The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 1109

Chapter 1109: For What Purpose?

Chapter 1109: For What Purpose?

For What Purpose? . . .

After a while, Jun Yinglian contemplated the situation. Two possible explanations crossed her mind regarding why Xuan Bing had revealed herself. First, perhaps Xuan Bing considered her a good friend, much like her relationship with Bing Xinyue. The second, more ominous possibility, was that Xuan Bing intended to ensure Jun Yinglian didn't leave Oracle District alive.

She entertained both ideas but leaned toward the latter: that Xuan Bing sought her death. However, she couldn't figure out the motive behind such an act. The first explanation was virtually impossible since she had never met Xuan Bing before, and they had no established relationship.

That left only one conclusion: Xuan Bing intended to kill her, but why remained a perplexing mystery.

Time for contemplation, though, was a luxury she couldn't afford. Xuan Bing had already drawn near, and Jun Yinglian recognized that defending against a super powerful cultivator like Xuan Bing required her full concentration. Any distraction could be fatal.

Taking a deep breath, Jun Yinglian adopted a confident tone as she confronted Xuan Bing. "Great Elder Xuan, why have you blocked my path? I am Jun Yinglian." She raised her head to meet Xuan Bing's gaze, ensuring she exuded an unwavering aura.

In a confrontation between upper-level cultivators, maintaining one's aura was essential. While Jun Yinglian knew she was weaker than Xuan Bing, she refused to accept defeat before the battle even began. Submitting without a fight wasn't an option.

As they locked eyes for the first time, both women were struck by the other's beauty. Each recognized the other's extraordinary allure.

"I don't have any particular reason..." Xuan Bing replied with a warm and gentle smile that took Jun Yinglian by surprise. When Jun Yinglian looked into her eyes, she detected only curiosity and warmth.

It appeared that Xuan Bing was intentionally drawing closer, leaving Jun Yinglian perplexed. She even began to question Xuan Bing's identity. Could this truly be the Demonic Lady, Xuan Bing?

Wasn't Xuan Bing known for her aloof and domineering demeanor, typically looking down upon others from a position of authority? Yet, here she was, behaving warmly and attempting to establish a friendship.

Xuan Bing's words only deepened Jun Yinglian's suspicions. "There aren't many women in the world I would deem worthy to be in my presence. I've heard about you for quite some time. We've had the fortune of crossing paths today. Why don't we become friends? It would be a regrettable omission in my life not to have you as a friend..."

Her words confirmed her identity, but they raised more questions than they answered.

Had Xuan Bing just asked to be her friend?

Had she heard about Jun Yinglian, and was she truly seeking friendship?

A sense of flattery washed over Jun Yinglian. The notion that Xuan Bing, the world's Demonic Lady, would extend a friendship request to others defied common understanding.

"Great Elder, you're too humble..." Jun Yinglian responded, all the while maintaining her vigilance. She remained alert, understanding that Xuan Bing's unexplained humility likely concealed ulterior motives.

It was said that unaccountable solicitude often masked nefarious intentions. While Xuan Bing's humility seemed sincere, Jun Yinglian couldn't shake the feeling that there was a hidden agenda.

She knew she had to proceed with caution, even though she remained vigilant, for engaging in a direct fight would lead to her defeat.

Even though this was her first meeting with Xuan Bing, Jun Yinglian couldn't help but feel the immense power radiating from the great elder. She was fully aware that Xuan Bing's cultivation prowess placed her on an unattainable pedestal, forever beyond her reach.

Xuan Bing's expression, however, turned somewhat sour as she proposed, "Younger Sister Jun, how about we descend and share a seat? We can enjoy a drink and some conversation. What do you think?"

Though it appeared as if Xuan Bing sought Jun Yinglian's opinion, in reality, the decision had already been made. Jun Yinglian had no option but to accept unless she wished to offend Xuan Bing, which was hardly a wise course of action. Additionally, Jun Yinglian was curious about what Xuan Bing had in mind.

Descending swiftly from the skies, they landed atop a mountain. Xuan Bing gracefully waved her sleeve, conjuring a flat terrace. Subsequently, a set of finely crafted white-jade table and chairs appeared. A purple-crystal pot and teacups adorned the table.

This left Jun Yinglian astonished. "This can't be a coincidence. She was waiting for me here," she thought. "Otherwise, why would she have made such elaborate preparations? I doubt someone of her stature would carry tables and chairs around constantly."

Seating herself first, Xuan Bing smiled at Jun Yinglian, saying, "Younger Sister, please take a seat. Let's have a pleasant conversation."

Jun Yinglian remained perplexed. She couldn't understand why Xuan Bing had been addressing her as "younger sister" since their first encounter. Furthermore, she couldn't comprehend the reason behind this peculiar display of respect and seniority.

With a blank expression, Jun Yinglian took her seat and stared at Xuan Bing, her mind mired in confusion. She struggled to make sense of the situation.

Xuan Bing then spoke, her tone warm and soothing, "Many years ago, I heard your story." She raised her hand, prompting spiritual qi in the air to condense into water, which flowed into the purple-crystal teapot. Underneath, a gentle heat source began boiling the water.

Removing a purple-crystal bottle from her robes, Xuan Bing continued with a smile. "In the most spiritual location of Misty Cloud Palace, where we cultivate the Regeneration Ink Lotus, I planted a Pure Heart Tree. It yields no more than fifty grams of tea leaves annually. Typically, I keep it for myself."

"Today, meeting you is a delight, younger sister. I wish to share the tea's exquisite taste with you. I want you to know that my tea is of remarkable quality," she added, a smile gracing her face.

Politeness dictated that Jun Yinglian respond in kind, so she replied, "I would be honored to taste the tea cultivated by Elder Xuan Bing."

