The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 157

Chapter 157: Both Hard And Soft Tactics

Chapter 157: Both Hard And Soft Tactics

Both Hard And Soft Tactics . . .

Gu Jin-Long had always demanded the finest treasures, but due to his exacting standards, there were few items that met his approval. Consequently, Wan Zheng-Hao had never really bestowed many treasures upon Gu Jin-Long. However, now that Feng Zhi-Ling was entering the picture, he feared that virtually every treasure acquired by Ling-Bao Hall would be seized by him for the production of dan beads. This meant that the resources that had once been under Wan Zheng-Hao's control would now fall into Feng Zhi-Ling's hands.

The mere thought of having to interact with Feng Zhi-Ling on a daily basis filled him with dread. He harbored a deep desire to thwart Feng Zhi-Ling's plans.

Whenever such thoughts surfaced, a malevolent killing intent would flare in his eyes.

Seated across from him, Cha-Eun Xiao reclined with his legs crossed, and he spoke with nonchalance, "Oh, by the way, Brother Gu hasn't returned to his usual place. He's been engaged in secret cultivation within the Land of Han-Yang. He mentioned that he would depart once he achieves a certain level of martial arts proficiency. During this period of cultivation, he has tasked me with crafting a specific dan for him. It's a rather challenging one, to be honest, but the materials are readily available. It will be your responsibility, Boss Wan. I appreciate your assistance. We cannot afford any mistakes."

Wan Zheng-Hao quaked as if struck by lightning. He mustered a forced smile and replied, "Certainly. You can count on me. I'll ensure that no mistakes are made."

His previous animosity towards Feng Zhi-Ling evaporated instantly.

Wan Zheng-Hao was well aware of Gu Jin-Long's ruthlessness. If Gu Jin-Long ever desired his removal, it would require nothing more than a single breath. He recognized that he could ill afford to cross Feng Zhi-Ling.

Desperation and frustration churned within him.

Cha-Eun Xiao observed the shifting expressions on Wan Zheng-Hao's face with an air of indifference.

Gu Jin-Long was unequivocally under his control now.

It was clear to Cha-Eun Xiao that Ling-Bao Hall had primarily served as a personal asset for Gu Jin-Long, offering him a residence when visiting the Land of Han-Yang and the potential for procuring valuable treasures. Apparently, the establishment had not been profitable enough for Gu Jin-Long. Nonetheless, for Cha-Eun Xiao, it represented a powerful asset, and he intended to seize control of it as swiftly as possible.

He recognized that Wan Zheng-Hao did not truly welcome this transition but dared not voice his discontent. It would not serve him well if his subordinate harbored reservations, as he believed that subordinates must be unwavering in their loyalty.

In a casual tone, Cha-Eun Xiao remarked, "Wan, it might be beneficial for you to pay more attention to your personal health and appearance. A king does not rely on emaciated soldiers. You and I are now akin to family. I possess a recipe for a Slimming Dan that facilitates weight loss. If you take it consistently for a month, I estimate you could shed 90 percent of your excess weight..."

He chuckled faintly, then added, "Ultimately, you won't remain at 700 kg. I have every confidence that you can reach a weight below 100 kg."

He concluded with a gentle smile, his eyes closed.

Wan Zheng-Hao was stunned by the revelation.

His entire body trembled with astonishment.

"A Slimming Dan? Such a treasure exists?" he wondered.

Wan Zheng-Hao had endured millennia of misery due to his obesity. At times, he had contemplated ending his own life, believing that a life of suffering was preferable to one of comfort. The expanding layers of fat had gradually consumed his true form over the past 1,600 years, concealing his identity completely.

The weight of despair bore heavily upon Wan Zheng-Hao. His obesity had robbed him of the pleasures of life, rendering his penis concealed beneath layers of fat, rendering it utterly useless for any form of sexual activity. All that remained was the arduous task of urination, a simple bodily function that had become a struggle. His sex life had been extinguished, leaving him with nothing but sighs of longing.

The Life Extending Dan, while extending his lifespan, came at the cost of accumulating more layers of fat on his corpulent frame. With each dan bead consumed, his condition worsened, compounding the agony of his existence.

When Feng Zhi-Ling mentioned the Slimming Dan, it felt as though the heavens themselves had bestowed a lifeline upon Wan Zheng-Hao, akin to a drowning man grasping hold of solid ground.

"Brother Feng! Is there truly such a miraculous dan? Is it possible?" Wan Zheng-Hao exclaimed with an eager fervor, seizing Feng Zhi-Ling's hands in excitement. His eyes gleamed with avarice, an unmistakable desire burning within.

He nodded enthusiastically, his eyes fixed on Feng Zhi-Ling with anticipation. "Is this miraculous dan something your master must create?" josei

Cha Eun Xiao, adopting a serious demeanor, assured him, "Wan, fret not. Although crafting such dan beads is a challenging endeavor, and it requires a plethora of rare materials, it is not classified as a high-tier dan. It won't necessitate my master's involvement. I am fully capable of concocting it. Given a sufficient supply of materials, I can promise to produce these dan beads."

He continued cautiously, "However, I find it perplexing that your master never disclosed the existence of this dan to you. There might be some underlying complexities. I cannot say for certain."

In his quest to garner Wan Zheng-Hao's support and assert his control over Ling-Bao Hall, Cha Eun Xiao took every opportunity to tarnish Gu Jin-Long's reputation. He felt unburdened in doing so, as Gu Jin-Long was already deceased.

