The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 163

Chapter 163: I Am Not A Hero!

Chapter 163: I Am Not A Hero!

I Am Not A Hero! . . .

The generals harbored a palpable disdain for the Wolf Army, despite its reputation as the most formidable force in the Northern Grassland.

Amid the main camp, laughter cascaded like a chorus of mirth, echoing in stark contrast to the cruel, blood-soaked battlefield unfolding beyond their confines. To these generals, the brutal skirmish seemed more like an absurdly entertaining diversion. As long as Commander Cha, or Cha Nan-Tian, remained at the helm, the battle was a mere farce—innocuous and bereft of any real threat.

Yet, a jarring interruption sliced through their merriment—a messenger's urgent cry reverberated, "Lord Commander, an emergency missive from your family."

Cha Nan-Tian's brow furrowed in response, his voice laced with curiosity, "An emergency missive? Why now?"

General Ma, the youthful grand archer, was perched just outside the camp, and he chuckled, "Let them bring it in then. Our esteemed commander hasn't received word from his family in half a year."

With resolute steps, he strode towards the messenger and returned with a missive in hand, presenting it to Cha Nan-Tian, who accepted it with an air of nonchalance. However, as he unfolded the missive within the camp's confines, an abrupt transformation overcame him.

The resolute visage he typically displayed, marked by its calm and unwavering demeanor, underwent a startling metamorphosis. His robust complexion blanched to a pallid hue, akin to parchment, while his sturdy frame quivered uncontrollably.

The attending generals, keen observers of their commander's steadfast character, were quick to recognize that something had gone horribly awry. They couldn't fathom the reason for his sudden distress, but their concern drove them to their feet as they urgently inquired, "Lord Commander, what has transpired?"

The incongruity of their commander's behavior rattled them. He had always stood as an unyielding monolith of composure, making his current demeanor all the more unsettling. Cha Nan-Tian appeared deaf to their inquiries, his trembling hands releasing the missive, which fluttered downward.

In an instant, a general with a thick black beard lunged forward, deftly intercepting the missive before it could touch the ground. With a mounting sense of unease, he drew the missive closer, his voice trembling as he began to read aloud, "Big brother, please return immediately. Xiao Xiao has fallen victim to the Melting Bone Palm. His bones have turned to mush, and his life hangs by a thread. I implore you to come and bid him farewell one last time."

The general's voice faltered, and a heavy silence engulfed the camp. The assembled officers were stunned into a collective stupor.

Their world had been upended. josei

The words of the missive reverberated in their minds, each syllable striking like thunderbolts, their impact resounding in their hearts. Their heads throbbed from the sudden, overwhelming shock, and an overwhelming sense of disbelief enveloped them.

"Xiao Xiao is the commander's only son," they whispered amongst themselves, their voices fraught with disbelief. "How could this have come to pass?"

Cha Nan-Tian, the formidable commander who had always been the embodiment of unwavering strength, now stood before them, his hands trembling and his composure shattered.

Simultaneously, a vibrant purple aura began to emanate from Cha Nan-Tian's form, imbuing the camp with an electrifying energy. In the ensuing moments, the sword suspended on the wall, dormant until then, gradually emerged from its scabbard, radiating an icy gleam.

As this occurred, an overwhelming aura of malevolence enveloped the entirety of the grassy expanse. It felt as though the heavens themselves were descending, casting a profound shadow over the land.

The black-bearded general took a steadying breath, his voice resuming the letter's contents, "...The Hua-Yang army had just departed, and Xiao Xiao was there to bid them farewell. However, following their departure, several arrogant young lords from prominent families—the Right Prime Minister's grandson, the Revenue Minister's son, and the Rites Minister's son—arrived and initiated disturbances. Upon his return home, Xiao Xiao unexpectedly spat blood and lost consciousness, with his bones rendered as soft as cotton. It is undoubtedly the Melting Bone Palm... I surmise that these insolent young nobles secretly carried out the assault..."

At this point in the letter, the black-bearded general's anger couldn't be contained any longer, and he erupted, "Curse those political sycophants! They contribute nothing but chaos wherever they tread."

A wave of fury washed over the camp, each pair of eyes seething with indignation. "A bunch of wretches! While we are risking our lives on the front lines, they revel in leisure behind us. Fine, we can tolerate that. But they've crossed a line by targeting our families!"

"Damn them! How dare they inflict such harm on our young lord. When I return, I'll eradicate their entire clans!"

"Wretched cowards!"

"We're shedding our blood here! Countless comrades have fallen, far from their loved ones. These scoundrels enjoy the peace we've secured at the cost of our lives, yet they dare to torment our families!"

"They are a pack of vile creatures, worse than swine and mongrels!"

The generals vented their rage in vociferous unison.

Amid the uproar, concerned glances converged on the typically stoic Cha Nan-Tian. Their collective thoughts echoed, "The Great General has only one son. His son is the bedrock of his hopes. Now... his son lies on the precipice of death."

"Lord Commander, return home!"

"My lord, waste no time. Your young lord needs you urgently."

