The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 151

Chapter 151: You Liar!

Chapter 151: You Liar!

You Liar! . . .

Entering the side hall, the king laid his eyes upon Jiang Yu-Ming, who knelt before him with a distressed countenance. When Jiang Yu-Ming glimpsed the king's arrival, he promptly fell into tears and implored, "Your Highness, you must make a decision for your humble servant this time…"

Though he held the esteemed title of Revenue Minister, Jiang Yu-Ming continued to humbly refer to himself as a servant in private conversations with the king. This gesture was an earnest attempt to convey his unwavering loyalty and gratitude for the days he had spent in service to the king. Surprisingly, the king found such a gesture endearing.

As the king observed the tearful scene unfolding before him, he couldn't help but mull over Jiang Yu-Ming's emotional display.

[You, my loyal servant, are shedding tears over your 'son,' a youth of uncertain parentage with no clear lineage. Yet here you are, displaying such deep affection for him as if he were your own flesh and blood. Is such devotion truly necessary?]

Nonetheless, the king's demeanor remained composed, and he inquired gently, "Why do you weep? Rise and speak your mind."

Jiang Yu-Ming, trembling with emotion, prostrated himself before the king and began, "Your highness, I have been grievously wronged..." josei

"Speak freely," the king encouraged him with benevolence.

"My beloved son was subjected to inexplicable torture just outside the south gate at the hands of Cha-Eun Xiao, the son of Cha Nan-Tian," Jiang Yu-Ming cried out in despair. "Most of his bones lie shattered, his body utterly disfigured, and his form a grotesque mass of blood and flesh. There remained no trace of his humanity when they carried him home. He now lingers in a comatose state, and I fear he teeters on the brink of death. I implore your Highness to deliver justice on behalf of your humble servant and punish the assailant!"

The king recoiled in shock. "How did he sustain such severe injuries?"

Jiang Yu-Ming's voice trembled as he beseeched, "Your Highness, I beg of you. He is the sole child I have..."

The king couldn't help but feel a twinge of exasperation.

[I am aware that he is your one... well... your only 'son.' The entire kingdom knows about your 'son'...

I was sympathetic just a moment ago, yet now, I am on the brink of laughter thanks to your words...]

He was on the cusp of offering a rejoinder when he recalled something crucial. "The south gate, you say? Wasn't that the very location from which Su Ding-Guo's forces departed? How did your... beloved son find himself embroiled in such an altercation? I was stationed on the wall there briefly. After Su Ding-Guo's departure, I promptly returned to the palace. How could I have missed such a skirmish?"

Jiang Yu-Ming hesitated for a moment, his response laden with ambiguity. "My son and his companions... they must have arrived at the gate... after Prince Hua-Yang's departure... Your Highness, you had already returned to the palace. Hence, the circumstances seem entirely reasonable."

The king furrowed his brow deeply. "So your son arrived at the gate after the army had already departed, only to subsequently fall victim to a vicious assault?"

Jiang Yu-Ming blurted out, "Oh, no!"

He turned to glance at the entrance in shock and anticipation, endeavoring to identify the individual who had uttered those words.

Standing at the threshold of the side hall, the Crown Prince made his entrance with purposeful strides. He spoke, his voice dripping with cold detachment, "Father, I apologize for not having dispatched a messenger to notify you of my arrival; the situation demands urgency. Please forgive me."

The king, his patience waning, inquired, "What is the nature of this pressing matter?"

The Crown Prince, his words rushed, explained, "Father, I have no time to offer a full account. I beseech you to dispatch a royal physician to the residence of the esteemed General Cha. His son, Cha-Eun Xiao, is in grave peril, and any delay may result in his untimely demise."

"What?" Jiang Yu-Ming was taken aback upon hearing this, his voice escalating in alarm.

[My son is currently lying in a coma at home, the victim of a brutal beating inflicted by Cha-Eun Xiao. How could Cha-Eun Xiao's life now hang in the balance?

What has occurred?]

The king, too, was shaken to his core when he heard the grim news. His complexion paled instantly, a stark contrast to his initial reaction upon learning that Jiang Tai-Sui had been assaulted by Cha-Eun Xiao.

– Puff! – The king's sudden outburst reverberated throughout the hall as he seethed, "What? What has transpired?"

The king's anger erupted, and he demanded, "Summon Doctor Li and Doctor Huang immediately! Instruct them to proceed to the Cha Clan residence without delay!"

The king's wrath showed no signs of abating as he continued barking orders, "Additionally, inform Master Sun to apprise the physicians of the imperative to preserve Cha-Eun Xiao's life at any cost!"

Further commands followed, "Summon the Minister of the Interior and instruct him to unlock the imperial stores, providing Cha-Eun Xiao's residence with all the finest medical resources they require. Spare no expense in procuring whatever is necessary for Cha-Eun Xiao's treatment!"

[What could possibly have transpired?]

Jiang Yu-Ming stood in stunned silence, overwhelmed by anxiety and trepidation.

