The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 1539

Chapter 1539: Fight for the Throne; Five Kings

Chapter 1539: Fight for the Throne; Five Kings

Fight for the Throne; Five Kings . . .

Master Guan appeared enlightened yet somewhat bewildered, as if he had gained insight without fully comprehending the implications.

"In the realm I've established with the Hall of Life and Death, no one must face death," Cha-Eun Xiao declared confidently. "I'm certain that I can save every one of our comrades, no matter how dire their injuries. There will be no fatal harm inflicted upon our people."

He continued to explain his reasoning: "If you look at the four rules I inscribed on the flags, you'll notice the distinction between the fourth rule and the previous three. While the first three emphasize the need to secure a victor in our contests, the fourth has a different purpose. My objective is to achieve victory without any of our own losing their lives. However, the final two flags direct our comrades to fight with all their might."

With a faint smile, Cha-Eun Xiao further elucidated, "Furthermore, if anyone ever seeks to sacrifice our own to enhance their own prestige, I will promptly remove them from our ranks. Regardless of their strength, anyone who fails to view their brethren as equals is not fit for the Monarch's Hall. I will not tolerate recklessness in such a pivotal organization. My priority is to gather individuals I can trust wholeheartedly, who will demonstrate unwavering loyalty to me and possess unimpeachable integrity."

He turned to address Master Guan, acknowledging the latter's wisdom. "Old Master, your experience has provided you with invaluable insights into these matters. I place great importance on these principles."

The response from Master Guan showed that the sentiment was mutual. He continued to ponder Cha-Eun Xiao's statement: "I place great importance on these principles."

Cha-Eun Xiao's statement was not an acknowledgment of the potential consequences of his decisions; rather, it signified his awareness of Master Guan's loyalty.

Indeed, Cha-Eun Xiao held profound appreciation for the loyalty and wisdom displayed by the older man. Though still a youth, Cha-Eun Xiao demonstrated rare sagacity. He sought more than merely capable individuals to bear the Monarch's Hall titles. His intent was to eliminate anyone who lacked honor or integrity, fostering a deeper purpose and commitment among its members.

Cha-Eun Xiao's vision extended beyond conventional martial sects. He aspired to build an organization capable of enduring throughout the ages, with a steadfast and unwavering foundation. To this end, he aimed to cultivate an inner circle of trusted and trustworthy followers.

As he had rightly suggested, the discerning Master Guan understood the significance of this undertaking. He shared Cha-Eun Xiao's conviction regarding the importance of assembling a group of individuals who could be genuinely relied upon.

The sentiment was mutual, and Master Guan possessed a deep understanding of Cha-Eun Xiao's values.

Cha-Eun Xiao encouraged the older man with a nod, expressing his conviction: "Relax, Master Guan. I am well aware of what I'm doing."

After a period of contemplation, Master Guan still found himself pondering the phrase: "I am well aware of what I'm doing."

This sentiment transcended concerns over possible repercussions, as Cha-Eun Xiao had previously addressed such matters. Instead, this statement signified an acknowledgment of the loyalty and goodwill extended by Master Guan.

Cha-Eun Xiao's wisdom surpassed his years, as evidenced by his commitment to weeding out individuals lacking integrity and dedication. His ambitions extended beyond merely leading a group of martial practitioners in the martial world; he aspired to build an enduring organization. This vision demanded a solid foundation rooted in trust and loyalty.

The realization did not elude the astute Master Guan, who acknowledged the importance of this aspect. After all, he comprehended the need for a core group of committed followers who could offer unshakable loyalty.

Indeed, Master Guan fully grasped this profound truth.

"It is time to establish a powerful team," Master Guan muttered, his voice laden with awe. He sighed before adding, "If we had revealed ourselves and pledged loyalty to the Monarch's Hall earlier, things might have been different. We would have gained their trust. Yet if we continue to hesitate and withhold our support now... I fear the opportunity will pass us by."

The Guan Clan had garnered a superior position compared to other clans because Master Guan had already recruited many of his subordinates to the Monarch's Hall. Nevertheless, the most capable individuals within his clan remained hidden, and it was imperative that they continue to remain concealed.

Revealing these high-level cultivators now and incorporating them into the Monarch's Hall would undoubtedly infuriate other clans. The Guan Clan could ill afford to engage in hostilities with these rival clans, thus necessitating a cautious approach.

Moreover, Master Guan had previously conveyed to Cha-Eun Xiao that his followers could provide only civilian service and were not formidable cultivators. Informing Cha-Eun Xiao of the true capabilities of his subordinates would only serve to escalate tensions, potentially marking the Guan Clan as a threat to the Monarch's Hall.

