The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 184

Chapter 184: Three Kinds Of Supreme Dan

Chapter 184: Three Kinds Of Supreme Dan

Three Kinds Of Supreme Dan . . .

As the tiger token and dragon token rested securely within Cha Nan-Tian's grasp, an unsettling sense of temporal and spatial disarray washed over the assembled officials. The weight of these iconic symbols of authority had shifted into the hands of a man whose actions had consistently defied conventional expectations.

The king, however, was resolute. He announced plans for a grand ceremony on the following noon to publicly bestow these tokens, a gesture intended to broadcast his decision to the world.

Yet, Cha Nan-Tian was quick to interject with a pragmatic counterargument. "We would be wise not to reveal our intentions," he cautioned.

Perplexed, the king inquired, "And why is that?"

"In doing so, we risk alerting our enemies prematurely," Cha Nan-Tian explained. "The wolf forces have mobilized with unprecedented aggression. This presents an exceptional opportunity to neutralize them. However, if they become aware of my imminent command, circumstances may shift. Should they retreat to the boundless grasslands, they will revert to a concealed threat, as they were in times of old."

The king weighed this counsel thoughtfully. The officials shared a conflicted sentiment; their yearning for Cha Nan-Tian to deliver the kingdom from peril was counterbalanced by their apprehension that the man they entrusted with their salvation might inadvertently plunge them into a new abyss of uncertainty.

Furrowed brows and heavy hearts pervaded the assembly. Unbeknownst to them, a subtle exchange passed between the king and Cha Nan-Tian, a tacit understanding that remained concealed beneath their gaze.

The king, both relieved and anxious, finally spoke with a plea in his voice. "General Cha, the destiny of our kingdom now rests squarely upon your shoulders. I pray that you shall not falter. Please, rescue our realm from the brink of catastrophe."

The monarch's words brimmed with hope and expectation, articulating the profound gravity of the situation.

Cha Nan-Tian's response echoed through the chamber, imbued with unwavering resolve. "Fear not, Your Highness. The Kingdom of Chen shall endure for eternity."


That night, the five renowned tiger generals, responsible for leading half of the northern army and currently on leave, gathered in Cha Nan-Tian's residence.

In the latter half of that fateful night, unbeknownst to the realm at large, the three capital gates of the Kingdom of Chen stealthily creaked open. Several divisions departed from the city in silence.

One contingent advanced westward through the western gate.

Another proceeded eastward via the eastern gate.

A third force journeyed southward.

Upon reaching their respective pre-designated encampments near the city gates, orders were issued, and the troops promptly embarked on their journeys. These marching formations, akin to dragons in flight, swiftly advanced toward their undisclosed destinations, akin to arrows hurtling through the night.

The vacant encampments, though eerily quiet, appeared outwardly undisturbed. For an extended period following that eventful night, wisps of smoke continued to rise from these encampments, deceiving onlookers as if the soldiers within were merely engaged in routine cooking and maintenance. Flags continued to flutter resolutely in the breeze.

Few were privy to the revelation that these encampments had been emptied. Only a select handful were aware, while others remained oblivious to the audacious strategy unfolding before their eyes.

Amidst this covert commotion, Cha Nan-Tian stood atop a city wall, gazing silently to the south. His eyes harbored a multitude of thoughts and intentions, concealed beneath a veil of quiet determination.

"The east and the west remain secure, at least for the moment. It's the pressure from the south that's become utterly overwhelming. I hope Brother Su can withstand it..." Cha Nan-Tian's brows furrowed, his gaze penetrating the shroud of night's darkness as if it held the power to peer directly into the northern battlefield.

"Brother Su, I ask for just three more months! Please hold the line!" he whispered with fervent determination.

In the next heartbeat, he descended from the city wall, mounted his steed, and set off for the Cha Clan residence. The thunderous hoofbeats of his horse shattered the tranquility of the kingdom's nocturnal silence. His hair and garments danced in the night breeze.

"If all goes according to plan, this should be the final battle I wage for the Kingdom of Chen. Following this campaign, the north will enjoy lasting peace, and perhaps the entire realm will follow suit. It's time to bring Cha-Eun Xiao and Song Jue back to the Qing-Yun Realm."

"I shall reclaim what was lost, rescue the woman I love, and claim what is rightfully mine!"

"Wait for me!"


The news of the Great General's son's potential recovery spread relief throughout the kingdom. During the period when General Cha Nan-Tian was engrossed in caring for his ailing son, he had uttered a declaration that was both audacious and mad: "If my son dies, I will raze this entire city to the ground."

Such an assertion, immoderate and unhinged, seemed to defy the honor of the entire royal clan. However, the chilling truth was that Cha Nan-Tian possessed the might to back up his words. It was an acknowledgment, a statement of fact.


"It's a stroke of luck that Cha Eun Xiao survived. General Cha Nan-Tian saved him. That man is immensely powerful, capable of even healing a wound from the Melting Bone Palm. It's a terrifying strength. We're fortunate he's on our side; otherwise..." In the Crown Prince's Palace, Guan Zheng-Wen shuddered at the mere thought. While he dared not utter such sentiments to the Crown Prince directly, he had been grumbling privately.

