The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 160

Chapter 160: Divine Fat Food Festival

Chapter 160: Divine Fat Food Festival

Divine Fat Food Festival . . .

—Orhhh… Splash…—

Wan Zheng-Hao's stomach rebelled, expelling its contents in a torrential upheaval. Each retch and expulsion echoed through the room in a symphony of distress—Splash…

Master Guan, still savoring the lingering flavors of the sumptuous meal, never expected to witness his boss's sudden and explosive gastrointestinal outburst. Unpleasant matter erupted from Wan Zheng-Hao's mouth, landing on Master Guan's face and splattering across his body.

Stunned by the unexpected turn of events, Master Guan's initial shock soon transformed into profound nausea, causing him to join in the retching chorus.

Wan Zheng-Hao's ordeal was relentless; he continued to vomit with a fury that seemed unending. It was a miserable sight, a stark contrast between a man who had emptied his stomach of every morsel he had ever consumed and another who had nothing left to eject.

The maid, trembling with fear, watched the grim spectacle unfold before her eyes, her face drained of color.

[What in the world...

What could have caused this...]

Eventually, Wan Zheng-Hao's convulsions ceased. He slumped in his chair, his head hanging weakly as he spoke in a feeble voice, "Hurry... Hurry... Clean it up... Change clothes... Orhhh..."

The urge to vomit still lingered, though there was nothing left for him to expel. He lay there, drained and defeated. josei

Master Guan, wearing a scowl darker than a storm cloud, departed to change his soiled attire, a victim of his boss's untimely regurgitation.

The maid, quick on her feet, worked diligently to restore order to the disheveled room. After a short while, she had completed the arduous task, returning with a warm bowl of sugar ginger soup for the ailing big boss.

Finally, after an extended period of misery, Wan Zheng-Hao took a deep breath and uttered, "Oh my god... I must be the first person to perform such a deed and then praise it... I... I may have just etched my name into the annals of history..."

Mixed emotions of sorrow and anger swirled within him.

The door swung open, and a still-irritated Master Guan stormed in. His countenance remained dark, a reflection of his vexation. "What happened to you, boss?"

Master Guan had spent his entire career in the salesroom and had never imagined that he would become the unwitting recipient of his boss's vomit, especially after a satisfying meal. His anger was palpable.

Wan Zheng-Hao, though weak, turned his head to regard Master Guan. He opened his mouth as if to speak, but words failed him.

[What can I say?

Should I tell him... that the fat he consumed came from me?

Should I confess... that I devoured my own fat and praised it?

Should I reveal that all of you consumed fat from my body and showered it with praise?

Well... I still have a shred of dignity left.]

Contemplating what to say next, Wan Zheng-Hao forced a smile and uttered, "Henceforth, I shall abstain from consuming any dishes cooked with that type of fat. In fact, any dishes containing fat shall be off-limits to me. I am embarking on a weight loss journey. Understand? I am losing weight. No matter how delectable they may be, I shall abstain. Are we clear?"

A sense of bewilderment washed over everyone present.

[Losing weight?

It's a plausible excuse, but can it truly account for his peculiar behavior today?]

Suspicion lingered in their minds, but none dared to inquire further. It was evident that their boss, Wan Zheng-Hao, was concealing something.

Being the big boss meant that even the flimsiest excuse could be wielded as an unassailable shield, beyond reproach or questioning.

However, a subtle transformation had occurred within the salesroom. Dishes prepared with the precious fat had gained immense popularity. People eagerly lined up at the canteen, clutching their bowls, waiting for a taste. Nothing else could ignite such fervor among them.

The fat had become a prized delicacy, eagerly anticipated whenever it made its intermittent appearance. Sometimes, the supply was abundant, while at other times, it was scarce, as though it had been out of stock for ages...

As people eagerly awaited its return, Wan Zheng-Hao would stand with a peculiar expression on his face, observing the spectacle.