In this regard, Master Guan's initial actions had been sensible. However, they now represented a significant constraint on the actions of his subordinates. Master Guan grappled with a solution to this predicament but found no immediate answers.

The following day marked a momentous occasion, one that would become celebrated as "The Commencement of a Legend." It was the second of September, bathed in the splendor of golden autumn, with clear skies and invigorating air.

Before the entrance to the Hall of Life and Death stood a vast, open expanse measuring one thousand feet in width. The colossal tree, which had become emblematic of the Hall of Life and Death, swayed gracefully in the breeze. Its leaves shimmered as if illuminated by a gentle, ethereal light, rippling and casting a mesmerizing starlit spectacle.

The tree exuded a vibrant hue, reminiscent of the color of life itself.

As a crowd of Monarch's Hall members, Cha-Eun Xiao, and others congregated in the sky a thousand feet above the ground, all eyes were fixated on the magnificent tree. The ethereal starlight emanating from its leaves captivated their attention.

Cha-Eun Xiao addressed the assembled group with a confident gaze and began to speak.

Cha-Eun Xiao's commanding voice resonated with depth and power as he continued to gaze at the radiant tree, his words carrying a captivating gravity. "I once heard a story that claimed every influential figure in the world was once a star in the heavens. As their celestial lives drew to a close, they descended to the mortal realm, their starlight transformed into a myriad of colors, while their celestial bodies remained in the sky."

He glanced around at the assembled audience, who nodded in recognition. The tale he recounted was well-known throughout the Human Realm Upon Heavens. It was a narrative that had been shared countless times.

Yet, as Cha-Eun Xiao continued to speak, he left his listeners eager to uncover his true intentions. "We are aware of the existence of numerous lower-level realms beneath the Human Realm Upon Heavens," he began, his tone even. "In the eyes of those dwelling in these lower realms, we are seen as deities. However, we are fully aware of our own limitations, neither divine nor sacred. High above us, the stars continue to shine."

"A person should explore the world, while the world must reside within their heart. The celestial bodies above us illuminate the night sky. Do you yearn to seize one of these stars and etch your name into the annals of legend?"

"Are you willing to become a legend that transcends time?"

With these words, Cha-Eun Xiao ignited a spark within the hearts of his audience. Everyone present harbored a desire for greatness, awaiting the opportunity to manifest their potential.

"Thanks to the Hall of Life and Death, the Monarch's Hall has been established," Cha-Eun Xiao elucidated. "The Hall of Life and Death is none other than this colossal tree, an eternal symbol of our foundation and root."

Gazing upwards, he directed the audience's attention to the tree, explaining, "Every leaf adorning this tree radiates light, reminiscent of the stars in the sky."

Every leaf exuded a radiant glow, akin to a star in the night sky. The audience watched in awe as the lights gently swayed.

"Welcome to our world, to our constellation of stars," Cha-Eun Xiao declared. "Today, the Monarch's Hall embarks on the path to create its legendary saga. When we become an influential force that shakes the very foundation of the world, we shall be the stars of this world, our brilliance visible across the cosmos. We shall be the stars, forming an expansive constellation!"

Cha-Eun Xiao turned, his attire fluttering in the wind, and his gaze was as sharp as lightning as he observed the countless members before him. There were over seventeen hundred cultivators, each standing tall with a resolute and focused demeanor.

He proceeded to clarify the twenty-two positions of the Monarch's Hall that were up for grabs: "The One Blade, Two Warriors, Seven Stars, and Twelve Divine Stands."

He added, "The Five Kings shall remain vacant until the next contest."

He then introduced the challengers: "Qiu Luo shall represent the One Blade, while the Dark Evil Spirit and Bai Long shall challenge as the Two Warriors. The Seven Stars shall consist of the seven guardians, while the Twelve Divine Stands are reserved for the leaders of the twelve divisions within the Department of Battle."

He further outlined the structure of the competition: "The legendary contest commences today, with the victor claiming the respective title. Upon victory, the position shall be retained for three years. Following this, another legendary contest shall be held to determine the next occupant."

Cha-Eun Xiao stressed the importance of earning the position: "If you aspire to secure a title, you must fight for it. There is no alternative path to claiming your title. The contest is solely about one's power. Deceptive tactics hold no place in this competition. The battles are determined by strength alone."

Silence pervaded the area as the gravity of Cha-Eun Xiao's words settled in. Each member contemplated which position to vie for, knowing that they would need to make a strategic decision.

