The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 16

Chapter 16: The Aspirations of an Ordinary Guy


Chapter 16: The Aspirations of an Ordinary Guy

The Aspirations of an Ordinary Guy . . .

Presently, the trio of lords found themselves at Cha-Eun Xiao's lavish residence, partaking in a grand feast for three.

The dining table groaned under the weight of a sumptuous spread, boasting delicacies of every conceivable variety, all elegantly complemented by fine liquor. It appeared to be a regular occurrence for the General Cha's Residence to host such intimate gatherings. Cha-Eun Xiao, exuberant and loquacious, took center stage, regaling his companions with animated conversation. Meanwhile, the prized blood ginseng, now desiccated and locked within its ornate box, had served its purpose. Its essence had been silently absorbed into the confines of the sphere, where it would be slowly digested.

In the midst of their indulgence, the estate's steward entered the room, positioning himself discreetly beside Cha-Eun Xiao.

Cha-Eun Xiao, ever the gracious host, inquired politely, "Is there something you require?"

"Allow me to explain, my lord," the steward began with care, "Following your departure from the Wang's residence, Wang Da-Nian promptly left and made his way to the Crown Prince's Palace."

Cha-Eun Xiao's brow furrowed, and he regarded the steward with curiosity. While Wang Da-Nian's visit to the Crown Prince's Palace did not surprise him, it was the steward's proactive response that piqued his interest.

The steward's readiness to trace Wang Da-Nian's actions revealed a level of foresight and preparedness that extended beyond the norm, sparking a shift in Cha-Eun Xiao's perception of the man.

Observing the steward's calm demeanor under his scrutiny, Cha-Eun Xiao mused silently, "This steward is no ordinary individual."

Without a hint of disruption, the steward excused himself and exited the room, adhering to his customary humble and unassuming demeanor.

Cha-Eun Xiao reconsidered his evaluation of the steward. The role of overseeing the General Cha's Residence during the General's absence required a person of exceptional capabilities and resourcefulness.

After savoring their meal and partaking in several rounds of drinks, Cha-Eun Xiao broached a more personal topic with his companions. "By the way, gentlemen, as we continue our carefree days, I wonder about your plans for the future."

"Plans for the future?" Zuo Wu-Ji responded with a wry smile. "What future can there be for someone like me? My life has been marked by the heavens with the misfortune of sterility—a condition that, if revealed, would invite derisive laughter from all. Someone has already exposed my secret to the world. The entire capital knows that the second son of Minister Zuo is afflicted in that regard. How can I hold my head high outside? What future can there be for a man like me? I am resigned to wasting away."

During his brief speech, Zuo Wu-Ji had hastily consumed three glasses of wine, the anguish of his predicament evident on his handsome face. "You know," he continued with a tone of sorrow, "in the brothels, those girls who prefer not to engage in more intimate encounters with their customers, they favor customers like me the most. They know that even in my presence, there is nothing I can do. Cha Eun Xiao, can there be any plans for someone like me?"

Cha-Eun Xiao sighed empathetically. He understood the profound suffering that stemmed from such a deficiency. As he contemplated the matter, he recalled a dan (a type of medicinal pill) from the Qing-Yun Realm known as the Male Recovery Dan. Although it was by no means a high-grade treasure and merely ranked as a fifth-grade dan, it possessed a singular function. While it had no utility in cultivation or life-saving, it excelled at rejuvenating fertility. In essence, it was a potent aphrodisiac.

The Xiao Monarch, of course, held little interest in such a concoction. However, for average cultivators, particularly those with certain proclivities, this dan held great value. Individuals like Zuo Wu-Ji, who had encountered a minor anatomical obstacle, required nothing more than a single dan bead to restore their full vitality.

Furthermore, the Male Recovery Dan had an added benefit for Zuo Wu-Ji due to his poor physical condition – it would not only eliminate his infertility but also enhance his overall physical strength. In the Qing-Yun Realm, a fifth-grade dan was considered legendary and would be regarded as a precious treasure in the mortal world.

