The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 170

Chapter 170: Complicated

Chapter 170: Complicated

Complicated . . .

Cha-Eun Xiao moved with the swiftness of lightning, darting past Song Jue with a deliberate wink before leaving him in his wake. His sword danced through the air, and in a series of rapid flashes, several more assassins crumpled to the ground, blood staining the floor.

Song Jue, initially taken aback by Cha-Eun Xiao's sudden appearance, soon recognized the signature move. "What the hell!" he exclaimed, remembering Cha-Eun Xiao's distinctive blink.

Cloaked in black, Cha-Eun Xiao surged into the fray like a fearsome predator among a herd of sheep. Wherever his sword struck, crimson arcs erupted like rainfall. In a matter of moments, more than a dozen assassins lay lifeless at his feet.

The assassins stood dumbfounded by the unexpected turn of events. Mistaking Cha-Eun Xiao, disguised as Liu Chang-Jun, for a powerful ally, they had dropped their guard and failed to react before he plunged into their midst. Only when their comrades' heads rolled did they comprehend their dire mistake.

Dozens of their brethren had fallen before they could even grasp what had occurred. Those who remained scrambled to defend themselves, but their losses had already dealt a heavy blow, rendering them ill-prepared for counterattack.

Surveying the carnage, Cha-Eun Xiao was confident of his impending victory. Swiftly, he swung his sword, evading the encroaching threat. With a sudden burst of speed, he leapt towards the wall and vanished, employing the One Laughter in Skyline technique to obscure his whereabouts.

The mysterious disappearance of the black-clad assailant left the remaining assassins bewildered, unable to fathom how he had managed to evade them after slaughtering their comrades.

Nevertheless, Cha-Eun Xiao's absence failed to alleviate the mounting pressure on the assassin's group. Superior cultivators from the Royal House, led by Song Jue, launched a relentless assault, while the sound of approaching cavalry from outside intensified.

Amidst the chaos, a piercing whistle reverberated through the air, prompting the assassins to pivot and attempt a hasty retreat. However, their escape was thwarted as they encountered House of Cha soldiers who had rushed to assist. A handful of superior cultivators managed to break free, but the majority found themselves encircled by the soldiers, meeting their demise.

The superior cultivators from the Royal House, undeterred by the death toll, followed Song Jue as they made their way to Cha-Eun Xiao's room. In this tumultuous night, Cha-Eun Xiao's safety stood as the paramount concern, eclipsing all other considerations.

The stakes were high; the fate of those who had attempted to assassinate Cha-Eun Xiao hinged on his survival. If Cha-Eun Xiao were to meet his demise, no matter how many assassins they had dispatched, they would undoubtedly face a death sentence.

Among those involved, Song Jue was the only one privy to Cha-Eun Xiao's true condition. He harbored no concerns regarding Cha-Eun Xiao's well-being; his anxiety centered on whether Cha-Eun Xiao would successfully return to his room in time. If Cha-Eun Xiao were to be discovered feigning his ailment, it would precipitate a colossal crisis, for deceiving the monarch amounted to high treason.

Leading the way, Song Jue cautiously pushed open the door, revealing the room in disarray. Fortunately, Cha-Eun Xiao lay in bed, pale and appearing on the brink of death, just as they had left him. A collective sigh of relief emanated from the onlookers.

Song Jue's relief stemmed from Cha-Eun Xiao's timely return to bed. The others, on the other hand, were overjoyed to find Cha-Eun Xiao alive. Song Jue, however, couldn't help but wonder about the young man's impressive display of martial prowess. Reflecting on Cha-Eun Xiao's agile and skillful execution of flying martial arts, Song Jue mused, [How did the lad master that so quickly? His performance was nothing short of remarkable, even rivaling my prime.]

"Thank the heavens," some of the royal guards muttered, wiping sweat from their brows. Cha-Eun Xiao's survival was a positive outcome, sparing them the king's wrath.

Nevertheless, an enigma lingered. The guards exchanged puzzled glances and discussed the mysterious black-clad figure who had intervened on their behalf. This stranger had donned attire identical to the assassins, and they seemed to share an unspoken bond. Yet, paradoxically, he had come to their aid and, upon departure, executed a perplexing and awe-inspiring feat of flying martial arts.

Perplexed by the stranger's identity and actions, one of the guards voiced the collective curiosity, "Who was that black-clad individual? He dressed like the assassins, and they seemed to recognize him, but he aided us. When he departed, he executed a remarkable display of flying martial arts that left us baffled. We couldn't comprehend how he vanished so swiftly."

