The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 211

Chapter 211: The Magical Prediction!

Chapter 211: The Magical Prediction!

The Magical Prediction! . . .

Cha-Eun Xiao's mind raced as he processed the horrifying revelation about the Misty Cloud Palace's recent history. He had not heard a single whisper about such a cataclysmic event in the Qing-Yun Realm.

Three years ago, he had been reveling in his own sense of control over the realm, manipulating circumstances to his advantage. Yet here was a colossal catastrophe that he had remained utterly oblivious to.

[If this is true, it's a staggering piece of news. I should have been aware of it if it actually happened!]

Bing Xin-Yue continued her somber account, describing the swift and devastating loss suffered by their sect during that cold current. The efforts of senior masters to identify the cause and forcibly move a potential source—what they believed to be a flying star—resulted in the tragic downfall of 365 Daoyuan cultivators.

Cha-Eun Xiao was stunned by this revelation. [365 Daoyuan cultivators, all rendered powerless just to eliminate the source of the cold current?!] The sheer scale of sacrifice was unfathomable.

He couldn't help but think of Master Bai, the guardian of the Heavenly Mystery. If he were privy to this information, he would undoubtedly harbor a seething anger toward the Misty Cloud Palace. It was an act that almost tore their sect apart.

Unbeknownst to either Cha-Eun Xiao or Bing Xin-Yue, three years ago had marked the completion of Master Bai's grand plan. A plan that neither they nor anyone in the Misty Cloud Palace were aware of. The sect's unwitting involvement in the scheme had nearly spelled their doom.

[The world can be an enigmatic and unpredictable place at times...]

Cha-Eun Xiao mused, realizing the profound chain of events that could be set in motion by seemingly inconsequential actions.

Bing Xin-Yue then went on to explain how the Misty Cloud Palace had spent generations scouring the Qing-Yun Realm for Regeneration Lotuses, seeds, or seedlings to bolster their power. Their renowned Renascence Saint Garden had offered them the ideal environment for nurturing these prized plants to higher levels. However, the accident had devastated their garden and made finding even a single Regeneration Lotus in the entire realm a daunting task.

"You mean that after the disaster in the Renascence Saint Garden, it became nearly impossible to find even one Regeneration Lotus in the entire Qing-Yun Realm?" Cha-Eun Xiao sought clarification, his eyes reflecting his understanding.

Bing Xin-Yue's face bore the weight of sadness as she nodded in agreement. "Indeed, after that fateful day, the Renascence Saint Garden was left in ruins. Otherwise, it wouldn't be this challenging to locate even a single Regeneration Lotus seed. Our current predicament lies not only in the rarity of these lotuses but also in the formidable challenge of cultivating and nurturing them."

Cha-Eun Xiao fell into a contemplative silence, grappling with thoughts he had never previously considered. The extent of the Misty Cloud Palace's efforts to collect these lotuses for thousands of years and monopolize their cultivation became clearer. They had essentially gathered all the Regeneration Lotuses, making them exceedingly scarce beyond the confines of their garden. However, a single incident had shattered everything they had worked towards for countless generations. josei

The irony was inescapable—it had taken just a single moment to undo the work of thousands of generations.

Bing Xin-Yue then delved into the secrecy surrounding the catastrophic event. She revealed that despite the devastating blow to their sect, they had chosen to remain silent. Their fear was that divulging such news would attract further calamity. If other sects became aware of their vulnerability, they would pounce without hesitation. Therefore, they kept the truth concealed and discreetly dispatched their lower-ranked disciples to their respective homes.

Cha-Eun Xiao began to comprehend the reason behind individuals like Wen-Ren Chu-Chu venturing into the Land of Han-Yang. Ordinarily, Chu-Chu might not have qualified to leave the sect and enter the martial world.

"It's clear why you did that. What I find puzzling is why you're revealing all this to me, given that it's a monumental secret crucial to your sect's survival," Cha-Eun Xiao queried with a hint of confusion.

"It's a simple matter, really," Bing Xin-Yue replied, her voice unwavering. "You possess both Yin and Yang power, as well as the thing you mentioned—the Purple Sky-Fire."

Cha-Eun Xiao was rendered utterly speechless this time. What had begun as a casual fabrication had now escalated into a profoundly serious situation, one that surpassed his wildest imaginings.

[Sometimes, it's best to avoid spinning tales.] Cha-Eun Xiao ruefully acknowledged the consequences of his storytelling.

During this part of the conversation, Bing Xin-Yue delved into the aftermath of the catastrophic event that had befallen the Misty Cloud Palace. She recounted how, following the calamity, the 365 Daoyuan cultivators, stripped of their abilities, had found an unexpected glimmer of hope amidst the despair. They gathered together, their minds in a state of profound clarity, and harnessed the last vestiges of their energy to peer into the future of their sect. What they foresaw was a road illuminated with hope.

"The outcome of their prediction was..." Bing Xin-Yue's unwavering gaze remained fixed on Cha-Eun Xiao, her eyes intense, devoid of even a hint of a blink.

As Cha-Eun Xiao faced those intense, unwavering eyes, a shiver ran down his spine, and an unsettling coldness washed over him. The words that followed only intensified his unease.

"...'At the initial time of the universe, the purple qi rises in the east. A Monarch holds his sword with the two extreme elements on his body. He demands the realms and he controls the slaughters in the martial world. It is the renascence of the misty cloud, and it will be shining long in history'..."

For a moment, Cha-Eun Xiao's world seemed to tilt on its axis. The words he had just heard felt like an unspoken prophecy, and they pointed directly at him.

[Purple qi from the east? Two elements? Monarch? His sword?]

The implications left Cha-Eun Xiao shaken to his core.

[Is this some sort of elaborate ruse? Could anyone else in the entire universe fit these criteria better than me? It's like they're placing me on a platter!]

Bing Xin-Yue continued to fix him with her intense gaze, unwavering in her scrutiny. Cha-Eun Xiao felt the weight of her stare, and it left him feeling utterly vulnerable and exposed.

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