Cha-Eun Xiao cautioned, "Pay particular attention to the Twelve Divine Stands, as they differ significantly from the One Blade, Two Warriors, and Seven Stars. There are deeper considerations to ponder. Reflect on the symbolism behind the selection of the twelve animals associated with a twelve-year cycle."

He shared his insights, revealing, "Each of the twelve animals reflects distinctive dispositions, habits, and approaches to life. To my understanding, these animals represent the twelve varying human personalities. The animals epitomize a wide range of talents and qualities, encompassing all the traits essential to living our lives." josei

With a glittering gleam in his eyes, Cha-Eun Xiao observed the audience's reaction. Confusion colored their expressions as they grappled with the intriguing question he had posed.

"Why were these twelve animals chosen?" Cha-Eun Xiao's question left them deeply perplexed. "We know of other powerful and renowned creatures like the phoenix, rosefinch, and swan. Why were these seemingly weaker animals selected as the twelve symbolic animals?"

He emphasized the significance of the twelve units within the Department of Battle: "The twelve animals each represent a specific personality trait and method of engaging with the world. These units correspond to the characteristics and abilities of these twelve animals."

The audience pondered these profound insights, delving deeper into the contemplation of a question they had never considered before. In their quest for understanding, they sought the truth underlying the selection of these particular creatures.

Cha-Eun Xiao made one final statement before the legendary contest began, his voice filled with gravitas. "There's one more thing I want you to comprehend before you choose to compete for any of the twelve positions. You must understand who you are and what it means to hold one of these titles. Those who aspire to secure a position among the twelve must grasp the significance of their roles. Without this understanding, you won't be eligible to vie for it."

He continued to impart valuable wisdom to the eager contenders, offering guidance. "As a unit leader, you must embody bravery and responsibility, capable of handling matters independently."

With those words, he concluded his address. "Enough talk. Let the contest commence!"

The crowd was momentarily still, taking in the weight of Cha-Eun Xiao's words. His guidance wasn't just about battle prowess but about the qualities that defined a leader. This profound message gave the participants much to contemplate.

The old masters who served as judges also pondered the significance of these positions. Master Ju's thoughts turned to the vacant Five Kings positions. "One Blade, Two Warriors, Seven Stars, and Twelve Divine Stands... What is the purpose behind all these roles? What does Cha-Eun Xiao truly intend?"

The concept of personalities and the twelve symbolic animals intrigued him, but there was something more profound at play. The Five Kings positions intrigued him the most.

Master Yun also contemplated this mystery, his hand absentmindedly stroking his beard. "The Twelve Divine Stands and other roles are relatively straightforward to understand, but why the Five Kings positions? What is the reason behind keeping these five positions empty?"

Suddenly, an epiphany struck Master Yun, and in his haste to grasp the revelation, he unintentionally plucked some of his beard, causing him to wince in pain.

"What's the matter, old friend? Are you unwell?" Master Song inquired, seeing his companion's discomfort.

The other two old masters joined in, concerned about their colleague's sudden distress.

Master Yun continued to mumble and appeared lost in thought. "Why the Five Kings? What could have caused such a revelation?"

"The Five Kings? Why is that so surprising?" Master Ju inquired with an initial hint of skepticism before his expression changed.

"Have you considered the number of kings in the Human Realm Upon Heavens?" Master Yun responded.

"Five," Master Ju replied without hesitation. "We all know that there are five kings in the realm. But why is that—"

Suddenly, the realization hit him, and his voice trailed off. "You mean... Cha-Eun Xiao intends to establish Five Kings positions in the Monarch's Hall!"

Master Yun confirmed his suspicions. "He mentioned the One Blade, Two Warriors, Seven Stars, and Twelve Divine Stands initially, but the Five Kings positions were added afterward. This wasn't a hasty decision."

He continued to expound his theory, his voice trembling with excitement. "Why Five Kings? What is the significance of introducing these positions? What does it imply for our Monarch's Hall?"

The implications began to dawn on the old masters. "The Five Kings positions are second in prestige only to the Monarch in the Monarch's Hall!" Master Yun exclaimed. "What message does Cha-Eun Xiao intend to convey with this decision?"

Their thoughts spun like a whirlwind, and the intensity of their contemplation was so profound that they remained oblivious to the commencement of the first contest in the background. Swords and sabers clashed, and combatants fought with fervor, creating a whirlwind of action on the stage. Yet the old masters were too preoccupied with the potential implications of Cha-Eun Xiao's decision to pay it any heed.

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