Having faithfully served the king since childhood, Jiang Yu-Ming had forged a deep bond with the monarch. This enduring friendship granted him intimate knowledge of the king's character, which, in turn, helped him navigate the treacherous waters of the royal court. Throughout countless instances of embezzlements and punitive measures, Jiang Yu-Ming had managed to safeguard his position.

Well-acquainted with the court's inner workings, he was aware that Doctors Li and Huang held prestigious positions as the kingdom's most skilled physicians. Their services were exclusively reserved for members of the royal family, a privilege even the king's concubines couldn't casually enjoy. It was customary for individuals to maintain the utmost decorum in the presence of these esteemed doctors.

Master Sun, the royal dan-maker, had been personally retained by the royal family and primarily served the king himself. Even the Crown Prince required the king's permission to consult with Master Sun.

Hence, when the king received news of Cha-Eun Xiao's perilous situation, he immediately dispatched these three highly regarded individuals to attend to him. Astonishingly, he decreed that all necessary medical supplies from the royal storehouse could be used without constraint.

This swift and unprecedented response left Jiang Yu-Ming with no doubts—Cha-Eun Xiao's survival was of paramount importance.

[If Cha-Eun Xiao's life must be preserved at all costs, then...]

He dared not contemplate the implications any further, for he knew the king was not averse to ruthless actions when the situation demanded.

Although the king had yet to reveal his ruthlessness, another figure had already done so.

The Crown Prince, exhaling audibly, fixed Jiang Yu-Ming with an icy glare. "Lord Jiang, how can you distort the truth and reverse right and wrong in such a manner?"

Jiang Yu-Ming, his voice quivering with fear, inquired, "Your Highness, what do you mean by distorting the truth? How have I misrepresented the facts?"

The Crown Prince spoke with an air of detachment, "Lord Jiang, you tacitly endorsed your son's violent actions, yet now you come to us to accuse the victim first. Your intentions appear muddled. What exactly is your objective?"

Jiang Yu-Ming, feeling deeply wronged, retorted, "Your Highness, I truly fail to comprehend your insinuations. The facts are plain: Cha-Eun Xiao nearly beat my son to death, and there were numerous witnesses from other officials' families who can corroborate this!"

The Crown Prince's tone grew colder as he continued his line of questioning. "Lord Jiang, answer me this: Why did your son not bid farewell to Prince Hua-Yang as he departed for battle to safeguard our kingdom and our homeland? Perhaps your son does not hold our nation in high regard. That, in itself, is a matter of concern. Yet, why did he lead a group of horsemen to the very location from which the army had just departed, conducting himself with an air of arrogance? Was he attempting to flaunt his family's wealth and status, thereby asserting their dominance over the entire kingdom?"

Jiang Yu-Ming was caught off guard, his voice trembling as he attempted to respond. "Your... Your Highness, I... Why would you..."

The Crown Prince skillfully elevated the gravity of the situation, insinuating that it had implications for national security. He went on, "It is one thing that your son did not personally bid farewell to our warriors, but he seemed to assume that the capital had no military leadership in the wake of their departure. Consequently, he arranged for several youths, claiming they were there to escort the younger generation of the military. Am I mistaken?"

Jiang Yu-Ming, consumed by fear, exclaimed, "Your Highness, you mustn't present it in such a manner. It was merely..."

The king's countenance had turned cold by this point.

The Crown Prince stepped closer, interjecting with steely resolve, "We are all privy to the facts of the matter. Both parties embroiled in the dispute, as well as the sentries on the wall, bear witness to the truth. In addition to the two sides directly involved in the altercation, there were thousands of spectators who can unequivocally attest to the falsehood of your claims. Do you truly believe that your son is the wronged party here?"

The king, his expression unyielding, listened intently to the unfolding exchange.

"The soldiers departed for battle, defending our homeland with their very lives and blood. Yet your son, Lord Jiang, led a group to torment their families... I am left wondering how you can bear to face my father. Moreover, your audacity to twist the truth in this matter baffles me," the Crown Prince chastised Jiang Yu-Ming vehemently, his words carrying the weight of his anger.

With an accusatory shove, the Crown Prince left Jiang Yu-Ming feeling disoriented and unsteady. Gathering his thoughts, Jiang Yu-Ming, his voice trembling, countered, "Your Highness, how can I be accused of shamelessness? My son lies at home, teetering between life and death. I can hardly fabricate such a dire situation."

He couldn't help but feel perplexed by the sudden turn of events. [I had no knowledge of Cha-Eun Xiao's injuries. Moreover, why is the Crown Prince targeting me so relentlessly today? He's antagonizing a high-ranking court official, something he typically avoids...]

His protestation was met with an unrelenting response from the Crown Prince, who showed no mercy. The Crown Prince, resolute in his stance, declared, "I care not whether your son lives or dies; he deserves no sympathy."

In that moment, the Crown Prince exuded an aura of authority and dominance. [The responsibility for Cha-Eun Xiao's ordeal should rightfully fall on my shoulders. However, a convenient scapegoat has presented itself, and I must ensure it remains so.]

He continued to press Jiang Yu-Ming with relentless repetition, hammering his point home with unwavering determination. Each repetition of the same question was designed to further entangle Jiang Yu-Ming in a web of accusations and doubt.

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