As Cha-Eun Xiao pondered this, a spark of hope flickered in his eyes. "Do not succumb to despair," he encouraged Zuo Wu-Ji. "Your affliction is not necessarily incurable. Let's imagine, just for a moment, that your infertility can indeed be cured. In that scenario, what would you aspire to achieve?"

Zuo Wu-Ji drew a deep breath, his expression tinged with sadness. "I understand that you're trying to console me, but this congenital ailment is undoubtedly beyond remedy. I know it's a far-fetched hope, but... if a cure were possible, I would aspire to become a renowned statesman. I would stand beside the king, help subdue entire realms, and occupy a position just below the king but above all others. I would etch my name in history and be lauded by generations to come. I would innovate governance, combat corruption, and bring about positive change."

He continued, his eyes suddenly brightening with newfound enthusiasm. "I immerse myself in political studies day and night, learning from every source available. I seize every opportunity to gain experience in governance, contemplating ways to improve, unite, lead, and serve the nation to the best of my abilities."

With a wistful smile, he confessed, "It may sound ironic, but... while I engage in carefree pursuits with both of you during the day, when night falls, I sneak away to my solitude. I read, I reflect, and I regain my composure. Because in moments of idleness, the thought of ending my life crosses my mind, hoping to free my tormented soul."

Cha-Eun Xiao and Lan Lang-Lang fell into solemn silence, profoundly moved by Zuo Wu-Ji's unexpected display of ambition and dedication.

"I know, regardless of how hard I strive, nothing may change," Zuo Wu-Ji continued, bitterness lacing his words. "Stories of my congenital infertility have circulated for too long. No matter my talents or intelligence, in the eyes of the king, I might forever be regarded as less than a man. I am condemned to be a laughingstock, an object of scorn."

He paused, his voice tinged with self-deprecating humor. "You know," he added with a bitter smile, "apart from urination, the organ between my legs is utterly useless."

Hearing Zuo Wu-Ji's self-deprecating remarks, Cha-Eun Xiao and Lan Lang-Lang couldn't help but feel a somber atmosphere envelop the room.

"I apologize, Gal No.7," Lan Lang-Lang spoke regretfully. "I won't refer to you as Gal No.7 anymore."

Zuo Wu-Ji's gaze bore into him, a surge of anger brewing within him. Yet, he restrained himself and responded with a voice filled with sorrow, "You!"

He continued, his voice heavy with sorrow. "I often imagine that if a cure were possible, I would take four wives and be pursued by countless beautiful women. I would become a romantic statesman, a revered patriot! Haha, doesn't my dream sound absurd? Perhaps it's an unattainable wish."

Cha-Eun Xiao sighed, his hand resting on Zuo Wu-Ji's shoulder. "Have you ever considered cultivation, aspiring to become an immortal? To journey across the world, wielding authority over your adversaries with an iron fist?"

Zuo Wu-Ji shook his head, his gaze unwavering. "I'm simply not interested in cultivators. No matter how powerful a cultivator becomes, they merely engage in battles and bloodshed for personal gain. An intellectual, on the other hand, can devise strategies, oversee battles from afar, and with a single word or decision, change the lives of countless inhabitants for the better."

He added, "That would be enough for me in my limited lifetime."

Cha-Eun Xiao was taken aback. During their conversation, he had discovered a remarkable trait in Zuo Wu-Ji – resilience. In truth, Zuo Wu-Ji had always possessed this quality, but it had gone unnoticed by those around him.

A man born with an unfortunate condition, enduring endless ridicule and mockery, yet still harboring grand dreams and unwavering fortitude – Cha-Eun Xiao realized that he might not have been as resilient as Zuo Wu-Ji if placed in the same circumstances. He might have even chosen the path of self-destruction, as Zuo Wu-Ji had contemplated.