Rumors circulated that only the big boss possessed the ability to acquire this unique fat; no one else, regardless of their influence, could obtain it. In reality, this wasn't a rumor at all—it was the plain truth. Only Wan Zheng-Hao possessed the means to secure it.

Contemplating the fact that the fat extracted from his own body was now a staple in their cuisine, savored by countless individuals, Wan Zheng-Hao experienced a complex and indescribable blend of emotions. Even those skilled in the art of prose would find it challenging to capture the essence of his feelings.

The arrival of the fat had sparked a grand feast. Initially, there were dozens of tubs filled with this precious substance within the salesroom, making it a joyful year. Its value wasn't as astronomical at that time because of its abundance. However, as the supply dwindled and it became a rarity, its worth skyrocketed, exemplifying the old adage that rarity begets value.

The day the fat reappeared after a prolonged absence became a momentous occasion—the Divine Fat Food Festival. Over time, the salesroom had grown and flourished under the leadership of Feng Zhi-Ling, transforming this annual event into a significant celebration within the Land of Han-Yang.

The festival was held every year on the 18th of July, an event whose origins had long faded into obscurity. Few could recall why it began or even its exact name. Nevertheless, it endured throughout the ages, becoming an integral tradition in the Land of Han-Yang.


The following night, Cha-Eun Xiao fulfilled his promise and entered the salesroom.

Upon entering Wan Zheng-Hao's room, he immediately sensed an unusual atmosphere.

Wan Zheng-Hao's appearance had deteriorated dramatically in the span of just one day. He exuded an aura of impending demise, lying in a lifeless stupor that made him resemble a withered fish cast out to dry. Even the simple act of blinking seemed beyond his feeble capabilities.

Cha-Eun Xiao, taken aback and bewildered by the sight before him, couldn't fathom what had occurred. Although he should have felt discomfort and resentment at serving someone else, it was incomprehensible to see Wan Zheng-Hao lying there, apparently awaiting death.

Wan Zheng-Hao resembled a man at the brink of death, clinging to the fragile threads of existence.

"Feng Zhi-Ling..." Wan Zheng-Hao managed to muster some vitality when he caught sight of Cha-Eun Xiao, "You've finally arrived..."

With immense effort, he struggled to rise to his feet, but his movements were unsteady, and he swayed like a fragile leaf in the breeze. It was an unusual sight for someone as indolent as Wan Zheng-Hao.

Reluctance to get up was one thing; it was the profound discomfort that kept him grounded. However, in the presence of Feng Zhi-Ling, the figure who held sway over his future, he couldn't afford to remain prostrate.

"I've reached a decision. From this point forward, I shall follow your lead," Wan Zheng-Hao declared. It was an expression of unwavering loyalty, though it emerged as a faint murmur.

Cha-Eun Xiao felt a pang of pity for Wan Zheng-Hao's obvious distress and fatigue. Speaking gently, he said, "Brother Wan, it appears you've had quite a taxing day. I can empathize with the tumultuous emotions you must be experiencing as you shift your allegiance. In time, you'll come to appreciate the wisdom of your decision today."

Wan Zheng-Hao, his anxiety palpable, hastened to respond, "No, no, no. I understand it now. Aligning myself with Brother Feng is unquestionably the most magnificent choice I've ever made in my life."

Cha-Eun Xiao, however, found this response perplexing. He asked, "But... as I see it... you don't seem to be thriving in your newfound understanding, do you?"

Wan Zheng-Hao grimaced, as though on the verge of tears, but refrained from speaking further.

Not wanting to press further on the sensitive topic, Cha-Eun Xiao changed the subject. "Have you utilized the dan bead I provided? How did it fare?"

He possessed confidence in the Slimming Dan's efficacy. Nevertheless, given Wan Zheng-Hao's incredibly excessive corpulence and current condition, it was challenging to discern whether the dan bead had elicited any weight loss.

