The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 1532

Chapter 1532: Be Forced to Cave!

Chapter 1532: Be Forced to Cave!

Be Forced to Cave! . . .

In the midst of the confrontation, Master Xiao harbored an intense desire to undermine Bu Xiangfeng, making him reluctant to retreat. He was keenly aware of the inadvisability of provoking Bu Xiangfeng, yet he yearned for mutual respect. The dilemma was palpable, as he grappled with finding the right words to diffuse the tension and strike a compromise through the Monarch's Hall. However, his hopes were dashed when Cha-Eun Xiao resolutely declared his unwavering support for Bu Xiangfeng.

Master Xiao found himself perplexed, with a sense of bewilderment clouding his thoughts. His internal monologue questioned the wisdom of their confrontation. Despite acknowledging the affiliation of Cha-Eun Xiao with the esteemed Cha Clan, Master Xiao couldn't shake the belief that his own faction held the upper hand at present. josei

Although Master Xiao couldn't deny the validity of Cha-Eun Xiao's words, the prospect of humiliation proved too much to bear. Surrendering at this point would be tantamount to admitting fear of Bu Xiangfeng, an outcome that Master Xiao found wholly unacceptable.

Cha-Eun Xiao, on the other hand, dismissed the entire conflict as stemming from a minuscule error. He waved his hand disdainfully and voiced his disbelief in the significance of the metals they were squabbling over. Master Xiao, striving to maintain his composure, took a deep breath and refrained from giving in to anger. He inquired, "Master Cha, are you implying that we are acting childishly?"

Despite his inner turmoil, Master Xiao detected a glimmer of hope in Cha-Eun Xiao's apparent reluctance to engage in conflict. He deduced that there might still be room to negotiate and salvaged the situation without becoming an adversary of the enigmatic young lord.

Nonetheless, Cha-Eun Xiao's choice of words, particularly his dismissive characterization of the metals as "rubbish," rankled Master Xiao's pride. He couldn't help but challenge, "Why don't you find some 'rubbish' metals like these and demonstrate how insignificant they are?"

Cha-Eun Xiao responded with feigned surprise and insinuated that the metals were merely a pretext for causing trouble. He expressed his astonishment that they would resort to such a grand spectacle over these materials, suggesting that Bu Xiangfeng's itinerant background might explain his attachment. He then subtly contrasted Master Xiao's stature as a renowned figure in the world, seasoned and well-informed.

Master Xiao, flushed with embarrassment, raised his voice, asserting the rarity and importance of the Feather Bronze and Brocade Steel. Yet, Cha-Eun Xiao's casual inquiry about the Cosmos Iron left him in stunned silence.

In a dramatic twist, Cha-Eun Xiao disclosed that he possessed all the essential metals, including the coveted Cosmos Iron, which he produced, emanating a mystical luminescence. Master Xiao's initial shock gave way to elation, realizing that this encounter might fulfill his long-standing quest to secure the Cosmos Iron, a vital component for restoring his prized vertical bamboo flute.

Overwhelmed by gratitude, Master Xiao hastily expressed his appreciation and declared his intention to depart with the Cosmos Iron, pledging never to trouble Bu Xiangfeng again. However, Cha-Eun Xiao's laughter, bordering on incredulity, punctuated the moment, leaving Master Xiao bewildered.

Cha-Eun Xiao questioned whether Master Xiao expected to receive the Cosmos Iron for free, as if it were a solution to avoid further confrontation. The reaction bewildered Master Xiao, as he looked toward his two companions, who regarded him with skepticism, questioning the feasibility of obtaining the Cosmos Iron without facing potential consequences.

Master Xiao's inner turmoil intensified as he found himself locked in an exasperating predicament. His older companion's unrealistic expectations were causing a great deal of consternation. The thought of taking advantage of their current situation, whether by seizing the Cosmos Iron or even requesting it, appeared to be an unwise and perilous course of action.

A series of thoughts raced through Master Xiao's mind as he considered the implausibility of their position. Questions arose, questioning the rationale behind their actions. They pondered whether Master Xiao's judgment had become clouded or if his head had indeed become soaked, indicative of imprudent choices. The gravity of their situation weighed heavily, with concerns of potential consequences looming large. The specter of perilous outcomes, including potential harm or even death, hovered as a stark reminder of the risks involved.

In the midst of this internal turmoil, Cha-Eun Xiao abruptly ceased his laughter and ordered the release of their guests. With an expression devoid of emotion, he expressed his initial intent to sell the Cosmos Iron to aid in the repair of the vertical bamboo flute. However, the audacious request made by Master Xiao had caused him to rethink his offer. He declared his reluctance to provide the metal for free, prompting an immediate response from Meng Youjiang and his followers.

Meng Youjiang and his men acted in unison, drawing their weapons, their cold, gleaming blades ready for action. Meng Youjiang advanced, instructing Master Xiao to depart.

Nevertheless, Master Xiao was reluctant to concede defeat. His gaze remained fixed on the coveted metal in Cha-Eun Xiao's possession, his voice rising as he pleaded for an opportunity to engage in dialogue. He admitted to his earlier misjudgment, acknowledging the profound significance of the vertical bamboo flute in his life and earnestly implored Cha-Eun Xiao to articulate his desires, emphasizing the need for kindness.

Cha-Eun Xiao's response, however, was unyielding. He asserted that he did not engage in negotiations or offer compensation. It appeared as though the standoff had reached an impasse, with Cha-Eun Xiao preparing to depart.

For Master Xiao, who had already secured the Brocade Steel and Feather Bronze, the Cosmos Iron represented the final piece of the puzzle in the restoration of his cherished vertical bamboo flute. He had invested considerable effort in his quest to locate this unique metal, and the unexpected revelation that Cha-Eun Xiao possessed it made the prospect of leaving unthinkable.

In a final attempt to salvage the situation, Master Xiao appealed to Cha-Eun Xiao, suggesting that his actions were merely intended to jest with Bu Xiangfeng. He conveyed a reluctant willingness to negotiate, motivated by a deep-seated fear that another opportunity to acquire this exceptional metal might never present itself. Anxious and determined, he refused to relent.

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