Wan Zheng-Hao's countenance darkened considerably.

"Why did Gu Jin-Long withhold this knowledge from me? Does he desire to deprive me of a normal life? Is he deliberately denying me the pleasures I so crave?" he mused bitterly.

Wan Zheng-Hao, who held considerable wealth, had endured the passage of centuries, bolstered by the prospect of an extended lifespan thanks to Gu Jin-Long. Yet now he pondered whether his life had merely been prolonged to serve as a pawn for Gu Jin-Long's benefit.

"I am nothing more than a tool to him," he concluded resentfully. "Why should a tool be permitted to relish life's pleasures?"

His face reflected the growing darkness of his thoughts.

Cha Eun Xiao, in a conversational tone, continued, "I did inquire with Brother Gu regarding this matter."

Wan Zheng-Hao leaned in attentively, his interest piqued. "What did he say?"

"He explained that he had invested considerably in your upbringing and the extension of your life, all to enable you to amass valuable treasures and essential resources on his behalf. He believed that if you were to indulge excessively in life's pleasures, it would serve as a distraction, compromising your dedication to your duties. This would be akin to lifting a stone only to drop it upon one's own foot," Cha Eun Xiao replied with an air of detachment.

"I knew it!" Wan Zheng-Hao seethed with resentment, "Hmph!"

Suddenly, he remembered that the man before him was Gu Jin-Long's sworn brother and felt a surge of anxiety. He feared that Feng Zhi-Ling might relay their conversation to Gu Jin-Long.

Apprehensively, he addressed Cha Eun Xiao, "Master Feng... Well, um..."

Cha Eun Xiao, adopting a magnanimous demeanor, interjected, "Worry not, Wan. We shall continue to work harmoniously within Ling-Bao Hall. Given my focus on dan-crafting, you shall assume primary responsibility for the management of Ling-Bao Hall. I am not foolish enough to harm my own interests."

Wan Zheng-Hao sighed with relief and responded, "Indeed, indeed."

Cha Eun Xiao, his eyes closed, spoke with deliberation, "In the future, once Brother Gu has fully assimilated the Cosmic Hades and advances his cultivation, he will no longer require us to provide resources."

Wan Zheng-Hao's mind was a whirlwind of emotions as he processed the implications of Feng Zhi-Ling's words. He oscillated between elation and trepidation, caught in a storm of conflicting thoughts. "What does Feng Zhi-Ling mean? Does he want to get rid of Gu Jin-Long once and for all?" he wondered, a surge of hope mixed with anxiety.

Inwardly, he rejoiced at the prospect of losing weight, finally breaking free from the chains of obesity that had robbed him of life's pleasures. Yet, a gnawing fear lingered just beneath the surface. "I know Gu Jin-Long all too well," he thought, his expression shifting from jubilation to distress. "If Ling-Bao Hall ceases to hold any significance for Gu Jin-Long, he will no longer provide me with the Life Extending Dan. How will I extend my lifespan then?"

As these thoughts raced through his mind, his complexion paled suddenly, and a deep sense of unease gripped him. The rollercoaster of emotions had taken its toll on him, a sensation akin to soaring to great heights before plummeting back to earth.

Desperation tinged his voice as he implored, "Brother Feng, what... what should we do now?"

He felt like a pawn in a high-stakes game, buffeted by forces beyond his control. The revelation of the Slimming Dan and the uncertain future of his longevity had thrust him into a bewildering predicament.

Cha Eun Xiao observed Wan Zheng-Hao with an intensity in his gaze that sent a shiver down the latter's spine. Anxiously, Wan Zheng-Hao inquired, "Master Feng, why do you look at me like that?"

With an air of detachment, Cha Eun Xiao responded, "Nothing of consequence. I merely wish to convey that only when Brother Gu departs and I possess the freedom to act without restraint can I bestow the Slimming Dan Beads upon you."

A bland smile graced his lips as he continued, "However, I must caution you about the time limitations associated with the Slimming Dan. These remarkable dan beads possess a finite efficacy. After initiating the treatment, there exists a specific window during which you must administer it again, lest the fat on your body rebounds."

Wan Zheng-Hao managed a bitter smile, acknowledging the truth in Cha Eun Xiao's words. "I understand the process well. I grasp its intricacies. But..." He hesitated, his eyes gleaming with a renewed determination.

The fierce glint returned to his eyes as he thought, "This merely signifies that I am under someone else's control now. It was Gu Jin-Long before, and now it is Feng Zhi-Ling. Yet, I can no longer secure a long-lasting life. Must I continue being another's pawn after having served someone else for so long? It's preposterous. Why should I be subservient?"

Unbeknownst to Cha Eun Xiao, Wan Zheng-Hao's demeanor had taken a peculiar turn, as he harbored thoughts of rebellion and defiance. His resolve was hardening, and he contemplated a path of resistance.

Nonetheless, Cha Eun Xiao appeared oblivious to Wan Zheng-Hao's inner turmoil, and he casually remarked, "In truth, I possess the recipe for the Life Extending Dan as well. Regrettably, I lack the necessary materials to produce it presently. Otherwise, I could craft it for you."

Wan Zheng-Hao's eyes widened in astonishment at the revelation, and he leaned forward inquisitively.

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