Wan Zheng-Hao, with a mournful sigh, responded, "It worked exceedingly well. I genuinely extracted fifty kilograms of oily fat... Truly, it was an exceptional dan bead."

"Ah? Shouldn't you be pleased about that?" Cha-Eun Xiao expressed his surprise. "If it indeed proved effective, you should be elated. Is there something else bothering you?"

Wan Zheng-Hao lamented, "I am happy! I genuinely am. I am truly, really, extraordinarily delighted... but those scoundrels didn't dispose of my fat..."

"Urh..." Cha-Eun Xiao was confounded. "What does that mean?"

"Hmm. The fat... what happened to it?" As he observed Wan Zheng-Hao's woeful state, Cha-Eun Xiao contemplated an improbable scenario that, while unlikely, could potentially account for the current predicament. Suppressing a burgeoning laugh, he inquired, "You didn't consume it, did you?"

Wan Zheng-Hao's distress was palpable, and he appeared on the brink of self-harm as he responded, "Those rascals... they used my fat for cooking... I was oblivious... so I ate the dishes... Truth be told, they were delicious... but when I discovered the truth... I became as you see me now..."

His sorrow remained unabated as he recounted the tale.

"What?" Cha-Eun Xiao's jaw dropped in disbelief. His suspicion had turned out to be the actual truth?

For a considerable period...


Cha-Eun Xiao erupted into a cacophony of laughter that shook the world. He clutched his belly, slapped his thighs, and trembled with mirth as tears streamed down his face.

Wan Zheng-Hao's lips quivered as if he were on the brink of tears, struggling to find the right words to convey his predicament. He was caught between the despair of his current state and the absurdity of his recent ordeal.

Sensing his distress, Cha-Eun Xiao decided not to press the matter further. Instead, he shifted the conversation to a more hopeful topic. "Did you make use of the dan bead I provided? How did it work for you?"

With genuine confidence in the dan bead's effectiveness, Cha-Eun Xiao eagerly anticipated Wan Zheng-Hao's response. However, he couldn't help but wonder if it had truly worked its magic given Wan Zheng-Hao's extreme obesity and deteriorating condition.

Wan Zheng-Hao released a plaintive sigh and replied, "It worked. It worked exceptionally well... I actually extracted 50 kilograms of oily fat... It was truly an extraordinary dan bead..."

Cha-Eun Xiao couldn't conceal his surprise. "Shouldn't you be pleased about that?"

His bewilderment grew as he observed Wan Zheng-Hao's disheveled appearance. "Since it proved effective, you should be rejoicing. Is there something else amiss?"

Overwhelmed with emotion, Wan Zheng-Hao groaned in response, "I am pleased! Truly, I am. I am genuinely, wholeheartedly, and exceptionally thrilled... I am ecstatic..." He trailed off, his voice tinged with sorrow, "...but those rascals failed to dispose of my fat..."

Perplexed by the cryptic statement, Cha-Eun Xiao could only muster an uncertain, "Urh..." as he tried to comprehend the situation.

With a heavy sigh, Wan Zheng-Hao continued, "The fat... what happened to it?" His expression remained one of profound sorrow. Cha-Eun Xiao, however, began to entertain an improbable idea, one so bizarre it might explain the dire state of affairs. Suppressing a burgeoning bout of laughter, he ventured, "You didn't consume it, did you?"

Wan Zheng-Hao's misery seemed to intensify as he admitted, "Those scoundrels... they used my fat for cooking... I had no knowledge of it... So I consumed the dishes... Truth be told, they were delectable... Yet, when I uncovered the truth... I ended up like this..."

Aghast and utterly confounded, Cha-Eun Xiao struggled to find words. Was it possible that his outlandish suspicion had indeed become reality?

For an extended period...


In response to the startling revelation, Cha-Eun Xiao erupted into fits of uncontrollable laughter. He clutched his belly, slapped his legs, and shook with mirth, tears streaming down his face as he reveled in the sheer absurdity of the situation.

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