"Unimaginable aspirations have the power to transcend any challenge. As long as you dare to dream, there is always a chance of realizing it," Cha-Eun Xiao asserted earnestly. "You, Lord Zuo, could be the trailblazer, the exceptional statesman who stands just below the king yet above all others in history – handsome, strong, incorruptible, and honorable."

Zuo Wu-Ji was on the verge of expressing his disbelief when he caught sight of Cha-Eun Xiao's earnest countenance. His breath quickened, resembling the bellows of a forge.

"I genuinely possess a plan to cure your condition," Cha-Eun Xiao announced, his voice deliberate.

Even a man of unwavering fortitude could be overwhelmed by such a revelation. Cha-Eun Xiao realized he needed to comfort Zuo Wu-Ji, especially given his current mental state. The anticipation of using the Male Recovery Dan might drive him to the brink of madness.

"What? You?" Zuo Wu-Ji's eyes widened, his breath ragged.

Zuo Wu-Ji gazed at Cha-Eun Xiao with a seriousness that gradually transformed into a warm smile. "Absolutely! It's a deal! I'll wait. I've been waiting for eighteen years, so why not wait for one more?"

Lan Lang-Lang couldn't help but chime in, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Eighteen years... quite the dedication! So, you've had your eye on girls since birth, huh? Admirable!"

Their laughter filled the room as they shared a moment of camaraderie.

"How about you, Er Lang?" Zuo Wu-Ji asked, a sense of relief washing over him. He had finally opened up about the sorrow that had been festering in his heart for years, and in the process, he couldn't resist poking fun at Lan Lang-Lang by using the nickname he detested more than anything in the world.

"Zuo Wu-Ji!" Lan Lang-Lang nearly exploded with exasperation. "I'm warning you for the last time, don't call me Er Lang! You can call me Brother Lan or just Lang. My life might be full of 'Lang,' but there's absolutely no 'Er' in it! I hate that 'Er'!"

"Lang" Cha-Eun Xiao and Zuo Wu-Ji burst into laughter, nearly toppling out of their seats.

"Come on, Lang, spill the beans! What are your wishes?" Zuo Wu-Ji had decided to use 'Lang' from now on.

Lan Lang-Lang scratched his head, begrudgingly accepting the single-word nickname, though he wasn't too fond of the way it sounded when pronounced in a low voice. However, he had suggested it himself, so he had to bear with it.

To their surprise, he began enumerating his wishes. "I have ten wishes," he declared.

"Number 1: I wish to cure my favus-infested head," Lan Lang-Lang said while giving his scalp an absentminded rub.

Cha-Eun Xiao couldn't contain himself and sprayed wine from his mouth, while Zuo Wu-Ji erupted into laughter.

"Number 2: I want my family to stop restraining me so that I can finally be free to do as I please," Lan Lang-Lang continued, undeterred by their laughter. "Number 3: I want to be so wealthy that even multiple warehouses can't contain all my money. Number 4: I have no interest in working for the government, nor do I want to learn martial arts or literature. Number 5: I wish for a beautiful wife. I don't need three or four; just one thoughtful and beautiful wife will do. Number 6: I want my family to enjoy lifelong health and peacefully pass away at the age of 100. Number 7..."

Lan Lang-Lang went on, listing all ten of his wishes. It became evident that he had been serious when he claimed to have ten. His final wish, number 10, struck a chord with both Cha-Eun Xiao and Zuo Wu-Ji.

"Number 10: We'll be best friends forever," Lan Lang-Lang stated, his voice filled with heartfelt sincerity. "Even when we're eighty years old, we'll still be fooling around together. And when we eventually reach a hundred, we'll have one last dinner together before peacefully closing our eyes... together."

He clicked his tongue and added with a wistful smile, "What a wonderful future to envision."

Cha-Eun Xiao and Zuo Wu-Ji found themselves momentarily at a loss for words. While they knew that Lan Lang-Lang cherished their friendship deeply, the words he had chosen were undeniably dramatic. In their minds, they couldn't help but think, "Wait, 'closing our eyes one last time... together'? Isn't that a bit much, Lang?"

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