored the last times it appeared because everything was taken from the safe areas and only very dangerous areas remained."

"This is because of the emergence of the four Title Talents, which are obviously going to enter. Title Talents can change the era and achieve miracles, so everyone wants a piece of the cake. After all, history has proven that every event that is said to be impossible is ultimately destroyed by Title Talents who reap a lot of benefits. So, the best thing to do is to be where they are."

" that's understood "

Everyone nodded in agreement. After knowing this, they all intend to go to participate in the exploration of the Earth and Heaven Plunder Cave.

'So is everyone here? '

Shi Tu smiled forcibly and looked a bit nervous as if there was something he never wanted to happen.

After a long time, Shi Tu finally reached the front of the line to discover that he had to pay some Energy Stones to get in and the guards didn't seem friendly at all.

Shi Tu remembers that he does not carry any Energy Stones with him because he gave everything to Arcana and did not bother to carry any money with him because he is used to not having to carry Energy Stones and because he does not need them for cultivation in the first place.

"Ten thousand low-level Energy Stones."josei

The guard said to Shi Tu with contempt in his eyes.

Shi Tu was not surprised by this reaction, not everyone is as well trained as the people in Shi Economic Group, here in the cultivation world, most ordinary people tend to act arrogant because of their background and are accustomed to an easy life because killing here is normal and there is no kind of law to protect the weak. 

Therefore, most people tend to retreat in front of the strong, while the strong attack this and love to bully people who are weaker than them.

Of course, this is just for ordinary people who live their whole lives without seeing anything extraordinary so it is rare for something to change this system.

She frowned and said, "All the people in front of me only paid a hundred stones, why should I pay ten thousand?"

"Do you dare interrogate me? Do you know who I am?"

An angry look appeared on the guard's face due to Shi Tu's behavior which he considered an insult to him.

"I am the commander of the Seventh Guard Battalion of the Medicine King Temple, if I tell you to pay ten thousand, then you must pay ten thousand."

A look of disdain deepened on the guard's face and he said, "With your cultivation, what can you do in the village? You will most likely just walk around the stalls and bother respectable alchemists with a lot of questions without buying anything and not appearing to be ill to seek treatment and not bring a sick person with you, so why did you come? Do not tell me that you are here for Earth and Heaven Plunder Cave? ''

"Hehehehehe, what an ignorant one, he dares to offend Commander Cai?"

"Hey, he's courting death."

"Earth and Heaven Plunder Cave? With Young Sword Saint Sun Chiwei and Blood Blades Alice, is it your turn to get something?"

Because of the barrage of mockery directed at Shi Tu, Shi Tu brought back many memories.

After all, it's been a long time since Shi Tu met such dead minds because usually the Shadow Guards take care of them or the rest have decent brains and know what they're doing so as not to kick the iron plate.

While this leader Cai wants to get some benefits by forcing those who have low cultivations or who seem to have no background in exploits.

Normally, no one would dare to offend the Medicine King Temple and the Medical Sciences Pavilion because most of the alchemists are here and belong to the Medicine King Temple.

If someone dares to offend them, they will not find a cure for him in the future.

"Poor boy, if you don't have the money, don't waste this Young Master precious time."

Shi Tu turned behind to see a different person from the one who was supposed to be behind him, most likely he either took his turn or the person behind Shi Tu was this fat follower from the beginning and is only here to prevent his master from waiting.

"What's wrong with this look? Don't you know who I am? I'm Jin Yinzhong, the first genius of the Yang Alliance."

Shi Tu answered the insult with a smile and then took out ten thousand low-level Energy Stones and handed them to Commander Cai.

"This is ten thousand low-level Energy Stones, can I enter now?"

Commander Cai's eyes brightened and he thought he had found a fat sheep and smiled greedily.

"This was before you offended me and…."

Before Commander Cai finished speaking, Shi Tu took out a hundred thousand low-level Energy Stones and handed them to Commander Cai with a smil.

"That's all I have, can I pass?"

" certainly "

Commander Cai was very happy and didn't follow Shi Tu further and let him pass after getting this much.

After Shi Tu, Jin Yinzhong snorted and stepped forward.

"One Hundred Low-Level Energy Stones"

Contrary to his behavior with Shi Tu, this time Commander Cai spoke to Jin Yinzhong with some respect due to his stature and background but he was still somewhat arrogant.

"Sure….hmm?!…Hey, where is my storage ring? Damn, who dared steal this young master?"

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