Song Jue, maintaining his act as an astute observer, responded with apparent nonchalance, "I have no idea. How could I possibly know? Whom would I ask?"

The guards exchanged more bewildered glances, pondering the irony that Song Jue, as the master of the house, should logically possess the answers they sought.

With their inquiries left unanswered, the royal cultivators resumed their positions, resolute in guarding the House of Cha. Cha-Eun Xiao lay motionless in his bed, giving the appearance of a lifeless soul. Song Jue, however, remained vigilant, his unwavering gaze fixed upon the bedridden youth.

Unbeknownst to them, another clandestine battle had unfolded within the house. Eight shadowy figures in black had remained hidden, poised to follow Cha-Eun Xiao's trail. However, their pursuit was abruptly halted by a fellow black-clad warrior who had materialized out of the shadows. This newcomer, formidable and exceptionally skilled with a blade, had effortlessly thwarted their advance and subsequently disappeared.

The eight thwarted assassins seethed with anger, recognizing their assailant as none other than Ning Bi-Luo, the world's preeminent assassin. His distinct cyan swordplay left no room for doubt.

Frustration colored their voices as one of them vented, "You wretch, Ning Bi-Luo!" The name was uttered with seething resentment. "We were tasked with protecting Cha-Eun Xiao according to our master's orders. We had not even begun to act when you intervened. And it was none other than the world's top assassin who obstructed us."

Their predicament weighed heavily on them as they contemplated how to explain this unexpected turn of events to their enigmatic employer.

Their mood was somber as they retreated into the shadows, a sense of dissatisfaction lingering among them. After a moment of silence, one of them voiced his frustration, "That was humiliating. I can't believe we were halted like that. It's the most embarrassing situation I've ever encountered."

Another member of their group chimed in, puzzled by their master's insistence on saving Cha-Eun Xiao, a seemingly inconsequential figure in their grand scheme. "What's the Master's reason for protecting Cha-Eun Xiao? He's of no importance to us..."

The discussion continued as they disappeared into the shroud of the night, their questions lingering. They were unaware that, hidden within the darkness, Ning Bi-Luo had observed their departure. A smile graced his lips momentarily before he vanished into obscurity once more.

As the foremost assassin in the Land of Han-Yang, Ning Bi-Luo had received orders early on. His mission was clear—not to eliminate Cha-Eun Xiao, but to safeguard him. The debt of gratitude from their prior encounter weighed heavily on Ning Bi-Luo's mind, compelling him to reciprocate the favor.

"I may not follow your lead, but I owe you for saving me that day. If you ever need assistance, I will be there," Ning Bi-Luo mused, his presence concealed. "If not, then no one will ever know I was here." josei

Unbeknownst to him, another contingent of soldiers had taken up guard duty at Cha-Eun Xiao's residence, fortifying the security measures.

Meanwhile, under the watchful gaze of Song Jue, Cha-Eun Xiao abruptly opened his eyes, twisting his lips into a wry smile. Song Jue leaned closer, his expression one of bewilderment. "What's wrong?"

"Hmm," Cha-Eun Xiao replied with a nod.

Song Jue peered under the bed, discovering an unconscious, naked man. Shocked, he exclaimed, "What on earth is this?"

"An assassin," Cha-Eun Xiao replied calmly. "He's likely their leader. I was wearing his attire earlier."

Song Jue couldn't believe what he was hearing. [My nephew is certainly a unique character.] He proceeded to slap the unconscious man, who groggily regained consciousness, realizing the mission had failed.

With a despondent tone, the assassin murmured, "Kill me."

Cha-Eun Xiao's response was eerily calm. "Oh, you want to die? You should know that begging for death is often the most challenging path."

The answer left Song Jue feeling uneasy. [This man is already pleading for death, how could it be a fortunate thing?]

Cha-Eun Xiao continued his inquiry, his voice gentle but probing. "Who sent you here?"

The question had gnawed at him since the events unfolded. The assassination had been hastily organized, yet the mastermind had managed to assemble a significant number of assassins. Cha-Eun Xiao was certain they hailed from different organizations despite their identical attire, suggesting a formidable orchestrator behind the scenes.

This powerful and elusive enemy represented a lethal threat, one that Cha-Eun Xiao preferred to avoid confronting.

"I don't know," Liu Chang-Jun admitted, still dazed. He struggled to reconcile his decades of notoriety and experience with his humiliating failure at the hands of a teenage boy. The situation felt surreal to him, and the reality of his powerlessness weighed heavily on his mind.

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