However, she purposefully avoided using the term "sister" in her response. Xuan Bing didn't comment on the omission, but she certainly noticed it.

In a sigh, Xuan Bing began, "I've been pondering many things over the past few years. Lately, these thoughts have been consuming me."

Jun Yinglian, still perplexed by Xuan Bing's peculiar behavior, inquired with a polite smile, "May I know what has been occupying your thoughts, Great Elder?"

Xuan Bing continued with a more profound sigh, "I've been contemplating... the role of women. I've been wondering how many women in the world can reach the same heights as we have." josei

Although Jun Yinglian wasn't sure what Xuan Bing intended, the topic resonated with her on a deep level.

Regardless of their remarkable abilities, both Jun Yinglian and Xuan Bing were among the world's most powerful cultivators, and they stood at the pinnacle of women in the Qing-Yun Realm. However, they couldn't change one fundamental fact—the world remained under the dominion of men.

In this patriarchal world, the power dynamics were clear and immutable. Regardless of a woman's strength, they remained women, and this reality was a constant source of concern for both Jun Yinglian and Xuan Bing.

Understanding the weight of Xuan Bing's words, Jun Yinglian nodded slowly. The prominent issue on her mind was indeed the challenge of women establishing their dominance in a world primarily governed by men.

As Xuan Bing suggested, it was a matter that weighed heavily on Jun Yinglian's heart, too.

"Especially when a beautiful woman aims to rise above others in the Qing-Yun Realm," Xuan Bing mused as she gazed at the mist-covered mountains with thoughtful eyes. She spoke in an almost absent tone, "A woman's beauty has always been the source of disaster."

Jun Yinglian agreed, adding, "Indeed, beauty often leads to trouble. The more exquisite a woman, the more perils and malevolence surrounds her."

Xuan Bing wore a serene smile as she replied, "That's precisely why I conceal my true face behind masks. I never allow others to witness my actual visage. I believe even you, my charming younger sister, must acknowledge that my beauty could rival that of heavenly fairies, wouldn't you say?"

Jun Yinglian's response was sincere and admiring. She stated, "Absolutely. Sister Xuan Bing, your elegance and beauty are second to none. You resemble a celestial being descended from the heavens. Among mortals, you are the embodiment of beauty. I feel unworthy to receive such flattery, sister."

With a soft voice, Xuan Bing responded, "We both recognize our exceptional beauty. Let us not be overly modest. Fortunately, our strength allows us to disregard the potential dangers that beauty can bring."

Jun Yinglian nodded in agreement. "You're correct. Although there may still be men who dare to pursue us in this world, their number is decidedly few."

Their statements were far from mere words; they were a reflection of reality in the world.

Any man who recognized their true identities and still dared to chase them would almost certainly meet a grisly end, with his soul vanishing into oblivion. Such audacity was nothing short of foolish.

Even individuals like Wu Fa wouldn't dare to harbor such reckless ideas.

"I cannot recall when," Xuan Bing reminisced with a smile, "but I've come to realize that as women, we tend to be somewhat lonely. Sister, do you share this sentiment?"

Jun Yinglian pondered for a moment before responding, "Lonely... yes, that's a word that often crosses my mind."

Xuan Bing nodded, confirming, "Yes, lonely. Ordinary women are rarely as powerful as we are. They spend their lives supporting their husbands, raising their sons, and taking care of household chores. Yet, they often enjoy close friendships with other women, where they confide in each other, share grievances, and discuss their thoughts, worries, and desires. Our lives are vastly different. We have none of these experiences, perhaps a price we pay for surpassing most men."

Jun Yinglian sighed deeply, acknowledging the truth in Xuan Bing's words. "Indeed, we cannot lead such lives. Though we have many female disciples within the sect, they are always somewhat awed by us, keeping their distance."

Xuan Bing concurred, "We have many things we wish to discuss, matters that reside deep within a woman's heart."

Jun Yinglian shared the same sentiment, saying, "So, I believe we need friends, both of us. You might be thinking that this isn't the Xuan Bing the world knows. However, you should understand my heart, my loneliness, and my solitude."

"Because we are the same, aren't we?" Xuan Bing asked.

"Yes, we are. We both grapple with loneliness," Jun Yinglian replied, her expression reflective. "All women who reach our level of strength in the world are acquainted with this loneliness. Who among us isn't? Loneliness in a solitary world."

"Loner of the lonely world," Xuan Bing added, highlighting the solitary existence of powerful women. "Why is it that men can sit together, drink, eat, jest and frolic when drunk, engage in fights, and lose themselves in madness, but women cannot?"

Jun Yinglian inhaled deeply, feeling a fire ignite within her. "Why can't we? Of course, we can!"

As Xuan Bing reached for her teacup, Jun Yinglian couldn't resist the question that arose in her heart. "Why is it that women always drink tea? Why can't we simply drink like men?"

Xuan Bing was surprised by the inquiry but then burst into hearty laughter. She summoned several jars of liquor with a wave of her hand, and the forest on the mountain was instantly filled with the delightful aroma of the spirits.

Jun Yinglian raised her bowl with a sense of playfulness, stating, "Excellent liquor! It's worth savoring a night like this!"

Xuan Bing, equally spirited, exclaimed, "Cheers!"

With a resounding bang, Xuan Bing's hand clapped against the seal of a liquor jar, and a red liquid flowed into their bowls. Xuan Bing's liquor was never ordinary.

Two beautiful women, seated on a mountaintop under the sky and clouds, surrounded by the dazzling stars, raised their bowls and drank with fervor. They were reminiscent of two men indulging in an evening of revelry.

The moon cast its gentle glow upon them, and within their conversation, a world unfolded, illuminated by their candor.

The mountain served as their banquet table, and their sincerity was expressed through every sip of red liquor.

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