Throughout the days when Cha Nan-Tian remained in the city, Guan Zheng-Wen hardly slept. Anxiety gnawed at his consciousness. He understood that, were Cha Nan-Tian to set his sights on him, his life could be extinguished with a mere few blows. Yet, while Cha Eun Xiao yet drew breath, a glimmer of hope remained. Guan Zheng-Wen couldn't help but feel fortunate.

However, what if Cha Nan-Tian uncovered the truth? Should he decide to investigate, there would be no escape for Guan Zheng-Wen. It was no simple matter to inflict such a wound upon Cha Eun Xiao. Only individuals of Grade of Tianyuan's middle ranks or higher possessed such capability. And in the vast Land of Han-Yang, there existed but a scant few individuals of that caliber.

"If the truth were to be unveiled, what recourse would I have? It's a tenuous belief that things still favor my side. Would Cha Nan-Tian share this perspective? If he were to seek retribution, it would no longer be a question of whether things stand in my favor or not. It would be a matter of how I should meet my demise... It would dictate the fate of my entire clan..."

Such contemplations sent shivers down Guan Zheng-Wen's spine, causing cold sweat to bead upon his skin. He had dreamt, during those harrowing nights, of Cha Nan-Tian inexorably advancing upon his residence. He awoke drenched in sweat, and the mere notion of such a possibility left him trembling with dread, even though he knew it was but a nightmare.

In truth, Guan Zheng-Wen had only ever caught a glimpse of Cha Nan-Tian from a distance. That one encounter had etched a profound sense of dread into his soul—a horror that lingered long after. josei

It marked the first time Guan Zheng-Wen had beheld a man of such awe-inspiring terror. He'd once held the belief that power and wealth were fleeting illusions, mere ephemeral wisps in the grand tapestry of existence. But now, he understood that there existed a rare breed of individuals, those so uniquely formidable that they were beyond reckoning.

Even the Crown Prince shared in Guan Zheng-Wen's sense of relief. He remarked, "Indeed, this turn of events is most fortunate. I never imagined that Cha Nan-Tian possessed such formidable abilities... He managed to cure a man who had been condemned to death by our royal physicians!"

Guan Zheng-Wen simply nodded, his words held captive by the weight of the situation.

"I truly had no inkling of Cha Nan-Tian's prowess," the Crown Prince admitted, his gaze fixed upon Guan Zheng-Wen. "Do not be surprised. He has always maintained a low profile, concealing the true extent of his capabilities. Moreover, he appears to share a special bond with my father. Neither I nor my brothers were aware that he had buried himself so deeply..."

Guan Zheng-Wen managed a bitter smile. "I can only hope that the truth remains forever concealed. Otherwise, General Cha's methods would prove unbearable for my frail, aging body. Your Highness..."

The Crown Prince offered a solemn promise, saying, "You need not fret. Only the heavens, the earth, you, and I are privy to this secret. No other soul shall ever be burdened with its knowledge. To reveal the truth would be to court certain death. We are allies in this endeavor."

Guan Zheng-Wen nodded in agreement, though his worries lingered.

"Tomorrow, I shall visit the Cha Clan once more," the Crown Prince declared. "I am determined to win that formidable figure over to my side."

Unbeknownst to the Crown Prince, the figure of the Crown Princess lingered behind a curtain, her expression one of deep disappointment, tinged with helplessness. The Mu Clan, once a preeminent powerhouse, now found itself relegated to a mere afterthought in the Crown Prince's vision.


While the Crown Prince and Guan Zheng-Wen held their conversation within the palace, another dialogue unfolded within the Cha Clan residence. It was a poignant exchange between Cha Nan-Tian and his son, Cha-Eun Xiao.

"Cha Nan-Tian held three jade bottles in his hands, each containing three precious dan beads: the Connecting Mai Dan, Bone Ablutionary Dan, and the Limit Breaking Dan. These nine supreme dan beads were a valuable treasure, even though they were only at the third or fourth level of quality, with limited efficacy.

As Cha Nan-Tian examined the dan beads, he couldn't help but wonder where his son, Cha-Eun Xiao, had obtained such rare treasures. These particular dan beads might not be considered exceptionally precious for Cha Nan-Tian, given his extensive knowledge, but the fact that they were all supreme dan beads held great significance. The appearance of three different kinds of supreme dan beads in one place was an extraordinary stroke of fortune, something that seemed more fitting for a dream or legend.

For Cha Nan-Tian, this moment made him feel as though his son had become an enigma to him. Everything felt surreal, especially as the supreme dan beads gleamed in his son's hands.

In response to his father's inquiry, Cha-Eun Xiao crafted a familiar lie. "Father, ordinarily, I would share any information you seek, but these dan beads were gifted to me by my secret master. He has forbidden me from revealing any details about him."

Cha Nan-Tian's piercing gaze locked onto his son. "Secret master," he mused, "I don't care about his identity. I only wish to know one thing: is he connected to the Cha Clan, the Qiong-Hua Palace, or is he simply a stranger?"

This unexpected line of questioning left Cha-Eun Xiao momentarily stunned.

"The Cha Clan? Qiong-Hua Palace?" he repeated to himself mentally.

After a moment's pause, he shook his head resolutely. "Absolutely not," he replied, maintaining the facade.

A sigh of relief escaped Cha Nan-Tian's lips as he spoke, "That's reassuring. I won't press you further about your master's identity. However, I am curious about your knowledge of the events from the past. How much do you know about those times?"

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