"Lord Commander!"

Cha Nan-Tian sighed heavily, his voice tinged with sorrow. "Throughout my entire life, I have carried a clear conscience, one that allows me to fearlessly face both heaven and earth. But there is one person I cannot face without regret—my wife. She has been imprisoned for my sake, for our son, and for our clan. I am a man, yet I cannot bear her suffering, nor can I secure her release. This is a source of profound shame."

"My son's life has been her sole concern. Consequently, he occupies the forefront of my heart. Having lost his mother since infancy, I have spared no effort in raising him. That's why I would sacrifice anything for my son. It is the root cause of our present predicament."

"If I cannot protect my Xiao Xiao," ChaNan-Tian continued, his tone growing cold, "then I do not believe I deserve to inhabit this world any longer."

He turned away from the assembly, directing his gaze at the sword adorning the wall. Gently, he reached out, and the sword and scabbard were soon within his grasp.

"Country..." Cha Nan-Tian's voice trembled with pain as he uttered, "Where there is my country, there could be my home. Where my home exists is my country. Country and home, which one is more important? My home has been shattered. Who will come to my aid?"

"Selfish? Perhaps, I am selfish," he continued, his words laden with the weight of his anguish. "But I am just a person made of flesh and blood. I am a husband and a father. I have to return. It may tarnish my name in the annals of history, but that is a concern for another day."

With his back turned to them, Cha Nan-Tian addressed his comrades in a subdued tone, "Please, my brothers, continue the fight here. My thoughts are scattered, and I cannot conjure any sound strategies. If my son perishes, I will not return."

His gaze remained frigid as he gazed into the empty expanse. "If my son meets an untimely end, I shall bring vengeance upon many in the capital. Perhaps then, I will return to fight alongside you all, as long as my son remains unharmed. I am not a hero, incapable of selflessness. I apologize, my brothers."

Once he had spoken, Cha Nan-Tian's form flickered and vanished into thin air. A brilliant and expansive streak of swordlight momentarily illuminated the sky before fading away. The profound killing intent that had enshrouded the grassland dissipated swiftly, trailing southward.

Cha Nan-Tian had departed alone, without a single trusted guard by his side. The generals who remained in the camp exchanged wordless glances.

Their northern leader had disappeared.

It was the black-bearded general who eventually broke the silence, his voice resolute, "How can we stand idle while our beloved commander's family faces such calamity! The 300 Blood Guards, heed my command! Swiftly return to the capital and stand by the Great General's side. Execute his orders without hesitation!"

"Yes, sir!" The 300 guards chorused in unison outside the camp.

The 300 Blood Guards were Cha Nan-Tian's most elite protective force, capable of infiltrating and exiting enemy lines unscathed. They constituted the northern army's finest warriors. While they had been stationed to bolster the ongoing battle, the black-bearded general's directive sent these formidable soldiers racing towards the capital.

In the next instant, a spirited voice rang out, "Brothers, follow me! To the capital, for our commander!"

In a matter of moments, the camp's tranquility was disrupted by the resounding cadence of horse hooves approaching from the outside. The 300 Blood Guards, a fiercely loyal unit under Cha Nan-Tian's command, departed in haste, creating a billowing cloud of dust in their wake.

Their southward march resembled a formidable Chinese dragon, sinuous and powerful, surging across the terrain. As they watched the distant flurry of dust, the remaining generals in the camp couldn't help but feel a sense of despondency.

"If the young lord doesn't make it... I fear the commander will indeed descend upon the capital with vengeance," one of them voiced with concern.

Another responded with a dismissive snort, "Let him wipe it clean! Those scoundrels deserve nothing less! My only worry is for the commander... I wonder if he'll ever return to the north."

A collective sigh swept through the group.

The black-bearded general weighed in somberly, "You might not be aware... but the commander, he was never of this world. He hails from the upper realm, high above the skies. The reason he remains here, guarding the north, is due to a debt he owes the king—because the king saved his son. If, by some tragic chance, the young lord doesn't survive, there will be nothing tethering him to this world... What reason would he have to return to the north?"

Their spirits sank further at this realization.

It signaled that their last moments with their beloved commander had likely passed.

"I've often heard tales of heroes who prioritize their nation over their own kin," a young general mused, letting out a wistful sigh. "The hero's parents may be on their deathbed, and yet, they persist in the throes of war, concealing their tears. It's become quite the touching narrative... I had thought our commander might be akin to such heroes."

"Balderdash!" another man interjected angrily. "That man didn't even go back home to see his parents when they were on their deathbeds! It makes him the vilest of beasts! And a touching story, you say? If you dare to utter that again, I'll pummel you into oblivion!"

A third general added with disdain, "It's merely a story, after all. Allow me to pose a question. We fight diligently here, but for what purpose? Undoubtedly, it's to safeguard our nation. Yet if, after dedicating your entire life to the military, you can't even secure a single silver coin, would you still stay? Would you? Of course not. But why is that? Aren't we here to defend our country? Then what's wrong with earning a bit of silver along the way?"

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